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Dwayne Wade et Gabrielle Union reçoivent des moqueries transphobes à propos de leur fille Zaya alors qu’ils quittent MSG



Dwayne Wade et Gabrielle Union reçoivent des moqueries transphobes à propos de leur fille Zaya alors qu’ils quittent MSG
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L’ancienne star de la NBA, Dwyane Wade, a été huée et s’est fait lancer des commentaires transphobes alors qu’il quittait le match des Knicks contre le Miami Heat avec sa femme Gabrielle Union.

Le joueur de 41 ans, qui a joué pour le Heat pendant 16 ans, était au Madison Square Garden dimanche pour regarder son ancienne équipe mettre en déroute les hôtes.

Cependant, le triple vainqueur du championnat NBA à la retraite, qui est le père du mannequin transgenre de 15 ans Zaya, a fait face à des moqueries homophobes en quittant le match.

Dans un clip fourni à par Adam Glyn, qui a filmé l’incident, on peut voir Wade suivre sa femme Gabrielle vers une voiture.

Certains des fans de sport rassemblés à l’extérieur de l’arène ont commencé à huer l’ancien gardien de tir, l’un d’eux criant: “Vous avez mutilé votre fils”, à Wade en référence à Zaya.

Dwayne Wade et Gabrielle Union reçoivent des moqueries transphobes à propos de leur fille Zaya alors qu’ils quittent MSG

Dwyane Wade a été hué et s’est fait lancer des commentaires transphobes, quittant un match de la NBA

Le triple vainqueur du championnat NBA est le père du mannequin transgenre de 15 ans Zaya

Le triple vainqueur du championnat NBA est le père du mannequin transgenre de 15 ans Zaya

Zaya a légalement changé de nom et de sexe en février après être devenue trans âgée de 12 ans, à la suite d’une bataille judiciaire entre Wade et son ex-femme, Siohvaughn Funches-Wade.

Un juge du comté de Los Angeles a approuvé la nouvelle identité de l’enfant de 15 ans de Dwyane dans des documents obtenus par TMZ.

Le juge a également accordé son changement de sexe officiel d’homme à femme. La pétition pour le nom et le sexe a été déposée en août dernier. En novembre dernier, la mère de Zaya a contesté la pétition de Wade, affirmant que leur enfant subissait des pressions financières pour prendre la décision.

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Récemment, la légende de la NBA a révélé que lui et sa famille avaient quitté la Floride en raison de ce qu’il prétend être des politiques restrictives qui portent atteinte aux droits des personnes LGBTQ.

Il a parlé de la nécessité d’accepter et d’embrasser les gens pour qui ils sont, indépendamment de leur identité de genre ou de leur orientation sexuelle et son plaidoyer pour la communauté LGBTQ lui a valu des éloges et une admiration généralisés.

Lors d’une interview avec la journaliste, animatrice et journaliste de la NBA Rachel Nichols dans son émission Headliners, Wade a expliqué pourquoi il avait décidé de quitter l’État qu’il appelait chez lui, bien qu’il soit une figure célèbre.

Vous savez, évidemment, les taxes sont importantes. Avoir le comté de Wade est génial. Mais ma famille ne serait pas acceptée ou ne se sentirait pas à l’aise là-bas. Et c’est donc l’une des raisons pour lesquelles je ne vis pas là-bas », a-t-il déclaré.

“Beaucoup de gens ne le savent pas. Je dois prendre des décisions pour ma famille, pas seulement des décisions personnelles et individuelles.

L'ancien tireur a assisté à la victoire du Heat dimanche avec sa femme Gabrielle Union (à gauche)

L’ancien tireur a assisté à la victoire du Heat dimanche avec sa femme Gabrielle Union (à gauche)

Dwyane Wade

Siohvaughn Funches-Wade

Wade (à gauche) avait précédemment demandé à la Cour supérieure du comté de Los Angeles de rejeter la requête de son ex-femme contre la demande de changement de nom de leur fille

Zaya a obtenu un nom légal et un changement de sexe, à la suite d'une bataille juridique avec Funches-Wade;  Dwyane et Zaya photographiés en 2022

Zaya a obtenu un nom légal et un changement de sexe, à la suite d’une bataille juridique avec Funches-Wade; Dwyane et Zaya photographiés en 2022

Wade a expliqué comment des politiques et des lois spécifiques adoptées par l’État de Floride empêchent désormais Wade et sa famille de se sentir acceptés et à l’aise dans l’État.

Ce n’est que le mois dernier que les éducateurs de toutes les écoles publiques de Floride pour tous les niveaux scolaires sont désormais interdits d’enseigner aux élèves l’identité de genre et l’orientation sexuelle dans un mouvement radical annoncé par le conseil scolaire de Ron DeSantis.

Cette décision marque une énorme expansion de la loi sur les droits parentaux dans l’éducation – également surnommée le projet de loi «Ne dites pas gay» par les critiques – qui a été signée l’année dernière par le gouverneur et a déclenché une tempête de feu à travers le pays.

