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À l’intérieur du Spice Island Beach Resort de Grenade, la retraite tout compris qui a autrefois accueilli le prince Harry



À l’intérieur du Spice Island Beach Resort de Grenade, la retraite tout compris qui a autrefois accueilli le prince Harry
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La Grenade est une petite île qui a du punch, en partie grâce à des lieux de séjour époustouflants tels que le Spice Island Beach Resort.

Cet hôtel tout compris de luxe primé est en pole position sur le sable crème pâle du côté sud plus calme de la célèbre plage de Grand Anse.

Familial et géré par une famille, il dispose d’un total de 64 suites – certaines avec piscines privées et d’autres en bord de mer – et un charmant bâtiment central blanchi à la chaux avec deux restaurants avec vue sur la plage, des boutiques, un bar en marbre et huit immaculés – terrain d’un acre.

Il a une de ces entrées discrètes à travers une jolie cour qui mène à une vue à couper le souffle sur l’océan azur.

Après un vol de 11 heures, ma femme et moi avons été ravis de nous enfoncer dans un canapé crème doux à la réception et de simplement regarder – le véritable accueil chaleureux, des serviettes fraîches, un cocktail signature d’oseille avec du vin mousseux frais et un personnel efficace combinés pour en faire le l’enregistrement à l’hôtel le plus relaxant que j’ai eu depuis des années.

À l’intérieur du Spice Island Beach Resort de Grenade, la retraite tout compris qui a autrefois accueilli le prince Harry

Ian Walker s’est enregistré au Spice Island Beach Resort, situé du côté sud de la célèbre plage de Grand Anse à Grenade

Nous avons été escortés devant ce qui allait devenir notre endroit préféré pour le déjeuner tardif au restaurant informel Sea and Surf Terrace, avec un bar très cool d’un côté et une vue imprenable sur la plage de l’autre. Au bout du bar se trouvait la piscine principale de l’hôtel, avec un bain à remous, et quelques mètres plus loin se trouvait l’entrée de notre suite Royal Ginger.

Un instantané du prince Harry souriant tout en pointant la plaque signalétique lors d’une visite en 2016, avant le Megxit, présenté dans son récent documentaire Netflix. Il a en fait séjourné dans une suite différente, mais celle-ci s’est avérée plus que suffisante pour nous. Une porte dans le mur blanchi à la chaux s’ouvrait sur un patio, un bassin profond, une terrasse et étonnamment une cabine de sauna en bois de cèdre.

La Grenade a acquis son surnom d’«île aux épices» en raison de son industrie de la noix de muscade. C’est le deuxième exportateur mondial de noix de muscade, derrière l’Indonésie, et cultive également des clous de girofle, de la cannelle, des agrumes, des bananes et du cacao. Il y a une longue tradition de production de rhum sur l’île qui remonte aux années 1700 et il y a encore trois distilleries sur l’île, un fait qui nous a été rappelé lorsque nous sommes entrés dans la suite.

Le mini-bar du salon comprenait des miniatures de tous les types de rhum imaginables – rhum à l’oseille (fabriqué à partir des sépales rouges des plantes Hibiscus), rhum mojito, rhum aux fruits de la passion, rhum blanc, rhum brun, ainsi que des bouteilles pleine grandeur.

Le prince Harry - photographié sur la plage de Grand Anse - a séjourné au Spice Island Beach Resort en 2016, révèle Ian

Le prince Harry – photographié sur la plage de Grand Anse – a séjourné au Spice Island Beach Resort en 2016, révèle Ian

“Spice Island Beach Resort possède l’une de ces entrées discrètes à travers une jolie cour qui mène à une vue à couper le souffle sur l’océan azur”, écrit Ian

Certains rhums de Grenade contiennent plus de 70 % d’alcool, mais il n’y avait rien d’aussi puissant dans notre chambre. Cependant, un punch au rhum que nous avons essayé au coucher du soleil était si fort qu’il nous a laissé sans voix. La serveuse a trouvé ça hilarant et nous a dit qu’il y avait un groupe de visiteurs réguliers qui aimaient en avoir quelques tours à 11h!

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Ce sont les petites gentillesses et la manière de service qui distinguent cet endroit et c’est sans aucun doute la raison pour laquelle il remporte chaque année de nombreux prix de l’industrie et est l’un des favoris de Tripadvisor.

