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Les experts en étiquette révèlent la liste ULTIME des choses à faire et à ne pas faire pour voyager avec des amis



Les experts en étiquette révèlent la liste ULTIME des choses à faire et à ne pas faire pour voyager avec des amis
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La politique des vacances en groupe est toujours difficile à gérer.

Malgré l’excitation de partir en voyage, il peut y avoir une petite quantité d’anxiété qui se cache au fond de votre esprit.

Des dizaines de questions peuvent surgir : tout le monde s’entendra-t-il, cet ami avare paiera-t-il sa juste part ou le partenaire de quelqu’un nettoiera-t-il après lui ?

Pour éviter ces frictions de voyage de groupe, FEMAIL a fait appel à deux expertes en étiquette Elaine Swann et Jackie Vernon-Thompson pour que vos vacances se déroulent le mieux possible – sans risquer de perdre des amis.

Les experts en étiquette révèlent la liste ULTIME des choses à faire et à ne pas faire pour voyager avec des amis

La politique des vacances en groupe est toujours difficile à gérer. FEMAIL a donc demandé à deux experts en étiquette de peser (stock image)

Est-ce le bon voyage pour vous ? Questions à poser avant d’accepter de partir en vacances en groupe

Réfléchissez avant de vous engager ! Ce qu’il faut considérer avant de partir en vacances en groupe

Les experts en étiquette de FEMAIL ont partagé une liste de choses que les vacanciers devraient considérer avant de se lancer dans un voyage avec des amis :

Les préférences alimentaires

Vous mangerez ensemble pendant vos vacances et cela aide vraiment à rassembler les gens, alors n’oubliez pas d’en discuter à l’avance

Tenir compte du niveau d’activités

Dans quelle mesure vos compagnons de voyage sont-ils actifs dans leur vie personnelle ? S’ils sont plutôt spa, ils ne voudront probablement pas partir en randonnée

Quel est le budget ?

Tenez compte des différentes situations financières des gens et n’ayez pas peur d’en discuter. Soyez ouvert et honnête

Quels sont les détails de votre voyage ?

Découvrez ce que le groupe a en tête pour les vacances – quel type d’hôtel envisage-t-il, dans quels restaurants vous irez – pour voir si cela vous convient

Qui d’autre est invité ?

Elaine dit qu’il est “absolument acceptable” de demander avec qui vous passerez vos vacances. Si vous êtes le planificateur, demandez-vous si ce groupe s’entendra ? “Il pourrait y avoir une personnalité avec laquelle vous ne pouvez tout simplement pas prendre 10 jours”, a-t-elle ajouté

Avant même de partir, Elaine, qui est PDG de la Swann School Of Protocol, conseille aux gens de considérer quelques éléments lors des étapes de planification et le premier est le budget.

“Il est important de garder à l’esprit la démographie et le budget des personnes que vous avez invitées”, a-t-elle déclaré à

«Ma recommandation est d’essayer de vous assurer que si vous invitez des personnes qui se situent dans des tranches de revenus différentes, vous trouvez quelque chose qui est plus un juste milieu. Par exemple, essayez d’éviter trop d’expériences de luxe lorsque vous avez des gens qui ont un budget plus modeste.

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Le deuxième conseil d’Elaine est de proposer aux gens une variété d’options pour chaque élément des vacances.

‘Peut-être que vous allez dire : “Nous allons faire cette excursion touristique en particulier, c’est celle-là, mais qu’aimeriez-vous tous avoir – voulez-vous celle de trois heures ou celle de quatre heures ?” C’est là que vous gardez un certain contrôle, mais que vous donnez ensuite des options aux gens, donc on a l’impression que c’est un effort concerté.

D’autres choses à discuter sont les préférences alimentaires, le nombre d’activités qui se déroulent pendant les vacances et qui d’autre est invité ?

Jackie, qui est la fondatrice de From The Inside-Out School of Etiquette, recommande également de savoir ce que l’on attend de vous en termes d’argent et d’avoir «une compréhension complète de ce qui est nécessaire pour le voyage» en ce qui concerne le code vestimentaire et quelles activités auront lieu.

Elle a rappelé aux gens d’avoir les bons documents de voyage avant de commencer votre voyage pour éviter toute anxiété ou déception de votre part, ainsi que celle du groupe.

« Je me souviens d’avoir voyagé avec un groupe de la Floride à l’Angleterre, puis à Paris. Nous sommes arrivés en Angleterre en douceur. Cependant, après quelques jours, il était temps de se rendre à Paris. Un de nos chers amis n’avait pas les documents nécessaires pour continuer le voyage avec nous », a expliqué Jackie.

«Elle a été forcée de retourner seule aux États-Unis. Certains étaient en larmes et juste déçus. Elle était certainement en larmes. Cette réalité a laissé le groupe quelque peu déprimé et juste confus à propos de toute l’épreuve.

Maintenir la paix : lorsque vous partagez une maison ou une chambre de vacances, soyez un colocataire prévenant

Rappelez-vous le décorum approprié, prévient Elaine, et cela inclut “tout, de ce que nous nous prélassons dans la maison à l’amour”.

Nettoyer après vous-même est également “primordial”, a-t-elle ajouté, et assurez-vous de laisser une “petite empreinte” dans les espaces partagés.

Avant même de partir, Elaine Swann conseille aux gens de considérer quelques éléments lors des étapes de planification et le premier est le budget

Avant même de partir, Elaine Swann conseille aux gens de considérer quelques éléments lors des étapes de planification et le premier est le budget

Elle a dit que si vous partagez le salon ou la salle de bain, gardez vos affaires ensemble et ramassez après vous.

‘N’ayez pas peur de prendre quelque chose qui doit être fait. Une partie de cela n’est pas seulement de reprendre après nous-mêmes, mais aussi d’être fier de l’endroit où vous vivez.

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“Donc, s’il y a une personne qui n’est pas aussi ordonnée que vous, ne prenez pas position et ne créez pas une guerre silencieuse en disant que je ne reprends pas après cette personne, rendez plutôt l’environnement paisible et agréable.”

“Si vous devez franchir une étape supplémentaire parce que quelqu’un n’est pas obligé de le faire, alors tant pis.”

Quant à savoir qui obtient les premiers dibs sur la salle de bain le matin, Elaine recommande aux gens “d’essayer de se synchroniser avec le ménage”.