Les détracteurs de la politique affirment qu’elle pourrait nuire aux enfants qui s’identifient comme homosexuels et transgenres.

Alors que la version précédente de la loi interdisait l’enseignement de ces sujets aux enfants âgés de 5 à 8 ans, l’extension s’appliquerait désormais aux étudiants jusqu’à l’âge de 18 ans.

La nouvelle règle – qui s’appliquera désormais aux élèves de la 4e à la 12e année dans l’État après avoir plafonné à la 3e année – intervient alors que DeSantis est en tournée dans l’État du premier concours primaire de Caroline du Sud, où il s’est élevé contre des problèmes «réveillés» comme le transgenre.

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Depuis sa sortie, Zaya a remporté des contrats de mannequinat avec des marques comme Tiffany, Dove et a amassé des centaines de milliers d’abonnés sur les réseaux sociaux. Selon sa mère, elle est également en pourparlers pour des accords avec Disney.

L'enfant de l'ancienne star de la NBA s'appelle désormais Zaya Malachi Airamis Wade ;  Sur la photo 2022

L’enfant de l’ancienne star de la NBA s’appelle désormais Zaya Malachi Airamis Wade ; Sur la photo 2022

Zaya a fait ses débuts sur les podiums en mars lorsqu'elle a défilé pour Miu Miu

Zaya a fait ses débuts sur les podiums en mars lorsqu’elle a défilé pour Miu Miu

En se mariant avec la star du sport en 2014, Gabrielle est devenue la belle-mère des deux autres enfants de Zaya et Wade, Zaïre, 21 ans, et Xavier,

En se mariant avec la star du sport en 2014, Gabrielle est devenue la belle-mère des deux autres enfants de Zaya et Wade, Zaïre, 21 ans, et Xavier,

En mars, Wade et Union rayonnaient de fierté en regardant Zaya faire ses débuts sur le podium.

Wade et Union ont tous deux publié des images du grand jour de Zaya sur leurs comptes Instagram respectifs, sous-titrant leurs messages avec deux mots simples : “Elle est arrivée”.

L’ancienne star de Heat a quatre enfants, dont Zaya qu’il a eu avec sa chérie du lycée et sa première épouse Siohvaughn en 2007 avant son mariage avec Gabrielle Union.

En se mariant avec la star du sport en 2014, Gabrielle est devenue la belle-mère de Zaya et de ses deux autres enfants, Zaïre, 21 ans, et Xavier, et a accueilli Kaavia, 4 ans, par mère porteuse en 2018.

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Repression in Iran, ammunition made in France



Repression in Iran, ammunition made in France
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A two-year investigation by FRANCE 24 has revealed that hunting cartridges produced by the French-Italian ammunition manufacturer Cheddite were used in Iran during the violent crackdown on the “Woman, Life, Freedom” protests in 2022. The investigation uncovers how these cartridges are widely available in Iran, despite European sanctions imposed in 2011. It appears the ammunition may have been routed through Turkey, where Cheddite at one point held shares in a weapons manufacturing company. This investigation, broadcast by FRANCE 24, sheds light on the dealings that allowed the ammunition to reach Iranian soil, despite international sanctions.

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What is Addison’s disease? The debilitating illness revealed that killed TikTok star Taylor Rousseau Grigg’s cause of death



What is Addison’s disease? The debilitating illness revealed that killed TikTok star Taylor Rousseau Grigg’s cause of death
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TikToker Taylor Rousseau Grigg died last week from complications of a one-in-100,000 hormonal illness, her family revealed. 

The 25-year-old’s ‘sudden and unexpected’ passing was determined to be from Addison’s disease, a rare autoimmune condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough hormones responsible for metabolism, stress, and immune health. 

Also suffering from asthma, the influencer told her TikTok audience that she felt like she was ‘fighting for my life’ after over a yearlong struggle with a mystery illness. 

The condition develops slowly, making it difficult to spot early. It’s unclear what complications Ms Grigg experienced, but the condition can lead to organ damage if left untreated.

Read on for everything you need to know about Addison’s disease:  

What is Addison’s disease? The debilitating illness revealed that killed TikTok star Taylor Rousseau Grigg’s cause of death

TikTok star Taylor Rousseau Grigg’s (pictured here) cause of death has been revealed to be the rare condition Addison’s disease

The 25-year-old influencer had suffered from a mystery disease for over a year before her death; seen with husband Cameron Grigg

The 25-year-old influencer had suffered from a mystery disease for over a year before her death; seen with husband Cameron Grigg

What is Addison’s disease?

Also called adrenal insufficiency, Addison’s disease is a condition in which the body adrenal glands don’t produce enough of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone.

The adrenal glands are located on top of both kidneys and are responsible for controlling hormones that regulate metabolism, immune health, blood pressure, and stress response.

Cortisol is known as the ‘stress hormone,’ as it increases blood pressure and heart rate to put the body in ‘fight-or-flight mode and raises blood sugar levels to provide energy.

Aldosterone, meanwhile, regulates blood pressure and sodium and potassium levels in the blood. 