Les équipements de la chambre comprenaient une télévision à écran plat, une machine à café, une théière, un grille-pain, un appareil Alexa – ma femme s’est assurée que sa liste de lecture était répétée en permanence – et un téléphone portable préprogrammé avec le numéro de l’hôtel pour que les clients puissent faire du local appels pendant que vous êtes sur l’île.

La chambre avait une télévision à écran plat encore plus grande, un lit king-size en bois dur extrêmement confortable et une belle salle de bains en marbre – avec deux lavabos, une grande baignoire / douche et un dressing – contenant tous les équipements Molton Brown imaginables.

Le niveau de soin et d’attention aux détails que nous avons reçus dans les 20 premières minutes de notre arrivée s’est avéré être loin d’être unique. Lorsque nous sommes sortis après l’excitation d’essayer le bain, le sauna et le bassin profond, le personnel nous a accueillis par notre nom et avait une ouverture et une chaleur authentique difficiles à simuler. Ce sont les petites gentillesses et la manière de service qui distinguent cet endroit et c’est sans aucun doute la raison pour laquelle il remporte chaque année de nombreux prix de l’industrie et est l’un des favoris de Tripadvisor.

Nous avons mentionné à un serveur qui apportait des hors-d’œuvre quotidiens avant le dîner que nous buvions du thé et du café avec du lait et que chaque jour une cruche de lait fraîche était livrée. Des cappuccinos pour le petit-déjeuner ont été versés dans des gobelets en papier compostables que nous pouvions emporter sur la plage et une serveuse joyeuse a réalisé quelle table nous aimions pour les déjeuners tardifs sur la terrasse et l’avait toujours prête pour nous.

Dans la soirée, le restaurant d’Oliver a servi des dîners ambitieux à cinq plats avec une soupe épicée de banane plantain ou de mangue réfrigérée, du poisson frais, des nettoyants pour le palais au sorbet au vin blanc et une exquise tarte au chocolat grenadine. Mais vous pouvez également sortir du menu et demander quelque chose de moins sophistiqué. Il y avait un code vestimentaire pour le dîner, élégant pour les femmes, des pantalons longs pour les hommes, pas de moins de cinq ans et certainement pas de pieds nus dans les deux restaurants, même si l’ambiance était toujours très détendue.

Le complexe dispose d'un total de 64 suites, certaines avec piscine privée et d'autres en bord de plage.

Le complexe dispose d’un total de 64 suites, certaines avec piscine privée et d’autres en bord de plage.

Le petit-déjeuner était un buffet somptueux et un menu à la carte, et comme pour le dîner, il y avait beaucoup de produits locaux, souvent du potager bien entretenu de l’hôtel.

Ce festin a incité ma femme à essayer les séances de yoga avant le petit-déjeuner à 7 heures du matin sur le magnifique pavillon de la plage, qui valent le détour rien que pour la vue. Elle est revenue pleine d’entrain et de vigueur, tandis que j’ai passé un moment plus relaxant à travailler sur la machine à café.

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Les autres activités proposées incluent le tennis et le cyclisme, tandis que les green fees sont inclus au club de golf de neuf trous Grenada. Et le club pour enfants Nutmeg Pod offre une pause aux parents fatigués.

Il y a aussi l’attrait du spa Janissa, une oasis gracieuse et apaisante où nous nous sommes livrés à un «massage signature» offert par Rosetta et Rosa, qui étaient maîtres dans leur art. L’élégante boutique Gatsby, quant à elle, propose une belle collection de vêtements de villégiature et malgré l’emplacement en bord de mer de la station, à seulement cinq minutes à pied se trouve le plus grand centre commercial de l’île.

La présidente et directrice générale de Spice Island Beach Resort, Janelle Hopkin, attribue une grande partie du succès de l’hôtel à la vision de son défunt père, le légendaire hôtelier caribéen Sir Royston Hopkin.

Il a créé un hôtel de luxe en bord de mer dans un emplacement parfait.

En 1969, Sir Royston et un groupe d’investisseurs ont acheté le Spice Island Inn de 20 chambres. Ils ont rénové et agrandi et en 1989, Sir Royston a acheté la propriété et a commencé sa transformation en la magnifique station balnéaire qu’il avait toujours envisagée.