Par exemple, si tout le monde a tendance à se lever pour le petit-déjeuner à une certaine heure, intégrez-le à votre routine pendant les vacances, dit-elle.

Une autre habitude à éviter est de « ne pas monopoliser le temps dans la salle de bain ou devant la télévision ».

“Gardez à l’esprit que vous partagez cet espace, donc le temps doit également être partagé”, a ajouté Elaine.

Quant à la répartition des dépenses du ménage, « chacun devrait certainement porter son poids et payer sa juste part ».

Rappelez-vous le décorum approprié, prévient Elaine, et cela inclut

Rappelez-vous le décorum approprié, prévient Elaine, et cela inclut “tout, de ce que nous nous prélassons dans la maison à l’amour”. Nettoyer après soi est aussi « primordial »

‘Découvrez à l’avance ce qu’on attend de vous. S’il n’y a rien de gravé dans la pierre, faites une sorte d’offre pour participer équitablement à la maison », a déclaré Elaine.

“Par exemple, vous pourriez dire : ” Tu sais quoi ? Nous nous occuperons du petit-déjeuner aujourd’hui… ou du déjeuner ou du dîner…” Déterminez dans quel type de domaine vous pouvez contribuer s’il n’y a rien de spécifique c’est mis de côté.

“Vous pouvez soit contribuer à l’épicerie, soit contribuer en couvrant le coût du repas pour tout le monde pour une partie particulière du séjour.”

Jackie Vernon-Thompson a également partagé ses idées sur l'étiquette appropriée lors de vacances en groupe

Jackie Vernon-Thompson a également partagé ses idées sur l’étiquette appropriée lors de vacances en groupe

En ce qui concerne le partage d’une chambre, Jackie suggère d’établir au préalable quelques règles de base avec votre futur colocataire.

« Préfèrent-ils le lit le plus proche de la porte ou de la fenêtre ? Sont-ils des noctambules et ceux qui regardent la télévision jusqu’à tard dans la nuit ? Découvrez s’ils préfèrent se doucher en premier ou en dernier ? Et ne soyez pas timide pour partager vos préférences également », a-t-elle déclaré à

Et au cas où vous logeriez avec un étranger, l’expert en étiquette vous conseille de contacter la personne à l’avance et “d’établir une sorte de rapport avant l’événement”.

“De cette façon, vous ne serez pas totalement étrangers l’un à l’autre une fois arrivés dans la pièce”, a déclaré Jackie.

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Soyez également respectueux du temps des gens, a ajouté Jackie.

«Ce n’est pas une bonne étiquette d’être en retard pour un rassemblement ou un événement lors d’un voyage avec un groupe. C’est impoli que tout le monde vous attende encore et encore ”, a-t-elle déclaré.

‘Cette situation [can leave] le groupe est agité, frustré et parfois irrespectueux que vous preniez son temps pour acquis. Le respect du temps de chacun est très important.

Ce sont des vacances de groupe, mais pouvez-vous passer du temps seul ? Oui, mais c’est une question d’équilibre

Si vous partez en vacances en groupe, on s’attend à ce que vous passiez du temps avec les personnes avec lesquelles vous voyagez.

Mais il est «acceptable» de rompre ou de faire une activité par vous-même «à l’occasion, cependant, dans des limites raisonnables», a déclaré Elaine.

«Vous ne voulez pas partir en vacances en groupe, dites bonjour quand vous y arrivez, puis ils ne vous reverront plus jusqu’à ce que vous vous réunissiez pour partir, car cela va à l’encontre de tout son objectif. Alors trouvez un équilibre », a-t-elle ajouté.

“Par exemple, le groupe peut décider de faire une balade en VTT ou à dos d’éléphant, ou quelque chose dans ce sens, et vous n’avez tout simplement pas envie de le faire.”

“S’il y a quelque chose que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre ou que vous n’avez pas envie de faire ou peut-être même trop fatigué pour le faire, refusez-le, mais assurez-vous de faire le plus grand effort pour renouer avec le groupe au sein d’un courte période de temps.’

Si vous souhaitez dîner seul pour quelques repas, communiquez-le toujours à votre groupe, a ajouté Jackie.

“Discutez avec l’hôte s’il s’attend à ce que vous dîniez avec lui pour le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner”, a-t-elle déclaré.

‘Si vous le souhaitez, partagez avec l’hôte que vous pouvez parfois dîner ailleurs plusieurs fois.

«Vous ne voulez pas être un non-présentation, laissant l’hôte et les autres invités se demander où vous êtes. Informer l’hôte avant l’expérience est toujours une bonne étiquette.

En ce qui concerne le partage de la facture pendant les repas, Jackie a déclaré que si les gens avaient des inquiétudes, ayez une conversation significative et exprimez vos inquiétudes.

Et lorsqu’il s’agit d’un mélange de célibataires et de couples en vacances, Elaine rappelle aux planificateurs de s’assurer que les activités qu’ils choisissent peuvent être faites par les deux parties.

Si l’activité nécessite que les gens se mettent par deux, assurez-vous qu’il y en a suffisamment dans le groupe pour le faire, a-t-elle ajouté.

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Doctors reveal the signs a young and ‘super-fit’ person is about to suffer a heart attack amid worrying surge



Doctors reveal the signs a young and ‘super-fit’ person is about to suffer a heart attack amid worrying surge
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Doctors are warning young people to be aware of signs of a heart attack after ‘alarming’ data showed the average age of victims is skewing younger.

The number of Americans 18-44 who suffered a heart attack rose by two-thirds in the past four years, many of whom led seemingly healthy lifestyles.

Some heart attacks strike suddenly, with the most common symptoms including sudden pain, heaviness or a tight sensation in the chest.

But cardiologists warn symptoms can start hours, days, or weeks before the actual heart attack, and some of the signs could be dismissed for other, less serious issues.

Dr Deepak Bhatt, a cardiologist at Mount Sinai in New York, told that waking up sweating more than usual could be a warning sign.

Doctors reveal the signs a young and ‘super-fit’ person is about to suffer a heart attack amid worrying surge

Raquel Hutt, 24 years old and from New York City, shared online the first warning sign of her heart attack was a shooting pain in her left arm that she described as the worst pain she had ever experienced

Chloe Burke went into cardiac arrest at 21 years old while cheering at the University of Houston. She is now educating others about cardiac arrest

Matias Escobar nearly died while competing in the New York City Triathlon. Doctors said his vital signs offered no clues -  cholesterol and blood pressure had all checked out prior to competing

Chloe Burke went into cardiac arrest at 21 years old while cheering at the University of Houston. She is now educating others about cardiac arrest 

Data shows roughly 0.3 percent of Americans aged 18 to 44 years had a heart attack in 2019, but last year that rose to 0.5 percent, or one in 200.