If the body can’t produce enough of these hormones, the body can go into an adrenal crisis, also called an Addisonian crisis. This causes shock, which prevents blood flow to vital organs and can lead to death.

What causes Addison’s disease?

Addison’s disease occurs when the immune system begins attacking the adrenal glands. 

Historically, tuberculosis was the main culprit and still is in developing countries. 

Infections like HIV, bleeding in the adrenal glands, and cancer can also increase the risk of developing Addison’s disease. 

How common is it? 

Addison’s disease affects about one in 100,000 Americans. 

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the condition most often affects women between ages 30 and 50, though it can occur at any age. 

In addition to Grigg, the disease also affected President John F Kennedy. He was diagnosed with the condition in 1947 at age 30. 

What are the symptoms?

Grigg is pictured on March 16 when she had to be hospitalized and be put on a ventilator

Grigg is pictured on March 16 when she had to be hospitalized and be put on a ventilator

Though Addison's disease is treatable with hormone replacement therapy, it can lead to organ damage. Ms Grigg is pictured here in the hospital months before her death

Though Addison’s disease is treatable with hormone replacement therapy, it can lead to organ damage. Ms Grigg is pictured here in the hospital months before her death 

Since damage to the adrenal flands tends to occur slowly over time, symptoms develop gradually. Stress, such as injury or illness, may make symptoms worse.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, steadily worsening fatigue is the most common symptom, followed by having patches of dark skin called hyperpigmentation. 

Patients may also experience abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, weight loss, muscle pain, and dehydration.

Cleveland Clinic also notes that patients may crave salty food or have low blood presusre and low blood sugar. 

Women may also have irregular periods, lose body hair, or notice an irregular sex drive. 

If a patient falls into an adrenal crisis, they may have extreme weakness, severe pain in the lower back and legs, restlessness, confusion, severe vomiting and diarrhea, and loss of consciousness. 

How is Addison’s disease diagnosed?

Cameron Grigg (pictured here) announced his wife's death on Saturday and revealed she would be donating her organs

Cameron Grigg (pictured here) announced his wife’s death on Saturday and revealed she would be donating her organs

Since symptoms develop gradually, patients may have a delayed diagnosis. 

It may also be discovered through routine blood tests showing low levels of sodium and potassium from a lack of cortisol and aldosterone.

In addition to blood tests, doctors may perform an ACTH stimulation test, which measures how the adrenal glands respond to an artifical dose of cortisol and aldosterone.

If the adrenal glands only produce low levels of the hormones after the shot, it may signal Addison’s disease. 

A CT scan may also show damage to the adrenal glands. 

How is Addison’s disease treated? 

Addison’s disease is usually treated with lifelong hormone replacement therapy to help the body produce enough cortisol and aldosterone. 

Doctors may also recommend adding more salt to your diet due to low levels of sodium in the blood. 

Can Addison’s disease be prevented? 

There is no way to prevent Addison’s disease. 

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China to issue $325 billion in bond funds to boost ailing economy



China to issue 5 billion in bond funds to boost ailing economy
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China to issue $325 billion in bond funds to boost ailing economy
China’s finance minister on Saturday said the country would issue $325 billion in special bonds in a effort to boost the flagging economy. The announcement while the world’s second-largest economy loses momentum and lift consumer confidence amid a sharp property market downturn. 

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Ronald Koeman is left fuming by Virgil van Dijk red card – after the Liverpool star was sent off for the first time for the Netherlands in Hungary draw



Ronald Koeman is left fuming by Virgil van Dijk red card – after the Liverpool star was sent off for the first time for the Netherlands in Hungary draw
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  • Koeman was furious after Van Dijk picked up a yellow for protesting a challenge 
  • Van Dijk was sent off minutes after as the Netherlands drew 1-1 with Hungary 
  • LISTEN NOW: It’s All Kicking Off! , available wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes every Monday and Thursday 

Netherlands manager Ronald Koeman struggled to understand why skipper Virgil van Dijk was booked for protesting a decision with the referee, only to be sent off just minutes later.

Van Dijk received the first red card of his international career during the Netherlands’ 1-1 draw with Hungary on Friday after he picked up two yellow cards within three minutes.

The first booking stemmed from his protests to referee Lukas Fahndric after Dutch star Donyell Malen was knocked to the turf late in the second half.

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Van Dijk then committed a foul that forced Fahndric to brandish a second yellow and subsequently send the Dutch captain off for an early shower.

Speaking after the match, Koeman went in to bat for the Liverpool star and was left baffled as to why Van Dijk picked up a booking for discussing the foul on Malen.

Ronald Koeman is left fuming by Virgil van Dijk red card – after the Liverpool star was sent off for the first time for the Netherlands in Hungary draw

Van Dijk was booked for protesting what he thought was a strong foul on a Dutch team-mate

The Dutch skipper was sent off minutes after he picked up his first yellow against Hungary

The Dutch skipper was sent off minutes after he picked up his first yellow against Hungary

Koeman was left furious after Van Dijk copped a yellow for protesting a referee's decision

Koeman was left furious after Van Dijk copped a yellow for protesting a referee’s decision

‘That moment was frustrating,’ Koeman told NOS.