Sur la photo ci-dessus, la suite Ginger dans laquelle Ian et sa femme ont séjourné

Sur la photo ci-dessus, la suite Ginger dans laquelle Ian et sa femme ont séjourné

La suite Ginger (ci-dessus) comprend un patio, un bassin profond, une terrasse et une cabine de sauna en bois de cèdre

La suite Ginger (ci-dessus) comprend un patio, un bassin profond, une terrasse et une cabine de sauna en bois de cèdre

Mme Hopkin a pris la barre après la mort de son père pendant la pandémie en 2020 et admet que le voyage a été difficile. L’hôtel a dû fermer et le personnel a été licencié. Il y a même eu des offres d’achat de l’hôtel, mais elle explique qu’elle n’a jamais envisagé de vendre car l’entreprise est dans son sang.

Alors qu’ils étaient fermés, elle a pris la décision audacieuse de se lancer dans un projet de rénovation de plusieurs millions de dollars qui a abouti à 34 superbes suites avec vue sur l’océan avec des intérieurs en bois blond, crème et aqua, des couchages flexibles, de grandes douches et des patios et hamacs au bord de la plage. Elle salue le personnel par son nom et rend continuellement hommage à sa contribution au maintien des normes élevées de la station.

Venant de terminer sa première année complète avec l’ouverture de l’hôtel, l’impressionnante Mme Hopkin est optimiste pour l’avenir, commentant que “2022 était notre première année complète d’exploitation après ce qui semblait être une éternité”.

Elle a ajouté: “Je pense que 2023 présentera plus d’opportunités de croissance pour nous et pour tous les autres.”

Il y avait certainement un buzz sur l’île lorsque nous y étions en décembre, avec un aéroport très fréquenté et des bateaux de croisière accostant régulièrement dans le port.

La plupart des visiteurs ne voient que les hôtels, les boutiques et les restaurants en bord de mer, mais comme nous l’avons découvert, cela vaut la peine de prendre le temps de voir un côté de l’île qui fait rarement les brochures de vacances.

À seulement 21 miles (34 km) de long et avec une population d’environ 100 000 habitants, la Grenade possède des forêts tropicales luxuriantes, des cascades spectaculaires et un sol fertile.

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Nous avons pu voir le paysage spectaculaire de première main lors d’une excursion d’une demi-journée avec le guide professionnel Mandoo, un homme avec une connaissance si infinie de l’île qu’il doit être plus âgé qu’il n’en a l’air.

Il guide habilement son minibus blanc dans les rues étroites où les vendeurs du marché et les touristes de la capitale, St George’s, se pressent dans les ruelles sinueuses de maisons peintes de couleurs vives, puis nous emmènent dans les régions de la forêt tropicale vers les spectaculaires chutes de Concord.

La chute d’eau principale plonge à 20 m dans une piscine en contrebas où vous pourrez vous rafraîchir. Et les hommes locaux sautent souvent des chutes pour un petit pourboire des touristes.

La visite de l'île par Ian comprend une promenade dans les rues sinueuses de la capitale, St. George's (ci-dessus)

La visite de l’île par Ian comprend une promenade dans les rues sinueuses de la capitale, St. George’s (ci-dessus)


Abercrombie & Kent (; 03301 734 712) propose un séjour de sept nuits au Spice Island Beach Resort à partir de 4 999 £ par personne sur la base de deux personnes partageant une suite avec piscine Anthurium. L’offre comprend les vols internationaux, les transferts privés et l’hébergement en formule tout compris. Visitez

La zone environnante est typique de l’intérieur luxuriant de l’île.

De petites fermes sont disséminées sur les pentes abruptes sur des terres apparemment impossibles à travailler, mais d’une manière ou d’une autre, les rangées d’arbres fruitiers et d’épices poussent et sont récoltées.

Nous nous arrêtons à intervalles réguliers pendant que Mandoo casse un régime de minuscules bananes sucrées ici, une noix de muscade là et pointe à plusieurs reprises des pancartes d’agriculteurs lançant de terribles avertissements de démembrement et pire aux gens qui cueillent leurs fruits !

“Ça va”, sourit Mandoo. « J’ai leur permission.

L’ouragan Ivan en 2004, suivi de l’ouragan Emily l’année suivante, a décimé les cultures et les infrastructures. Il y a encore des routes qui attendent d’être reconstruites, et il y a des zones de pauvreté, mais la résilience des agriculteurs est humiliante et l’optimisme et la détermination naturels des insulaires ont vu la lente reprise de la production de noix de muscade.

Le prochain arrêt est le parc national du Grand Etang, créé en 1992 et composé de plus de 3 800 acres, il comprend la réserve forestière de Grand Etang, qui a été créée en 1906.