While that may still seem like a relatively low number, it represents a 66 percent increase in cases in just four years, which doctors call ‘alarming.’ It also means one in five heart attack patients is now younger than 40. 

Doctors have blamed a combination of obesity, rampant drug use, sedentary lifestyles and bad diets for the change. 

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Dr Virginia Colliver, a cardiologist with Johns Hopkins Community Physicians-Heart Care, wrote: ‘Research doesn’t provide insight into why the uptick in heart attacks is happening to younger people. 

‘I suspect it has to do with more people having risk factors for heart disease at an earlier age.’

Risk factors among this group include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking. 

Diabetes, a family history of heart disease, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise and excessive alcohol use can also be risk factors. 

Dr Colliver added that birth control pills and other hormonal contraception can raise the risk of a person developing a blood clot in the heart or legs and the medications can also raise blood pressure – all heart attack risk factors in younger women. 

She wrote: ‘So if you have a history of high blood pressure or clotting problems, other types of contraception might be a better fit for you.

‘But for most young women, it’s safe to take birth control medication.” 

A lesser-known symptom of an impending heart attack that can occur days or a week before is sweating and feeling out of breath even without working out.

Rina Devans, a mother from New York City, revealed on TikTok that a warning sign of her heart attack was pain in her neck and shoulders. The symptoms started two weeks before the attack occurred, she said

Rina Devans, a mother from New York City, revealed on TikTok that a warning sign of her heart attack was pain in her neck and shoulders. The symptoms started two weeks before the attack occurred, she said

Data shows heart attack cases are on the rise, Dr Bhatt said, but doctors are still disagreeing over what could be causing the uptick

Data shows heart attack cases are on the rise, Dr Bhatt said, but doctors are still disagreeing over what could be causing the uptick 

Dr Bhatt told ‘Among people who have a heart attack, a proportion — about half — will have symptoms a week or two before.

‘The most common sign before a heart attack would be chest discomfort or some sort of chest pain, that the patient often links to low levels of physical exertion or having pulled a muscle.

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‘But also on the list are symptoms like shortness of breath out of the blue or with low levels of physical exertion and, in rare cases, sweating without physical exertion.’


  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Indigestion
  • Pain in the jaw and neck
  • Sweating 
  • Feeling out of breath 
  • Heaviness or tight sensation in the chest 
  • Pain in neck and shoulders


However, studies suggest young women having a heart attack are less likely to experience chest pain, resulting in delays in treatment. 

A 2012 study found 42 percent of young women who had a heart attack did not have chest pain.

Dr Bhatt also said that in some cases pain in the jaw and neck could be a warning sign of an approaching heart attack.

He said: ‘I’ve had a handful of patients referred to me from dental offices when in fact they are suffering from symptoms of a heart attack.

‘Most of the time, the pain in the jaw is a cavity, but for sure in some cases it can be a signal that a patient is at risk of a heart attack.’

He also referenced his 2022 study, which found up to 48 percent of patients experienced symptoms including pain in the neck, jaw and/or shoulder blades before a heart attack.

Doctors say this is a type of ‘referred pain’, or when pain from one part of the body is felt in another area.

This happens with the heart because it shares nerves with areas of the upper body including the jaw, neck and shoulders.

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This means when pain signals are sent by the heart, it is possible they will be felt in other areas like the jaw.

Among young people to suffer this warning sign was 24-year-old Raquel Hutt from New York, who said she felt severe shooting pain in her left arm while using the bathroom, describing it as the ‘worst pain of my life’, before her attack occurred. 

Other warning signs that may strike in the days before a heart attack include nausea and vomiting, fatigue, dizziness and indigestion. These can also be warning signs that a heart attack is currently occurring.

Several doctors have made clips warning about the hidden symptoms for TikTok, including the above from Dr Kunal Sood, who is based in Maryland

Several doctors have made clips warning about the hidden symptoms for TikTok, including the above from Dr Kunal Sood, who is based in Maryland

Several doctors have made clips warning about the hidden symptoms for TikTok, including the above from Dr Kunal Sood, who is based in Maryland

About 805,000 Americans suffer from a heart attack every year, of which 375,000 are fatal.

People 65 and older are most likely to suffer the attacks, which are often linked to obesity, diabetes and smoking.

The attacks are often caused by small blood-clots that become lodged in an artery and cut off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to part of the heart.

During a heart attack, prompt treatment is essential to avoid severe damage to the organ and death.

Patients may be administered drugs like blood-thinners to break down clots and morphine to reduce pain.

In some cases, surgery may also be performed to re-open clogged arteries and restore blood flow to critical areas.

He was speaking in response to a video posted by chiropractor and top YouTube health expert Sten Ekberg, who also said that sweating without exercise could be a warning sign someone may suffer from the life-threatening event.

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US elections explainer: The seven battleground states to watch in 2024



US elections explainer: The seven battleground states to watch in 2024
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US elections explainer: The seven battleground states to watch in 2024
While more than 240 million Americans are eligible to vote in 2024, a relatively small number will actually decide the election. Voters in just seven swing states are likely to determine whether Vice President Kamala Harris or former president Donald Trump will be the next occupant of the White House. But several factors are making these battlegrounds too close to call.

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Paul Pogba’s ‘minimum wage salary’ the Juventus star was paid during doping ban and the ‘HUGE amount’ the ex-Man United midfielder will return to after successful appeal



Paul Pogba’s ‘minimum wage salary’ the Juventus star was paid during doping ban and the ‘HUGE amount’ the ex-Man United midfielder will return to after successful appeal
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  • Paul Pogba’s reduced salary at Juventus while serving a ban has been revealed
  • The Frenchman has had his initial four-year doping ban reduced after an appeal
  • LISTEN NOW: It’s All Kicking Off!, available wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes every Monday and Thursday

Paul Pogba has reportedly had to live on a ‘minimum wage’ at Juventus since being slapped with a four year doping ban that has now been reduced.