‘I don’t understand it either. I think we have agreed that a captain can protest to a referee. That violation (on Malen) was good for a red card. There was no intention at all to play the ball.

 ‘The fact that Virgil then takes that second card is not convenient. He just had to follow along, but he knows that himself.’

Van Dijk conceded the red card was ‘a bummer’, but the first booking rendered him ‘especially angry.’

‘They say the captain is the only one who can talk to the referee,’ Van Dijk told ESPN Netherlands.

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‘I walk up to him. Up tempo, but not in a nasty way, not at all. Very respectful. Because I felt it was a breakaway player, he did not go for the ball at all.

‘If even the captain can not say anything … then it gets difficult.’ 

Van Dijk’s red card left the Dutch with a difficult task after Roland Sallai put Hungary in front in the 32nd minute.

Hungary secured a surprise lead over the Dutch in the first half via Galatsaray's Roland Sallai

Hungary secured a surprise lead over the Dutch in the first half via Galatsaray’s Roland Sallai

Denzel Dumfries managed to salvage a late point for the Netherlands against Hungary

Denzel Dumfries managed to salvage a late point for the Netherlands against Hungary

The result maintained the Netherlands' unbeaten run in the Nations League after three games

The result maintained the Netherlands’ unbeaten run in the Nations League after three games 

Despite the lion’s share of possession, the Netherlands simply could not find a way through a resolute Hungary defence.

However, Denzel Dumfries popped up with a thumping header in the 83rd minute to salvage a draw for the Dutch.

The result kept Koeman’s side second in Group 3 in the Nations League A on five points while Hungary sit third with two points.

The Netherlands take on group leaders Germany on Monday in their final international fixture before club football resumes.

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Boeing to cut 10% of workforce as strike by factory workers cripples airplane production



Boeing to cut 10% of workforce as strike by factory workers cripples airplane production
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Boeing to cut 10% of workforce as strike by factory workers cripples airplane production
Boeing plans to lay off about 10% of its workers in the coming months, about 17,000 people, as it continues to lose money and tries to deal with a strike that is crippling production of the company’s best-selling airline planes.

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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoy intimate double date night with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds in New York



Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoy intimate double date night with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds in New York
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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoyed an intimate double-date night with best pals Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds after both power couples donated to hurricane relief efforts.

The A-list foursome was seen arriving at hotspot The Corner Store in the Soho neighborhood of New York City on Friday night.

Taylor and Travis packed on the PDA as they strutted hand-in-hand to the hotspot after her Swifties ripped his ex Kayla Nicole for her recent tell-all interview.

The pop megastar put on an eye-popping display in a sexy black and nude-colored corset  featuring a monogrammed pattern and plenty of lace.

She also showed off her signature long legs in a silk black mini skirt along with matching leather heeled booties.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoy intimate double date night with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds in New York

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoyed an intimate double date night with best pals Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds in New York on Friday

Blake and Ryan looked happy as they painted the town red

Blake and Ryan looked happy as they painted the town red 

Taylor covered up in a long beige double-breasted coat as she strutted her stuff next to her Super Bowl winning beau.

She accessorized with gold earrings, necklace, and multiple rings as she carried along a black leather Christian Dior saddle bag which retails for $4,400.

Her signature blonde locks were worn down as she accentuated her porcelain skin with natural make-up contrasted with a swipe of bright red lip.

Travis went casual in a blue patterned short-sleeve button down top with matching trousers and white sneakers.

Their double date partners showcased just as much affection as they also held hands while arriving at the American eatery. 

Blake, 37, looked absolutely stunning in a completely sheer burgundy number consisting of a clinging dress over matching stockings and leather booties.

She accessorized with a small beaded black  bag and large chain necklace.

Her blonde locks were worn down into waves which flowed over her shoulders as she showed off her natural looks with complementary make-up.

The pop megastar put on an eye-popping display in a sexy black and nude-colored corset featuring a monogrammed pattern and plenty of lace

The pop megastar put on an eye-popping display in a sexy black and nude-colored corset featuring a monogrammed pattern and plenty of lace

Showing off her famous svelte physique, Taylor caught the eye in her daring black and nude ensemble as she and Travis headed to their double date hand-in-hand

Showing off her famous svelte physique, Taylor caught the eye in her daring black and nude ensemble as she and Travis headed to their double date hand-in-hand

She also showed off her signature long legs in a silk black mini skirt along with matching leather heeled booties

She also showed off her signature long legs in a silk black mini skirt along with matching leather heeled booties

Taylor covered up in a long beige double-breasted coat as she strutted her stuff next to her Super Bowl winning beau

Taylor covered up in a long beige double-breasted coat as she strutted her stuff next to her Super Bowl winning beau

She accessorized with gold earrings, necklace, and multiple rings as she carried along a black leather Christian Dior saddle bag which retails for $4,400