Le nom du parc est le français pour “grand lac” et fait référence au magnifique lac de 20 pieds (6 m) de profondeur et de 36 acres formé dans le cratère d’un volcan éteint qui se trouve au cœur du parc national.

Les sommets du mont Qua Qua, du mont Granby et du morne Fédon s’y trouvent ainsi que des cascades, des sentiers de randonnée et bien d’autres espèces de faune et de flore insolites. Il y a un petit supplément pour entrer dans le centre d’accueil pittoresque, qui dispose d’une grande véranda pour admirer les eaux saphir fascinantes du lac.

Nous sommes revenus via le pittoresque port de St George à l’étreinte bienvenue de la station, mais reconnaissants d’avoir vu la beauté cachée de l’île et partagé la fierté et les espoirs de Mandoos pour son avenir.

Un petit panier souvenir des meilleures épices de la Grenade est offert à chaque client sortant du Spice Island Resort. Je regarde le contenu du mien avec un respect et une appréciation renouvelés.

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Revealed: The 32 long-haul destinations where Britons’ pounds will stretch the furthest and the least – and it’s Cape Town that offers the best value, and Sydney the WORST



Revealed: The 32 long-haul destinations where Britons’ pounds will stretch the furthest and the least – and it’s Cape Town that offers the best value, and Sydney the WORST
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When dreaming of bargain winter sun, most would look to the shores of South East Asia or the colourful cities of India.

But the South African city of Cape Town has been named as the best-value long-haul destination.

Cape Town beat the likes of Kenya, Egypt and Vietnam in Post Office Travel Money’s annual long-haul holiday costs barometer thanks to a weaker South African rand and a fall in local prices.

Surprisingly, Tokyo came second, followed by Hoi An in Vietnam, Bali in Indonesia and Mombasa in Kenya.

The report compared the cost of 10 typical tourist staples – including meals, drinks, sun cream and insect repellent – at 32 popular long-haul resorts and cities.


Cape Town beat the likes of Kenya, Egypt and Vietnam in Post Office Travel Money’s annual long-haul holiday costs barometer thanks to a weaker South African rand and a fall in local prices

Cape Town beat the likes of Kenya, Egypt and Vietnam in Post Office Travel Money’s annual long-haul holiday costs barometer thanks to a weaker South African rand and a fall in local prices

A three-course meal for two with a bottle of wine costs just £33.31 in Cape Town, while the typical price for a cup of filter coffee is £1.63 and bottle of local beer £1.81.

At the other end of the table, Sydney, Australia, was the most expensive city, with tourist staples costing nearly three times more for UK visitors than in Cape Town, with a three-course meal for two with a bottle of wine costing £117.

Sydney was revealed to be even more expensive than New York, which came 30th, while all four Australian cities surveyed (Cairns, Melbourne, Darwin) appeared in the 10 most expensive list.

Sydney, Australia, was the most expensive city, with tourist staples costing nearly three times more for UK visitors than in Cape Town

Sydney, Australia, was the most expensive city, with tourist staples costing nearly three times more for UK visitors than in Cape Town

Thankfully, a surge in sterling’s value against most long-haul currencies means that Britons planning winter sun holidays can expect to pay less than a year ago in over half of the destinations surveyed.

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Laura Plunkett, Head of Travel Money at Post Office, said: ‘Our research revealed wide variations in the cost of tourist staples across the 32 destinations we surveyed.

‘This means holidaymakers could save themselves a lot of money and make a big difference to the overall cost of their winter sun trip by doing some basic holiday homework before booking to find out where meals, drinks and other staples are going to cost the least.’

Cheap and cheerful: In Tokyo (second), the 10 tourist staples analysed for the study came to just £64.07

Cheap and cheerful: In Tokyo (second), the 10 tourist staples analysed for the study came to just £64.07

Laura Plunkett, Head of Travel Money at Post Office, said: ‘Our research revealed wide variations in the cost of tourist staples across the 32 destinations we surveyed.' Above - Hoi An, the third cheapest city

Laura Plunkett, Head of Travel Money at Post Office, said: ‘Our research revealed wide variations in the cost of tourist staples across the 32 destinations we surveyed.’ Above – Hoi An, the third cheapest city

In Sydney, the basket of tourist staples came to a wallet-emptying £164.92

In Sydney, the basket of tourist staples came to a wallet-emptying £164.92 

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Pelicot rape trial: press and public allowed to see video evidence



Pelicot rape trial: press and public allowed to see video evidence
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Pelicot rape trial: press and public allowed to see video evidence
A court judging a French man charged with recruiting dozens of men online to rape his sedated wife has ruled that the public and press could be present when video evidence is shown, reversing an earlier decision. Lawyers for the victim, Gisele Pelicot, hailed the ruling as a “victory”. 