Mail Sport exclusively revealed on Friday that the French midfielder has had his initial four year drugs ban slashed to just 18 months by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Pogba was initially facing a likely retirement had the ban been upheld after he tested positive in August 2023 for DHEA which boosts testosterone and is on WADA’s banned list.

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However, the decision to reduce his ban means Pogba can now resume training with Juventus in January and will be able to play his first competitive fixture as of March 2025.

His career revival will also see the former Manchester United star return to the mega salary that he was handed by Juventus when he signed a four-year contract at the club.

Paul Pogba’s ‘minimum wage salary’ the Juventus star was paid during doping ban and the ‘HUGE amount’ the ex-Man United midfielder will return to after successful appeal

Paul Pogba has reportedly been paid a ‘minimum wage’ salary by Juventus after being banned for droping

Mail Sport exclusively revealed on Friday that the French midfielder has had his initial four year drugs ban slashed to just 18 months

Mail Sport exclusively revealed on Friday that the French midfielder has had his initial four year drugs ban slashed to just 18 months 

Pogba had his mega-money contract in Italy slashed to just £1700-per-month after being banned

Pogba had his mega-money contract in Italy slashed to just £1700-per-month after being banned

Since being banned, Pogba has seen his pay package cut to ‘minimum wage’ that will now receive a welcome boost to put him amongst Serie A’s top earners, as reported by Gazzetta.

It is believed that the 31-year-old has been living off a £1700-per-month salary instead of the usual riches that comes with being one of the sport’s biggest stars.

Should Juventus decide to keep the World Cup winner in their ranks then his wage will return to around £10.4m-per-year reflective of the deal Pogba signed for the club as a free agent.

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That wage works out at around £200,000-per-week which will be a welcome boost for the ex-Premier League star who previously decided to leave Old Trafford at the expiration of his contract.

However, it is yet to be seen whether Juventus will keep Pogba in their ranks now they have discovered when the superstar personality can be back on the pitch.

Pogba later released a statement celebrating the end of ‘the nightmare’ as his appeal against the original ban was successful.

‘Finally the nightmare is over. Following the decision by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, I can look forward to the day when I can follow my dreams again,’ he said on Instagram.

The Frenchman will now soon return to his previous £10.4m-per-year deal agreed with Juventus

The Frenchman will now soon return to his previous £10.4m-per-year deal agreed with Juventus

‘I always stated that I never knowingly breached World Anti-Doping Agency regulations when I took a nutritional supplement prescribed to me by a doctor, which does not affect or enhance the performance of male athletes.

‘I play with integrity, and although I must accept that this is a strict liability offence, I want to place on record my thanks to the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s judges who heard my explanation.

‘This has been a hugely distressing period in my life because everything I have worked so hard for has been put on hold.

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‘Thank you again for all the love and support. I just cannot wait to get back on the pitch.’

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Stolen away by people smugglers to ferry migrants across the Channel, the beloved boat now returned to its joyful owners… by the Mail!



Stolen away by people smugglers to ferry migrants across the Channel, the beloved boat now returned to its joyful owners… by the Mail!
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A retired couple’s ­precious boat stolen by a gang to smuggle migrants from France to England has been returned to them after a Herculean battle against officialdom by the Mail.

The much-cherished red-and-white vessel, named Aidan and little bigger than a bathtub, was delivered to the pensioners at their picturesque ­village near Dunkirk in northern France amid tears, laughter – and much kissing of cheeks in the French style.

‘Merci, merci again,’ said an ­emotional Eric Blin, hugging me as he set eyes on Aidan for the first time since February.

‘We never thought our bateau would come back. She disappeared at night from our local canal and we were told by the French police and British ­Border Force that a smuggling gang had taken her to England.’

The retired welder bought Aidan on the internet for £2,200 as a present to his wife Nadia, a former laundress. They planned to spend this summer taking it out for picnics along the ­willow-lined canal near their home in Watten village, which leads 15 miles to the North Sea at Dunkirk.

Stolen away by people smugglers to ferry migrants across the Channel, the beloved boat now returned to its joyful owners… by the Mail!

Eric Blin bought Aidan on the internet for £2,200 as a present to his wife Nadia, a former laundress

They planned to spend this summer taking it out for picnics along the ­willow-lined canal near their home in Watten village, which leads 15 miles to the North Sea at Dunkirk

They planned to spend this summer taking it out for picnics along the ­willow-lined canal near their home in Watten village, which leads 15 miles to the North Sea at Dunkirk

Mr and Mrs Blin have been reunited with their beloved boat thanks to the Mail - Mr Blin is pictured here with the Mail's Sue Reid

Mr and Mrs Blin have been reunited with their beloved boat thanks to the Mail – Mr Blin is pictured here with the Mail’s Sue Reid

That dream, however, was destroyed by the smugglers who snatched the boat to travel along the canal before making the perilous ­journey across the Channel to Dover with five migrants squashed on board.

The Mail’s search for Aidan (‘Nadia’ in reverse, painted by Eric on its hull) began when we first met the couple, both 62, during our investigation last spring into a spate of small boat thefts by migrant smugglers from the ­Watten waterway for Channel crossings to the Kent coast.

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The village and its canal is now a key set-off point for people smugglers as they try to avoid French police patrolling the Dunkirk and Calais beaches to stop the myriad migrant crossings in small boats. The couple told us the story of their lost boat and we promised to find Aidan – which we knew must have been hidden somewhere in England –and return it safely to them.

After weeks of combing the ports, boatyards, beaches and inlets along the coastline of Kent and Sussex, we traced the vessel to a secretive and guarded ­Government compound three miles from Dover.

Using an overhead drone, we spotted it lying in a corner of the open-air complex, ­surrounded by ­hundreds of smugglers’ rubber dinghies seized by Border Force.

‘We did not know if she had been broken up for scrap. We were ­forgotten by both ­countries,’ Eric told us this week. ‘Bravo to the Mail for finding our lost boat and battling the authorities which did not seem to care about us.’

Eric had moored Aidan for the winter two months after buying it in August 2023. He tied the boat securely to the canal bank near the couple’s terraced home.

‘I thought she was safe,’ he remembered this week. ‘Then the smugglers came for her.’

The boat was stolen just before midnight on February 9, after a gang ­scouting the area picked it out, cut its rope and released it from the bank mooring.

Five migrants, including a child, were put on board for the overnight crossing to Dover. It is thought they paid a total of £6,000 for the journey.