She accessorized with gold earrings, necklace, and multiple rings as she carried along a black leather Christian Dior saddle bag which retails for $4,400

Following their dinner, Taylor and Travis were greeted by an army of excited fans as they left the eatery hours later

Following their dinner, Taylor and Travis were greeted by an army of excited fans as they left the eatery hours later

The star stunned in her stylish look as she headed home from the swanky restaurant

The star stunned in her stylish look as she headed home from the swanky restaurant

The hitmaker covered up her stylish outfit in a long camel overcoat, and finished her outfit with a chic black leather handbag

The hitmaker covered up her stylish outfit in a long camel overcoat, and finished her outfit with a chic black leather handbag

Ryan, 47, donned a white zip-up short-sleeved top over navy blue trousers, and light brown suede boots. 

The outing came after it was revealed that the couple who share four children had made a generous donation to hurricane relief efforts in wake of the devastation caused by Helene and Milton in the last two weeks.

It was revealed Thursday that Blake and Ryan — who reportedly have a combined net worth of $380million — have donated $1million to the non-profit Feeding America’s disaster relief fund.

Feeding America announced via Instagram that the seven-figure donation will ‘help people impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton rebuild and recover.

‘These funds will help food banks provide basic needs like water, ready to eat food and supplies to communities facing heartbreaking loss and a long recovery.’

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Lively and Reynolds’ contribution comes one day after their billionaire pal Taylor Swift donated a whopping $5million to hurricane relief.

Meanwhile Travis’ ex-girlfriend Kayla Nicole has been slammed by Taylor’s fans after lifting the lid on her relationship with the Kansas City Chiefs star this week. 

Nicole, who dated Kelce on and off for five years before his romance with Swift, was grilled about her old boyfriend on the latest episode of WNBA star Angel Reese’s ‘Unapologetically Angel’ podcast.

Blake, 37, looked absolutely stunning in a completely sheer burgundy number consisting of a clinging dress over matching stockings and leather booties

Blake, 37, looked absolutely stunning in a completely sheer burgundy number consisting of a clinging dress over matching stockings and leather booties

She accessorized with a small beaded black bag and large chain necklace

She accessorized with a small beaded black bag and large chain necklace

Her blonde locks were worn down into waves which flowed over her shoulders as she showed off her natural looks with complementary make-up

Her blonde locks were worn down into waves which flowed over her shoulders as she showed off her natural looks with complementary make-up

Ryan, 47, donned a white zip-up short-sleeved top over navy blue trousers, and light brown suede boots

Ryan, 47, donned a white zip-up short-sleeved top over navy blue trousers, and light brown suede boots

After their meal, Ryan and Blake were also pictured leaving the eatery

After their meal, Ryan and Blake were also pictured leaving the eatery

Blake showed off her incredible figure in the eye-catching wine-coloured dress with matching patent boots

Blake showed off her incredible figure in the eye-catching wine-coloured dress with matching patent boots

Amongst many other revelations, the 32-year-old influencer explained why Travis’ new relationship with Taylor means they can no longer speak if they see each other in public, and how vile abuse from ‘Swifties’ on social media has impacted her.

And in the wake of her tell-all interview, Swift’s die-hard legion of fans have taken aim at Nicole once again.

One wrote on X: ‘What does she mean there’s not room for us to talk WHY WOULD IT BE HES IN A RELATIONSHIP IS SHE DUMB????’

Another put: ‘This girl needs to move on, he’s in a happier place now.’

‘Why is she talking about him? Let’s move on,’ said a third.

A fourth put: ‘When your ex is in a new serious relationship, there is no room for you anymore.’

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While one simply concluded: ‘She is embarrassing herself badly’.

Nicole also drew criticism from ‘Swifties’ for refusing to acknowledge the singer by name and instead describing her as Kelce’s new ‘situation’. 

Kayla Nicole

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce

This comes as Travis’ ex-girlfriend Kayla Nicole (left) was been slammed by Taylor Swift fans

Nicole was grilled about Kelce on WNBA star Angel Reese's 'Unapologetically Angel' podcast

Nicole was grilled about Kelce on WNBA star Angel Reese’s ‘Unapologetically Angel’ podcast

‘I’d probably like hit him with a head nod,’ she said when asked if her and Travis would speak to each other in public. ‘That’s about it. 

‘We’ve seen each other in public spaces but we are both aware of the nature of his situation that there’s just no room for us to communicate or acknowledge each other publicly. So we’d just keep it moving.’

‘Travis made the first move and now Taylor is just a “situation”?’ one fan commented. ‘The audacity of this lady’.

While another said: ‘Am laughing at the situation in question.. being TAYLOR MOTHER F*****G SWIFT – This is called a relationship… yours called creepy ex situation.’

Nicole also addressed rumors that Kelce made her split the bill on dates during their relationship, insisting there is no truth to them whatsoever.