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Doctors sound alarm about Thai dish that can cause cancer after ONE mouthful



Doctors sound alarm about Thai dish that can cause cancer after ONE mouthful
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Doctors are warning the 1million Americans who visit Thailand every year to avoid a local dish dubbed ‘the world’s deadliest meal.’

Koi pla is made of raw fish ground with spices and lime and ‘just one mouthful’ is enough to cause cancer.

The freshwater fish it is made from are at high risk of being contaminated with parasitic worms known as liver fluke.

Once in the body, these microscopic parasites cause inflammation that damages cells and leads to cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) bile duct cancer.

Boston-based food policy expert and Northeastern University professor, Dr Darin Detwiler, told ‘If the fish is harboring the parasite, any consumption of the raw meat can introduce the parasite into the body, leading to infection. 

‘It just takes one mouthful.’ 

Doctors sound alarm about Thai dish that can cause cancer after ONE mouthful

Koi pla, made of raw fish ground with spices and lime, is a favourite feast for parasites responsible for deadly liver cancer, doctors warn 

Over past decades, there have been extensive efforts to build awareness around the link to raw fish in a bid to curb rates. 

Other meals made from raw fish, such as pla som, pla jom and pla ra, can also trigger cancer, as they contain the same species of fish as koi pla. 

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But despite warnings, a 2023 study found that these dishes are still popular in the northeast part of Thailand, which thankfully is less touristy than the south.

The research, led by Yi-Chen Wang from the National University of Singapore, took surveys in three sub-districts – Ban Kaengt, Na Tan, and Non Phayom – across three provinces in the area. 

A total of 820 questionnaires were obtained, with 66 percent of respondents confirming that they eat raw fish despite knowing about the risks. 

Close to 70 percent of the participants held the correct understanding that eating raw fish could lead to parasitic infection. 

More than a quarter of the participants (28.3 percent) incorrectly believed that other raw foods, such as raw shrimp, raw beef, vegetable and fruit, were also the sources of liver fluke infection. 

One of the major causes of bile duct cancer, which kills 20,000 Thais each year, is a parasitic flatworm native to the Mekong region and found in freshwater fish

When quizzed about the best methods to kill the parasite, 10 percent of respondents incorrectly believed that it could be killed by adding other ingredients, such as vinegar, lime juice, alcohol, or red ants. 

The best way of killing liver fluke is to thoroughly cook the fish before consuming it. 

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Fish liver flukes are killed at an internal temperature of at least 145°F or you can freeze fish at -4°F for below for at least seven days. 

For consumers in regions outside Thailand, where raw freshwater fish is less common, the risk is much lower, but Dr. Detwiler told that it still exists with improper food handling.

He said on the matter: ‘This specific parasite (opisthorchis viverrini) is not common in the US. 

‘However, foodborne parasites from raw or undercooked fish are still a risk, including tapeworms and other flukes. 

‘The parasite that leads to liver cancer in Thailand is predominantly found in Southeast Asia, particularly in regions where raw freshwater fish dishes are popular.

The best way of killing liver fluke (pictured) is to thoroughly cook the fish before consuming it, or by freezing it

The best way of killing liver fluke (pictured) is to thoroughly cook the fish before consuming it, or by freezing it 

‘Cases of opisthorchis viverrini infection have been reported in the US – but they are rare. 

‘Infections in the US are typically “imported cases,” meaning the individuals acquired the infection abroad and then developed symptoms later. 

‘Cases are generally linked to individuals who have immigrated from or traveled to regions where the parasite is endemic, such as Southeast Asia. 

‘Specifically, the majority of these cases have been observed among refugees from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand, particularly in communities where the consumption of raw or undercooked freshwater fish is common.’

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Outside of Thailand, koi pla is not a popular dish and it is very rarely found on restaurant menus.  

The recent study calls for greater education around liver fluke and its prevalence in raw fish. 

It also highlights the need for effective disease control programs, and the researchers noticed that a resurgence of infection was common, once a program ceased. 

They add: ‘The success of a national health control program [in Thailand] greatly depends on community support to implement educational campaigns, promote public awareness, and facilitate individual behavior change.’