On Tuesday morning this week, we put the boat on a low loader behind a four-wheel drive to travel back to France on a cross-Channel ferry

On Tuesday morning this week, we put the boat on a low loader behind a four-wheel drive to travel back to France on a cross-Channel ferry

The stolen boat can be seen arriving at a slipway at Dover Harbour, ready to make the journey across the channel back to France

The stolen boat can be seen arriving at a slipway at Dover Harbour, ready to make the journey across the channel back to France

The smugglers were spotted by French police at 5am, a few miles from the point where the canal to Dunkirk from Watten village meets the North Sea.

Although the boat was ­unseaworthy, had only four lifejackets and was ­dangerously overloaded, officers did not halt the vessel as it made its ­dangerous journey.

It ploughed on through a calm – but bitterly cold – night towards ­British waters. At the border in the middle of the Channel, migrants on board were met and escorted into Dover by Border Force vessels during the morning of February 10.

We have seen Border Force ­photos, shared with the Blin ­family, of Aidan after its arrival in Dover. It is in a shambolic state, caked in mud and littered with the migrants’ debris including discarded insulated gold-coloured blankets given to them by the smuggling gang.

The boat was then dumped by the British in the lock-up and left to rot in months of rain and bad weather.

Aiden now has holes in its hull and damage to its deck, thought to have been caused by the prongs of a fork-lift truck used to move it from port to lock-up after arrival in England.

When the Mail first asked the Home Office in London what had happened to Aidan, we received evasive responses.

We asked political aides of the then Conservative government’s Home Office ministers to help find the boat and return it to the Blin family. They agreed to do so, but the snap General Election was called, throwing a promised ­rescue plan into disarray.

Aiden now has holes in its hull and damage to its deck, thought to have been caused by the prongs of a fork-lift truck used to move it from port to lock-up after arrival in England

Aiden now has holes in its hull and damage to its deck, thought to have been caused by the prongs of a fork-lift truck used to move it from port to lock-up after arrival in England

Finally, we approached Border Force officers stationed in France who refused to answer our questions because they ‘don’t deal with the media’.

The wall of silence was ­impenetrable. It was hard not to ­conclude that Eric was correct – no one in officialdom on either side of the Channel cared a jot.

Frustrated, in July we hired a team of French lawyers to help retrieve the boat and return it. They navigated a tricky path negotiating with the French and British authorities on behalf of the Blin family.

Finally, after many weeks, we received permission from ­Border Force and the French police to collect the missing boat on behalf of Eric and Nadia from the lock-up in Dover.

A first attempt by the Mail to tow Aidan behind a sturdy ­fishing boat across the Channel late last month ended halfway to France. The little boat had been so badly damaged in ­English ­custody that it let in water and had to be pulled back to Dover to safety.

Our second attempt was a ­success. On Tuesday morning this week, we put the boat on a low loader behind a four-wheel drive to travel back to France on a cross-Channel ferry.

We then took it the 27 miles to Watten ­village for the happy reunion with the Blins.

There are not many good news stories around in this troubled world but this is one. We ­promised the ­pensioners, and their daughter Melissa, who helps refugee ­families in France, to rescue the boat and give it back to them. And this week, to their joy, we succeeded.

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Is this why you’re obsessed with Netflix’s ‘hot Rabbi?’ Psychologists pinpoint 3 key features of a ‘perfect man’ as the internet goes wild for Adam Brody’s character in hit show Nobody Wants This



Is this why you’re obsessed with Netflix’s ‘hot Rabbi?’ Psychologists pinpoint 3 key features of a ‘perfect man’ as the internet goes wild for Adam Brody’s character in hit show Nobody Wants This
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More than two decades after his breakthrough role in The O.C., Adam Brody is finding a new legion of fans with Netflix’s Nobody Wants This.

The 44-year-old actor plays newly-single, Noah, a witty basketball-playing rabbi who finds himself tangled in a relationship with Joanne — Kirsten Bell — an agnostic sex and relationships podcaster.

The pair must contend with their religious differences, as well as their respective chaotic family dynamics. 

In the series, Noah is also referred to as ‘hot rabbi,’ an apparent nod to Fleabag’s hot priest. And it’s proven even more popular than the hit BBC show, boasting more than 10 million views in the first four days alone of streaming. 

Fans have swarmed to social media to praise Adam Brody’s middle-aged sex appeal, intelligence and vulnerability. 

Is this why you’re obsessed with Netflix’s ‘hot Rabbi?’ Psychologists pinpoint 3 key features of a ‘perfect man’ as the internet goes wild for Adam Brody’s character in hit show Nobody Wants This

The 44-year-old actor plays newly-single, Noah, a witty basketball-playing rabbi who finds himself tangled in a relationship with Joanne — Kirsten Bell — an agnostic sex and relationships podcaster

In the series, Noah is referred to as 'hot rabbi,' an apparent nod to Fleabag 's hot priest

In the series, Noah is referred to as ‘hot rabbi,’ an apparent nod to Fleabag ‘s hot priest

Fans have swarmed to social media to praise Adam Brody's middle-aged sex appeal, intelligence and vulnerability

Fans have swarmed to social media to praise Adam Brody’s middle-aged sex appeal, intelligence and vulnerability

One wrote: ‘Adam Brody the absolute green flag you are.’ 

Another said: ‘Adam Brody healed all girls who have ever been told they were “too much”. I cried actually.’ 

A third declared: ‘Save me Adam Brody as hot rabbi, save me.’

‘Adam Brody is the perfect romance lead and we have severely underutilized [sic] that in the last 10-15 years’, a fourth said. 

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Now, research has indicated exactly why Noah could be considered ‘perfect’, pinpointing three different characteristics.

Kindness and understanding, not always wanting the same things, and compromise are among the top three qualities repeatedly emphasised in studies. 

In one US study, researchers quizzed 184 participants on their most and least desired characteristics in a romantic partner. 

Both sexes agreed on the characteristics of kindness and understanding, having an exciting personality, and intelligence as being the most important. 

In another, published earlier this year, scientists in Brazil found regardless of sexual orientation, people prioritized intelligence and kindness over physical attractiveness, when choosing a partner. 