Swifties took aim at the 32-year-old influencer after her tell-all interview this week

Swifties took aim at the 32-year-old influencer after her tell-all interview this week

She dated the Kansas City Chiefs star on and off for five years before they went separate ways

She dated the Kansas City Chiefs star on and off for five years before they went separate ways

Kelce has since gone on to form one of the most famous relationships on the planet with Swift

Kelce has since gone on to form one of the most famous relationships on the planet with Swift

 When Reese asked if that was the reason they broke up in 2022, Nicole replied: ‘Do I look like I would go 50-50 on bills? 

‘So yeah, that was ridiculous. But he addressed that too though.

‘I don’t even know why that became a thing. That was never an issue in our relationship, but it was definitely a rumor on the internet.’ 

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🔴 Live: Israel observes Yom Kippur amid condemnation over Lebanon strikes



🔴 Live: Israel observes Yom Kippur amid condemnation over Lebanon strikes
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🔴 Live: Israel observes Yom Kippur amid condemnation over Lebanon strikes
Israel observed Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, on Saturday amid a firestorm of international criticism over its military offensive in Lebanon and its soldiers firing on peacekeepers. As the holy day got under way Friday from sundown, Israel faced diplomatic backlash over what it acknowledged was a “hit” earlier in the day on a United Nations peacekeeping position in Lebanon. Read our liveblog to see how all the day’s events unfolded.

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Evidence of alien life could be revealed next month as NASA filmmaker claims ‘we’ve found it’



Evidence of alien life could be revealed next month as NASA filmmaker claims ‘we’ve found it’
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Telescopes on Earth have found evidence of intelligent alien life and the proof will be released in less than one month, a filmmaker claims.

Simon Holland, who has worked on documentaries for the BBC and NASA-funded projects, said that an Oxford-backed program searching for extraterrestrial signals has quietly identified ‘non-human intelligence in our galaxy.’ 

The signal — a five-hour-long burst of radio waves — appeared to be from a region around Proxima Centauri, a star about 4.2 light-years away from Earth.

The Oxford team has confirmed they are analyzing the signal but have not revealed the likely source.

‘They are looking for details, hence the delay in publishing the news,’ Holland told of the strange radio signal, which has been hotly debated ever since astronomers first detected it on April 29, 2019.

Evidence of alien life could be revealed next month as NASA filmmaker claims ‘we’ve found it’

Popular YouTuber ‘Prof Simon’ Holland said that a source inside the $100 million nonprofit ‘Breakthrough Listen’ claims it has finally found proof of alien life. Above, Comet PanSTARRS C/2014 Q1 visible over Australia’s Parkes radio telescope – which first detected the signal

Holland described the signal as currently being in the ‘low information zone,’ a term coined by skeptic Mick West to describe cases where tantalizing but minimal data makes it all but impossible for science to rule out even the most incredible theories.

‘The technical hurdles faced,’ Holland said, ‘are that the signal is very weak.’ 

But citing a source with firsthand knowledge from within the Oxford-led nonprofit project Breakthrough Listen, Holland is persuaded that evidence is mounting in favor of the theory that this signal did originate from an advanced alien species.

‘My contact is a senior EU [European Union] radio telescope administrator,’ Holland told

‘We have found a non-human extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy,’ he said, ‘and people don’t know about it.’ 

Breakthrough Listen began as a $100-million nonprofit research project initiated by the Soviet-born Israeli entrepreneur, investor and physicist Yuri Milner in January 2016.

Its radio telescope-based ‘search for extraterrestrial intelligence’ (SETI) efforts are just one part of the billionaire’s wider moonshot program, Breakthrough Initiatives.

Since 2023, Breakthrough Listen has been led by the physicist Dr Andrew Siemion at Oxford University in the UK.

According to Holland, Breakthrough Listen on the cusp of confirming that its prime candidate for a message from an extraterrestrial civilization, BLC-1, is the real thing.  

The project first picked up BLC-1 via Australia’s Parkes radio telescope in 2019, but by 2021 the team’s astronomers had come to believe that it was likely a false positive or ‘an artifact of Earth-based interference from human technologies.’

Back in October 2021, Breakthrough Listen announced that the radio signal it researchers thought came from near Proxima Centauri (above) was likely nothing more than a 'false positive.' Word from Holland's source inside the group is that the team's opinion has changed

Back in October 2021, Breakthrough Listen announced that the radio signal it researchers thought came from near Proxima Centauri (above) was likely nothing more than a ‘false positive.’ Word from Holland’s source inside the group is that the team’s opinion has changed

In short, although BLC-1 appeared to originate from a world orbiting the star Proxima Centauri, the team noted other Earth-based signals that it closely resembled. 

Their provisional conclusion in 2021 was that BLC-1 was much more likely to be some unidentified radio wave pollution coming from Earth, possibly even in Australia. 

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But Holland said that Breakthrough Listen might be changing its tune.

‘The signal, instead of being the giant buzz of everything in the universe that we hear through all radio telescopes, was a narrow electromagnetic spectrum,’ he explained.

‘It’s a single point source,’ Holland emphasized in his interview Thursday, meaning that he has been told the signal is unlikely to be local or noise from deep space. 