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Argentine prosecutors seek to dismiss rape charges against French rugby players



Argentine prosecutors seek to dismiss rape charges against French rugby players
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Argentine prosecutors seek to dismiss rape charges against French rugby players
The Argentine prosecutors investigating a case of aggravated rape brought against two French international rugby players recommended on Friday dismissing the case after “a series of inconsistencies and contradictions” in the accuser’s testimony were found. 

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Saracens star Alex Lozowski handed golden chance to end six-year international exile as he is named in England’s 36-man training camp squad



Saracens star Alex Lozowski handed golden chance to end six-year international exile as he is named in England’s 36-man training camp squad
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Saracens star Alex Lozowski handed golden chance to end six-year international exile as he is named in England’s 36-man training camp squad

Forwards: Fin Baxter (Harlequins), Ollie Chessum (Leicester), Dan Cole (Leicester), Alex Coles (Northampton), Luke Cowan-Dickie (Sale), Chandler Cunningham-South (Harlequins), Theo Dan (Saracens), Trevor Davison (Northampton), Ben Earl (Saracens), Greg Fisilau (Exeter), Ellis Genge (Bristol), Jamie George (Saracens), Maro Itoje (Saracens), Joe Marler (Harlequins), George Martin (Leicester), Tom Pearson (Northampton), Ethan Roots (Exeter), Will Stuart (Bath), Sam Underhill (Bath), Tom Willis (Saracens).

Backs: Oscar Beard (Harlequins), Elliot Daly (Saracens), Fraser Dingwall (Northampton), Immanuel Feyi-Waboso (Exeter), Tommy Freeman (Northampton), George Furbank (Northampton), Ollie Lawrence (Bath), Alex Lozowski (Saracens), Harry Randall (Bristol), Tom Roebuck (Sale), Ollie Sleightholme (Northampton), Fin Smith (Northampton), Marcus Smith (Harlequins), Ben Spencer (Bath), Freddie Steward (Leicester), Jack van Poortvliet (Leicester).

Rehabilitation: Henry Slade (Exeter), Alex Dombrandt (Harlequins), Luke Northmore (Harlequins).

Not considered for selection: Joe Cokanasiga (Bath), Ben Curry (Sale), Tom Curry (Sale), George Ford (Sale), Alex Mitchell (Northampton), Will Muir (Bath), Max Ojomoh (Bath), Raffi Quirke (Sale), Bevan Rodd (Sale).

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At least 70 killed in gang attack on Haitian town, UN says



At least 70 killed in gang attack on Haitian town, UN says
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At least 70 killed in gang attack on Haitian town, UN says
The death toll from a grisly attack Thursday on a small Haitian town by the heavily armed Gran Grif gang has risen to at least 70, the UN human rights office said Friday, adding that women and children were among those killed. 

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Revealed: The exact amount of sleep the average middle-aged woman gets – so, are you snoozing more or less than your peers?



Revealed: The exact amount of sleep the average middle-aged woman gets – so, are you snoozing more or less than your peers?
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Women aged between 40 and 60 get an average of just 6 hours and 36 minutes of sleep per night due to frequent insomnia and night sweats, a study shows.

A poll of 1,000 women in this age bracket reveals the harsh reality of menopause, with broken sleep and joint pain emerging as the two most prominent issues.

Surveyed women reported that they are affected by sleep difficulties and insomnia for an average of 10 days per month.

They said they regularly wake up between 3-4am, leading to severe levels of exhaustion and fatigue.

A fifth of women said the impact of sleep deprivation and other menopausal symptoms has strained relationships, leading to increased arguments with partners or colleagues.

The report also found women in this age group are managing just 6 hours and 36 minutes of sleep per night – below the NHS-recommended 8 hours.

This means that over two decades, exhausted women navigating the perimenopause and menopause could sleep 17.5 per cent less than recommended, losing the equivalent of 425 days of sleep over 20 years.

The worst-hit are women in their late fifties, averaging just 6 hours and 12 minutes of sleep per night, with one in five regularly getting just 5 hours.

Other common symptoms include feeling emotionally flat, pains in the joints, brain fog and irrational thinking.

The poll, commissioned by sleep-tech firm Simba, also showed that women regularly experience lower libido, general anxiety and heart palpitations during this stage of life.

Lisa Artis, deputy CEO at Simba’s charity partner The Sleep Charity, said: ‘Menopause isn’t just about the odd hot flash, it’s a rollercoaster of physical and mental symptoms.