The 10-part series stars Brody and Bell as the leads, and comes from writer Erin Foster, daughter of David Foster and step-daughter of Katharine McPhee

The 10-part series stars Brody and Bell as the leads, and comes from writer Erin Foster, daughter of David Foster and step-daughter of Katharine McPhee

One social media user wrote: 'Adam Brody the absolute green flag you are.' Another said: 'Adam Brody healed all girls who have ever been told they were

One social media user wrote: ‘Adam Brody the absolute green flag you are.’ Another said: ‘Adam Brody healed all girls who have ever been told they were “too much”. I cried actually’

They asked 778 straight, bisexual and gay men and women to construct their ideal partner based on a set of predetermined traits: intelligence, kindness, physical attractiveness, health, and socioeconomic status. 

Participants were also presented with three budget scenarios: low, medium, and high. 

But despite the universal appeal of intelligence and kindness, the researchers also uncovered variations in how these and other traits were valued through the lens of sex. 

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Straight men, for instance, rated physical attractiveness significantly higher than their counterparts.  

It comes as the series is being praised by critics for delivering the best and kookiest story in the romcom genre since 1989’s When Harry Met Sally.

The 10-part series stars Brody and Bell as the leads, and comes from writer Erin Foster, daughter of David Foster and step-daughter of Katharine McPhee, who converted to judaism before marrying her husband.

In the show, Noah tells Joanne there’s nothing worse for his professional image than falling for a ‘shiksa’. ‘

Technically, it’s a Yiddish insult that means you’re impure and detestable, but these days it just means you’re a hot, blonde non-Jew,’ Noah says to Joanne.

Part of the appeal, viewers say, is Noah’s intrinsic lack of availability. 

Like the ‘hot priest’ before him in Fleabag, Noah is not supposed to date a secular woman. 

And like Phoebe Waller Bridge’s character, Joanne is a committed atheist. 

They both represent forbidden crushes, forcing the protagonists to compromise. 

In one 2017 study, researchers concluded that holding on to the idea you shouldn’t have to compromise in a relationship is unrealistic and ‘compromises are unavoidable’. 

But Noah’s relationship with Joanne also highlights that couples are not always going to want the same things — another factor research repeatedly suggests makes the ‘perfect partner’. 

In the show, Noah tells Joanne there's nothing worse for his professional image than falling for a 'shiksa'. ' Technically, it's a Yiddish insult that means you're impure and detestable, but these days it just means you're a hot, blonde non-Jew,' Noah says to Joanne

In the show, Noah tells Joanne there’s nothing worse for his professional image than falling for a ‘shiksa’. ‘ Technically, it’s a Yiddish insult that means you’re impure and detestable, but these days it just means you’re a hot, blonde non-Jew,’ Noah says to Joanne

One US study assessing the personality traits of 360 couples found both partners bring their own unique qualities to the table, and those qualities influence the relationship independently.

Writing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the researchers said: ‘Each partner’s personality contributes independently to relationship outcomes but not in a synergistic way — a whole relationship is not greater than the sum of its two parts.’ 

Relationship psychotherapist Charisse Cooke also told Refinery29: ‘People often confuse compatibility with being the same. 

‘It’s often the differences in relationships that can cause problems and conflict. 

‘So we may imagine someone having the same interests as us protects us from misunderstandings or disagreements.’

But she added: ‘When dating someone with the same interests, there’s less room for growth. You may find that you stop trying new things.’

In an interview with Vanity Fair this week, Brody said fans can expect his characters to be ‘progressively more generous and self-aware’ as the actor himself gets older. 

‘This could either be because I’m old and I’m slowing down,’ he said, ‘or because I’m wise and I’m grounded and confident’. 

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RAY MASSEY: Electric dreams are becoming more real as prices start to fall



RAY MASSEY: Electric dreams are becoming more real as prices start to fall
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RAY MASSEY: Electric dreams are becoming more real as prices start to fall


Price: £15,995

On sale: now First deliveries: December

Manufacturer: Leapmotor International (a joint partnership with Stellantis, owners of 14 brands including Vauxhall, Peugeot, Citroen, Alfa Romeo Fiat, and Jeep)

Built: China

Power: Electric

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Key rival: Dacia Spring EV

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Antarctica is turning GREEN: Vegetation cover has increased more than tenfold over the last 40 years – with climate change to blame



Antarctica is turning GREEN: Vegetation cover has increased more than tenfold over the last 40 years – with climate change to blame
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If you were asked to visualise Antarctica, it’s likely a vast white landscape would spring to mind. 

But a concerning new study might have you rethinking that image in your head. 

Experts from the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire have warned that Antarctica is turning green – with climate change to blame. 

Their analysis shows that vegetation cover across the Antarctic Peninsula has increased more than tenfold over the last four decades. 

‘Our findings raise serious concerns about the environmental future of the Antarctic Peninsula, and of the continent as a whole,’ said Dr Thomas Roland, who led the study. 

Antarctica is turning GREEN: Vegetation cover has increased more than tenfold over the last 40 years – with climate change to blame

If you were asked to visualise Antarctica, it’s likely a vast white landscape would spring to mind. But a concerning new study might have you rethinking that image in your head. Pictured: a WorldView-2 Satellite Image of Robert Island (top) and the same image after the analysis, showing areas of vegetated land in bright green (bottom) 

Previous studies have shown that, like many polar regions, the Antarctic Peninsula is warming faster than the global average. Pictured: Green Island

Previous studies have shown that, like many polar regions, the Antarctic Peninsula is warming faster than the global average. Pictured: Green Island

Previous studies have shown that, like many polar regions, the Antarctic Peninsula is warming faster than the global average. 

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In their new study, the researchers set out to understand how much of the area has ‘greened’ in response to this warming. 

The team analysed satellite images taken across the Peninsula over the last 40 years. 

Back in 1986, the images show that just one square kilometre of the Peninsula was covered with vegetation. 

However, by 2021, this area had increased to almost 12 square kilometres. 

Speaking to MailOnline, Dr Roland explained that while simple before-and-after photos would be ‘impactful’, they were not possible. 

‘Sadly we only have “very high resolution” images from 2013 and 2016,’ he said. 

‘Whilst the increases in vegetation we observe over this short window are in line with our overall greening trend (1986-2021) the visual difference is not that remarkable! 

‘In turn, a single image from the coarser resolution satellite we use for the main study (where we have hundreds of images over the full 35 year period), I suspect, would not be perceived as good enough “quality” as to be impactful.’