‘They found the evidence of a non-human technological signature,’ he said.

The possible signal from an alien civilization, BLC1 (pictured), had 'characteristics broadly consistent with hypothesized technosignatures' - meaning that they could be interpreted as evidence of some kind of intelligently made technology detectable from light years away

The possible signal from an alien civilization, BLC1 (pictured), had ‘characteristics broadly consistent with hypothesized technosignatures’ – meaning that they could be interpreted as evidence of some kind of intelligently made technology detectable from light years away 

Holland, a popular science educator known as ‘Professor Simon’ on YouTube, has had a long career producing films with the BBC, Smithsonian TV, and PBS Nova, as well as for the University of Hawaii’s NASA-funded ‘Finding Earth-Killer Asteroids.’

‘I am a retired BBC film editor, specialist factual dept.,’ as Holland summed it up to ‘I taught media studies at the graduate level after leaving the BBC.’

Holland said that he believes, from his conversations with insiders and his own analysis, that Breakthrough Listen is now in a race against time to beat Chinese government researchers to publication with their earthshattering findings.

‘The Chinese might be pipping them to the post, with their, FAST [Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope] program,’ Holland told the Mirror. ‘It’s the largest telescope in the world since Arecibo.’

Holland (above) said that he believes Breakthrough Listen is now in a race against time to beat Chinese government researchers to publication with their earthshattering findings. 'The Chinese might be pipping them to the post,' as he told reporters this week

Holland (above) said that he believes Breakthrough Listen is now in a race against time to beat Chinese government researchers to publication with their earthshattering findings. ‘The Chinese might be pipping them to the post,’ as he told reporters this week

A curious announcement — almost immediately retracted — from China’s state-backed publication Science and Technology Daily did announce that FAST had discovered an alien signal back in 2022.

But the notoriously tight-lipped Chinese government has yet to clarify the retraction, or whether FAST, nicknamed ‘Heaven’s Eye,’ was trained on this same BLC-1 signal.

Holland said that both Breakthrough Listen and the Chinese government scientists expect to be breaking news of their confirmed signal from an alien civilization soon.


Breakthrough Listen is a privately funded, decade-long research project based at the University of California, Berkeley.

It has just announced a significant number of new observations. 

They examined roughly 1,300 nearby stars using large antennas in West Virginia and Australia.

For each of these star systems, they sifted through several billion radio channels, looking for a signal of the type that only a radio transmitter can produce. 

No extraterrestrial radio emissions were detected.

But those 1,300 stars represent only a minuscule sample of the total planetary population.

But, Breakthrough Listen’s last public comments on the mystery of BLC-1 came in October 2021, when its radio astronomers were leaning more toward the idea that this unusual signal had merely come for human sources.

Although BLC1 had ‘characteristics broadly consistent with hypothesized technosignatures,’ the team’s consensus was that they were really just signals from Earth that were getting in the way of their efforts to listen-in on distance worlds.

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The radio wave signal was initially detected in April and May 2019 from the Australia-based Parkes Telescope at a frequency of 980 MHz. 

‘The original signal found by Shane Smith [an intern] is not obviously detected when the telescope is pointed away from Proxima Centauri,’ Dr Sofia Sheikh, a radio astronomer and astrobiologist with Breakthrough Listen, said at the time.

Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years from Earth and has two confirmed planets, a Jupiter-like gas giant and a rocky world called Proxima b in the habitable zone — key features of the star system that still has scientists excited about its prospects as a home for alien life.

Breakthrough Listen’s researchers scanned the Proxima Centauri star system across a wide range of frequencies, from 700 megahertz to 4 gigahertz ‘(in other words, performing the equivalent of tuning to over 800 million radio channels at a time,’ according to their statement at the time. 

They found four million hits that were eventually whittled away to 1 million after looking at hits with no motion.

Another filter was applied for the remaining hits, as they had to appear to come from the direction of Proxima Centauri.

The researchers pointed the Parkes Telescope at the star and then pointed it away, toggling between the ‘on-off’ pattern several times, which left them with 5,160 possible candidates.

While the team had quickly ruled out interference from satellites or other human aircraft, they came to suspect that faulty equipment near the Parkes radio telescope in Australia had created BLC-1.

'The Chinese might be pipping them to the post, with their, FAST [Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope] program,' Holland told the Mirror. 'It's the largest telescope in the world since Arecibo.' Above, an aerial view of FAST, which is nicknamed 'Heaven's Eye'

‘The Chinese might be pipping them to the post, with their, FAST [Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope] program,’ Holland told the Mirror. ‘It’s the largest telescope in the world since Arecibo.’ Above, an aerial view of FAST, which is nicknamed ‘Heaven’s Eye’

A curious announcement - almost immediately retracted - from China's state-backed publication Science and Technology Daily did announce that FAST had discovered an alien signal in 2022. China has yet to explain this episode

A curious announcement – almost immediately retracted – from China’s state-backed publication Science and Technology Daily did announce that FAST had discovered an alien signal in 2022. China has yet to explain this episode 

When Dr Sheikh and here colleagues revisited the signal, they discovered that an automated sorting program among their filters had previously ignored several ‘look alike’ signals that resembled BLC-1 but emitted at other frequencies.