‘While many people think of night sweats as the main hallmark of menopause, our research shows women are battling a breadth of symptoms daily.

‘These aren’t just minor inconveniences. 

‘Women could be spending up to a third of their midlife years feeling disconnected from their emotions, battling anxiety and coping with extreme fatigue.

‘And it’s happening month after month. 

‘This is a monumental toll on people’s mental and physical health.

‘The harsh truth is that women are navigating their work, home life, and relationships while managing severe and often invisible symptoms that chip away at their health and wellbeing, which demand greater recognition, support, and effective solutions.’

Selected Simba products have the ‘M-Tick’, a menopause-friendly label designed to help women easily identify products that can support them with symptoms. 


Our internal circadian rhythms, or circadian clock, is responsible for waking our bodies up in the morning and ensuring they get a good night’s rest.

In a healthy person, cortisol levels peak at around 8am, which wakes us up (in theory), and drop to their lowest at 3am the next day, before rising back to its peak five hours later.

Ideally, this 8am peak will be triggered by exposure to sunlight, if not an alarm. When it does, the adrenal glands and brain will start pumping adrenaline. 

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By mid-morning, the cortisol levels start dropping, while the adrenaline (for energy) and serotonin (a mood stabilizer) keep pumping. 

At midday, metabolism and core body temperature ramp up, getting us hungry and ready to eat.

After noon, cortisol levels start their steady decline. Metabolism slows down and tiredness sets in. 

Gradually the serotonin turns into melatonin, which induces sleepiness. 

Our blood sugar levels decrease, and at 3am, when we are in the middle of our sleep, cortisol levels hit a 24-hour low.

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Meeting traumatised Lebanese residents as they flee Israeli strikes in south



Meeting traumatised Lebanese residents as they flee Israeli strikes in south
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Meeting traumatised Lebanese residents as they flee Israeli strikes in south
It’s the deadliest conflict that Lebanon has experienced since the end of the civil war in 1990. In the space of just a few days, Israeli air strikes have killed more than 1,000 people and left thousands wounded, with civilians making up a large part of the casualties. The violence has also forced more than one million people – a fifth of the population – to flee their homes, causing a massive displacement crisis. Our reporters Chloé Domat and Sophie Guignon met with traumatised civilians trying to escape the violence.

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The dark side of Meta’s smart glasses: Harvard students reveal how Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy spectacles can be used to instantly find strangers’ names and addresses



The dark side of Meta’s smart glasses: Harvard students reveal how Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy spectacles can be used to instantly find strangers’ names and addresses
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Ever since Meta debuted its smart glasses back in 2021, concerns have been raised over their ability to film people without their knowledge. 

Now, two Harvard students have taken the device’s privacy-invading capabilities even further – by building a modified version called ‘I-XRAY’. 

The creepy system uses AI and facial recognition software to instantly dox people’s identities.

In an astonishing clip, the students go up to random strangers and quickly identify their name and other personal details – including their home address, work history and even the names of parents.

It’s reminiscent of the Black Mirror episode, White Christmas, where a hopeless singleton uses an implant to instantly find online information about strangers. 

The dark side of Meta’s smart glasses: Harvard students reveal how Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy spectacles can be used to instantly find strangers’ names and addresses

Video is streamed from the Meta smart glasses straight to Instagram. A computer programme monitors the stream for people¿s faces - and can match a face to publicly available images across the internet

Dubbed I-XRAY, the creepy tech, developed by Harvard students, lets you go up to a random stranger and quickly identify them

In the Black Mirror episode 'White Christmas', hopeless singleton Harry (Rasmus Hardiker) uses an implant to instantly find online information about strangers

In the Black Mirror episode ‘White Christmas’, hopeless singleton Harry (Rasmus Hardiker) uses an implant to instantly find online information about strangers

How does it work? 

Video is streamed from the Meta smart glasses straight to Instagram. 

A computer programme monitors the stream for people’s faces and can match a face to publicly available images across the internet.

An AI is prompted to infer details such as the person’s name, occupation, and other personal details.

The results are sent to a separate app the students created on their phone.

The tech has been created by AnhPhu Nguyen and Caine Ardayfio, two engineers at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

‘The purpose of building this tool is not for misuse, and we are not releasing it,’ they say in a document outlining the technology.

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‘Our goal is to demonstrate the current capabilities of smart glasses, face search engines, large language models and public databases. 

‘[We’re] raising awareness that extracting someone’s home address and other personal details from just their face on the street is possible today.’ 