The team analysed satellite images taken across the Peninsula over the last 40 years, and found that vegetation cover has increased significantly

The team analysed satellite images taken across the Peninsula over the last 40 years, and found that vegetation cover has increased significantly

Greening accelerated by over 30 per cent in recent years (2016-2021) relative to the full study period (1986-2021) ¿ expanding by over 400,000 square metres per year in this period. Pictured: Barrientos Island

Greening accelerated by over 30 per cent in recent years (2016-2021) relative to the full study period (1986-2021) – expanding by over 400,000 square metres per year in this period. Pictured: Barrientos Island

The study also found that the greening is happening quicker and quicker. 

Greening accelerated by over 30 per cent in recent years (2016-2021) relative to the full study period (1986-2021) – expanding by over 400,000 square metres per year in this period.

‘The plants we find on the Antarctic Peninsula – mostly mosses – grow in perhaps the harshest conditions on Earth,’ said Dr Roland.

‘The landscape is still almost entirely dominated by snow, ice and rock, with only a tiny fraction colonised by plant life.

‘But that tiny fraction has grown dramatically – showing that even this vast and isolated ‘wilderness’ is being affected by anthropogenic climate change.’

Worryingly, the researchers say that as these ecosystems become more established and temperatures continue to rise, the extent of the greening will increase. 

Experts from the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire have warned that Antarctica is turning green - with climate change to blame. Pictured: Ardley Island

Experts from the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire have warned that Antarctica is turning green – with climate change to blame. Pictured: Ardley Island

Dr Olly Bartlett, co-author of the study, said: ‘Soil in Antarctica is mostly poor or non-existent, but this increase in plant life will add organic matter, and facilitate soil formation – potentially paving the way for other plants to grow.

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‘This raises the risk of non-native and invasive species arriving, possibly carried by eco-tourists, scientists or other visitors to the continent.’

Based on the findings, the team is calling for ‘urgent’ research into the specific mechanisms behind the greening trend.  

‘The sensitivity of the Antarctic Peninsula’s vegetation to climate change is now clear and, under future anthropogenic warming, we could see fundamental changes to the biology and landscape of this iconic and vulnerable region,’ Dr Roland added.

‘In order to protect Antarctica, we must understand these changes and identify precisely what is causing them.’

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Stuff of nightmares as child dies of rabies after bat broke into bedroom while they slept



Stuff of nightmares as child dies of rabies after bat broke into bedroom while they slept
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A child in Ontario, Canada, has died of rabies after contact with a bat, the first case confirmed there since 1967.

The unidentified child had been in the hospital since early September after waking up one morning to a bat in their room. Officials have withheld the child’s name, age, and gender to protect the family’s privacy.

The rabies virus is transmitted to humans through the saliva of infected animals, including bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes. The Ontario child’s parents did not see any signs of a bite, though, and did not get the child vaccinated against rabies following the incident.

Rabies has one of the highest mortality rates of all viruses – nearly 100 percent – with fewer than 20 documented survivors. 

Stuff of nightmares as child dies of rabies after bat broke into bedroom while they slept

The child did not show any signs of a bite or scratch from the bat, so their parents did not administer a rabies vaccine

Rabies kills around 70,000 people worldwide every year , though most deaths are concentrated in countries with inadequate public health resources, such as wide-reaching vaccination programs for people and animals.

In the US, fewer than 10 cases of rabies occur each year. That rate was once more than 100 before the arrival of vaccines for people and pets in the late 19th century. 

The vaccine can be given after a person is exposed and is 100 percent effective if administered within 48 hours of exposure. 

The Ontario child’s death was announced by Malcolm Lock, a doctor at the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit at a health board meeting on Wednesday.

He said: ‘They woke up with a bat in their room.

‘The parents looked, didn’t see any signs of a bite or scratches or saliva and didn’t seek getting a rabies vaccine.’

The unnamed child was exposed in an area north of Sudbury, Ontario, a rugged landscape with hundreds of lakes and at least four different types of bats.

A bat’s fangs are incredibly small and someone bit by the animal may not be able to see the mark, so doctors recommend anyone who has come into contact with a bat receive a rabies vaccine.  

While common beliefs about rabies may lead people to think all infected animals are aggressive or show signs of frothing at the mouth, any changes in an animal’s usual behavior can be early indicators of rabies.

A bat that is active during the day, found on the ground, or seems unable to fly should be treated with caution. 

Large swathes of Ontario’s bat population have been wiped out since the arrival of white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease first identified in New York in 2006. It causes a white fungal growth on the bats causing their skin to disintegrate over time.

It disrupts their ability to hibernate. When they wake up early, their metabolism revs up and uses up fat reserves stored for winter as they struggle to find food, leaving them malnourished and depleted of energy.

But bats are essential to the environment, keeping insect populations under control, which helps maintain an area’s ecosystem, protect against diseases, and shield crops from pests. 

The above map shows which animals are most likely to be infected with rabies in certain areas

The above map shows which animals are most likely to be infected with rabies in certain areas

Rabies affects bats similarly to how it affects humans.

Once the virus reaches the brain, it binds to nerve cells where it can replicate uncontrollably and rapidly, erupting in a constellation of symptoms starting with fever, fatigue, and headache.

As the infection advances, it leads to respiratory spasms that cause gasping, wheezing, and tightness in the chest.

It also causes spasms in the throat while swallowing when trying to drink water, causing someone anxiety about drinking water, also called hydrophobia. People with rabies typically die severely dehydrated.

Rabies changes a person’s mental status, causing confusion, agitation, and aggression, as well as seizures in some cases. As the disease worsens, paralysis sets in, starting with the limbs.

The infection almost always results in coma and death within a few weeks after the onset if a vaccine is not administered promptly.

Worldwide, dogs are the leading carriers of rabies. But in the US, around 70 percent of rabies infections arise from exposure to bats.

Dr Lock said: ‘It’s extremely important that anyone who has a form of exposure [to bats] seeks medical attention,’ adding that treatment and vaccination should be quickly sought, even if bite marks are not immediately visible.’

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49ers star Kyle Juszczyk takes aim at reporter Grant Cohn in bizarre locker room furor: ‘Always hanging around while we’re changing’



49ers star Kyle Juszczyk takes aim at reporter Grant Cohn in bizarre locker room furor: ‘Always hanging around while we’re changing’
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Kyle Juszczyk has called out a San Francisco 49ers reporter in a bizarre argument over locker room interviews with players.

The NFL’s Players Association is urging the league to make ‘immediate changes’ and move interviews away from where stars get dressed.

‘Players feel that locker room interviews invade their privacy and are uncomfortable,’ a statement read on Friday.