Dr Sheikh told the journal Nature at the time that she suspected the signal was coming from a local piece of malfunctioning electronic equipment, like a phone or computer, just before the faulty device was shut down for repairs.

The signal contained a range of frequencies, the team reported in their peer-reviewed study in Nature, that was ‘consistent with common clock oscillator frequencies used in digital electronics.’

‘Given a haystack of millions of signals, the most likely explanation is still that it is a transmission from human technology that happens to be “weird” in just the right way to fool our filters,’ Dr Sheikh said in 2021. has reached out to Breakthrough Listen for comment, and this article will be updated, if the non-profit SETI initiative responds.

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Discovery of pulsars

British astronomer Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was the first person to discover a pulsar in 1967 when she spotted a radio pulsar.

Since then other types of pulsars that emit X-rays and gamma rays have also been spotted.

Pulsars are essentially rotating, highly magnetised neutron stars but when they were first discovered it was believed they could have come from aliens.

‘Wow!’ radio signal

In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote ‘Wow!’ next to his data.

In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote 'Wow!' next to his data

In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote ‘Wow!’ next to his data

The 72-second blast, spotted by Dr Jerry Ehman through a radio telescope, came from Sagittarius but matched no known celestial object.

Conspiracy theorists have since claimed that the ‘Wow! signal’, which was 30 times stronger than background radiation, was a message from intelligent extraterrestrials.

Fossilised Martian microbes

In 1996 Nasa and the White House made the explosive announcement that the rock contained traces of Martian bugs.

The meteorite, catalogued as Allen Hills (ALH) 84001, crashed onto the frozen wastes of Antarctica 13,000 years ago and was recovered in 1984. 

Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike.

Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike (pictured)

Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike (pictured)

However, the excitement did not last long. Other scientists questioned whether the meteorite samples were contaminated. 

They also argued that heat generated when the rock was blasted into space may have created mineral structures that could be mistaken for microfossils. 

Behaviour of Tabby’s Star in 2005 

The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astronomers since being discovered in 2015.

It dims at a much faster rate than other stars, which some experts have suggested is a sign of aliens harnessing the energy of a star.

The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astonomers since being discovered in 2015 (artist's impression)

The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astonomers since being discovered in 2015 (artist’s impression)

Recent studies have ‘eliminated the possibility of an alien megastructure’, and instead, suggests that a ring of dust could be causing the strange signals.

Exoplanets in the Goldilocks zone in 2017 

In February 2017 astronomers announced they had spotted a star system with planets that could support life just 39 light years away.

Seven Earth-like planets were discovered orbiting nearby dwarf star ‘Trappist-1’, and all of them could have water at their surface, one of the key components of life.

Three of the planets have such good conditions, that scientists say life may have already evolved on them. 

Researchers claim that they will know whether or not there is life on any of the planets within a decade, and said: ‘This is just the beginning.’ 

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Fitch agency puts negative outlook on France’s rating, maintains ‘AA-‘ rating



Fitch agency puts negative outlook on France’s rating, maintains ‘AA-‘ rating
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Fitch agency puts negative outlook on France’s rating, maintains ‘AA-‘ rating
Fitch Ratings revised France’s long-term outlook to negative on Friday while keeping its rating at AA-. The company cited increased fical policy risks, with government debt moving toward 118.5% of GDP by 2028. 

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Saga cruises towards insurance tie-up with Belgian rival Ageas



Saga cruises towards insurance tie-up with Belgian rival Ageas
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Saga said it is in ‘exclusive negotiations’ with a Belgian rival over a tie-up for its troubled insurance arm.

As it announced a surge in profits on the back of booming demand for its cruises, the over-50s group also said it has agreed to sell its insurance writing business to the same firm, Ageas, for £67.5m.

The update sent shares in Saga up 9.1 per cent, or 11.4p, to 136.4p.

The companies last week said they were holding talks over a potential deal, which would help it to reduce its debt burden.

Saga told its shareholders yesterday it is in exclusive negotiations with Ageas to establish a 20-year partnership for motor and home insurance. 

Ageas UK would run Saga’s motor and home products, which consisted of gross written premiums in excess of £479m for the year to July. Ageas will pay £80m up front as part of the deal, with this potentially increasing if certain targets are met.

The firms also confirmed that Ageas will buy Saga’s Acromas insurance underwriting business. Ageas UK will pay £67.5m for the business in a deal expected to complete in the second quarter of next year.

Saga boss Mike Hazell said: ‘We are hugely excited at the opportunity to grow our home and motor insurance business through this proposed partnership with Ageas.’

Ant Middle, chief executive of Ageas UK, said: ‘This proposed deal with Saga aligns perfectly with our strategy to profitably grow in UK personal lines and in creating powerful partnerships to the benefit of our customers.’


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