On X (Twitter), Nguyen posted a video of the tech with the caption: ‘Are we ready for a world where our data is exposed at a glance?’ 

As the students show in the clip, they use a combination of existing tech on the market to create AI glasses ‘that reveal anyone’s personal details just from looking at them’. 

First, the students take a pair of Meta Ray Bans 2, released last year, ‘as they look almost indistinguishable from regular glasses’. 

At the touch of a button on the side of the specs, these glasses can film up to three minutes of live video, which can be streamed to Instagram. 

The students took a pair of Meta Ray Bans 2, released last year, 'as they look almost indistinguishable from regular glasses'

The students took a pair of Meta Ray Bans 2, released last year, ‘as they look almost indistinguishable from regular glasses’

The livestreamed footage is monitored by a programme called PimEyes, described as a ‘reverse image search tool’,

By monitoring the livestream, PimEyes can match a face to publicly available images of that face across the internet, the duo explain. 

Once their faces are found, an AI is prompted to take details such as the person’s name, occupation, and other personal details that may be accompanying that image. 

I-XRAY uses FastPeopleSearch, an online tool that only needs someone’s name to find more personal information such as home addresses, phone numbers, age, and relatives from publicly available records and social media profiles. 

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‘It’s all fed back to an app we wrote on our phone,’ says Nguyen in the video, posted to X. 

I-XRAY is unique, the engineers say, because it operates entirely automatically, quickly allowing the wearer to find information about people they come across.

The video shows the students approaching total strangers on campus, in the street, and on the Harvard subway station in Cambridge. 

In one instance, Ardayfio approaches a woman he’d never met before and asks: ‘Are you Betsy? I think I met you through the Cambridge Community Foundation’.

Smiling, the woman – presumably believing she’d met him previously but forgotten about it – confirms she is indeed Betsy and they start a conversation. 

Fortunately it is possible to remove your details from PimEyes and FastPeopleSearch so that I-XRAY or any similar system can’t identify you. 

The students provide links in their document that provide step-by-step instructions on how to do this so that ‘you and those you care about can protect themselves’. 

The experts say: 'Initially started as a side project, I-XRAY quickly highlighted significant privacy concerns. The purpose of building this tool is not for misuse, and we are not releasing it'

The experts say: ‘Initially started as a side project, I-XRAY quickly highlighted significant privacy concerns. The purpose of building this tool is not for misuse, and we are not releasing it’

The £299 glasses were unveiled by Meta during the Meta Connect conference last year

The £299 glasses were unveiled by Meta during the Meta Connect conference last year

In request to comment, a Meta spokesperson stressed to MailOnline that the glasses had to be modified heavily so that they could perform like this. 

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The Meta spokesperson also said the AI and facial recognition element of the system ‘would work with photos taken on any camera, phone or recording device’. 

However, phones and other recording devices have an element of transparency that arguably Meta’s smart glasses do not. 

With Meta’s glasses, the camera is concealed in the frames – and the average person on the street may not realise their function is to record. 

When the glasses are filming, a noise sounds and a small LED next to one of the lenses lights up – although users would have to explain what these mean.

Jake Moore, security advisor at ESET, said ‘glasses enabled to film the public is a ‘worryingly dangerous development’. 

‘We are seeing technology advancing into areas that are simply not required,’ Moore told MailOnline.

‘Furthermore, when they are adapted to recognise individuals it becomes a scary tool that could easily be abused.’

The Meta spokesperson said: ‘To be clear, Ray-Ban Meta glasses do not have facial recognition technology. 

‘From what we can see, these students are simply using publicly-available facial recognition software on a computer that would work with photos taken on any camera, phone or recording device. 

‘Unlike most other devices, Ray-Ban Meta glasses make a sound and the capture LED activates to indicate to others that the user is recording. 

‘This sound and LED cannot be disabled by the user, and we introduced tamper detection technology to prevent users from covering up the capture LED.’

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Hero or dictator? Ahmed Sékou Touré and the war of memory in Guinea



Hero or dictator? Ahmed Sékou Touré and the war of memory in Guinea
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Forty years after his death, Ahmed Sékou Touré, the father of Guinea’s independence, is more popular than ever. For young people across West Africa in search of a hero, Sékou Touré could be what they’re looking for. But this rehabilitation of the country’s past dictator glosses over the tens of thousands of deaths attributed to his regime, with access to the notorious Camp Boiro concentration camp now closed to victims’ families. Our correspondent Sarah Sakho reports.

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