The NFLPA did not name any specific journalists but Juszczyk singled out reporter Grant Cohn – who covers San Francisco for Sports Illustrated – on social media.

‘Maybe we can keep Grant Cohn from always hanging around our lockers while we’re changing,’ the 49ers fullback said.

Juszczyk accused reporter Grant Cohn of 'hanging around our lockers while we're changing'

Juszczyk accused reporter Grant Cohn of ‘hanging around our lockers while we’re changing’

‘I’m starting to think certain players on the 49ers don’t like me,’ Cohn wrote on X, formerly Twitter, shortly after. He then shared an article calling for the 49ers to sit Juszczyk, adding: ‘I stand by this’

Two-time Super Bowl champion Torrey Smith, meanwhile, accused journalists of looking at players’ private parts.  

‘If only y’all knew how awkward some of the male reporters act,’ he wrote on social media.

Juszczyk, 33, has been with the 49ers since 2017 and was a first-team All Pro in 2023 as San Francisco reached the Super Bowl.

Juszczyk and Co were beaten by the Kansas City Chiefs, with the fullback’s wife Kristin hitting the headlines after making personalized jackets for the likes of Taylor Swift and Brittany Mahomes.

Journalists are typically permitted to enter locker rooms a few days a week, to speak to players after games and practice.

The 33-year-old fullback, pictured with his wife Kristin, has been with the 49ers since 2017

The 33-year-old fullback, pictured with his wife Kristin, has been with the 49ers since 2017

The NFLPA insists it is not trying to ‘limit media access’ but only wants to ‘respect players’ privacy and dignity.’

‘Over the past three years, the NFLPA has tried to work with the NFL and Pro Football Writers of America to move media interviews out of locker rooms,’ the statement said.

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‘However, there has been little willingness to collaborate on a new solution. Players feel that locker room interviews invade their privacy and are uncomfortable.

The NFLPS continued: ‘The NFL’s current media policy is outdated. We the NFLPA Executive Committee, urge the NFL to make immediate changes to foster a more respectful and safer workplace for all players.

‘In the meantime, we encourage each player to ask for interviews outside the locker room during the week.’ 

Sports IllustratedSan Francisco 49ers

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Police issue ‘unreserved apology’ for killing a family’s pet XL Bully dog – as ‘shocked’ MP demands answers



Police issue ‘unreserved apology’ for killing a family’s pet XL Bully dog – as ‘shocked’ MP demands answers
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A police force has apologised after putting down a family’s pet XL bully dog by mistake.

Lancashire Police said it has given the family an ‘unreserved apology’ for euthanising the seized dog, named Bruno, while the owners were in the process of applying for an exemption to keep him.

In a statement, the force said Bruno was put down due to an ‘administration error’.

Lizzi Collinge, MP for the local area Morecambe and Lunesdale, said: ‘This should be a ‘never event’ and I have taken this issue up directly with the police.’ 

The Government brought in the ban on the muscular canines after they were blamed for maulings which led to at least 11 deaths since 2021. Those killed ranged from 17 months to 84 years of age. 

Police issue ‘unreserved apology’ for killing a family’s pet XL Bully dog – as ‘shocked’ MP demands answers

Lancashire Police said it has given the family an ‘unreserved apology’ for euthanising the seized dog, named Bruno, while the owners were in the process of applying for an exemption to keep him

Lizzi Collinge, MP (left) for Morecambe and Lunesdale, said: 'This should be a 'never event' and I have taken this issue up directly with the police.'

Lizzi Collinge, MP (left) for Morecambe and Lunesdale, said: ‘This should be a ‘never event’ and I have taken this issue up directly with the police.’

‘In August we seized an XL bully dog from an address in Morecambe as part of our powers under the Dangerous Dogs Act as XL Bully dogs are a banned breed,’ the statement said.

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‘A file was being prepared for consideration of the owner being prosecuted for the relevant offences.

‘However, unfortunately, due to an administration error the dog was subsequently euthanised before the court hearing.’

The force added that it has introduced a process ‘to ensure the same mistake cannot be made again’.

Lizzi Collinge, MP Morecambe and Lunesdale, told the BBC that she is demanding answers over the incident.

‘This should be a ‘never event’ and I have taken this issue up directly with the police,’ she said.

She added: ‘I was shocked to see that a much-loved pet dog, Bruno, was wrongly euthanised whilst in police care.

‘Processes should have been in place to ensure this never happened.

‘There is a legal process when dogs are under police care and it appears this hasn’t been followed.

‘I will continue to support the family and I appeal to the police to disclose how they are changing their practices so that this is something that can never happen again.’

The XL bully is the fifth dog breed to be banned in the UK, following a spate of attacks on people last year.

Other banned breeds include the pit bull terrier, Japanese rosa, fila brasiliero and dogo argentino.

But attacks have continued despite the ban as just two days after it came into effect, Esther Martin, 68, was killed by XL bullies inside a property in Jaywick, Essex. Her daughter claimed the dogs were unregistered.

Four-year-old XL bully Coby during a protest in Dublin's city centre against a planned ban on XL Bully dogs in Ireland

Four-year-old XL bully Coby during a protest in Dublin’s city centre against a planned ban on XL Bully dogs in Ireland

The XL bully is the fifth dog breed to be banned in the UK, following a spate of attacks on people last year

The XL bully is the fifth dog breed to be banned in the UK, following a spate of attacks on people last year

The XL bully ban, which was criticised heavily by lovers of the breed, makes it a criminal offence to own, breed or sell the animals without permission, and those who have the exemption need to neuter their dogs and have third-party liability insurance.

Doug Smith member of Bully Watch, said: ‘We will likely be seeing more of these attacks. They won’t go away.’

‘It is a really tricky and messy situation for police to respond to. They can’t go door to door to assess the owners and assess the dogs.

‘The ban hasn’t had an impact on the ownership of these dogs and they are being rehomed to unsuitable homes illegally.

‘People are rehoming these dogs to other irresponsible owners. It is a case of idiots giving their dogs to other idiots. These people think they are responsible owners when they aren’t.

‘It is quite unprecedented. They have put this ban in place and people are still wanting to take these dogs into these homes.’

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Hommage à Michel Blanc, les coulisses de la séance photo pour les 75 ans de Paris Match

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Week-end voile à Lorient, la cité des 6 ports pour le retour de Tara / Les figues

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