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Les patients atteints d’un cancer du sang peuvent être épargnés par la chimiothérapie avec deux comprimés par jour



Les patients atteints d’un cancer du sang peuvent être épargnés par la chimiothérapie avec deux comprimés par jour
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Deux comprimés quotidiens pourraient bientôt épargner à certains patients atteints de cancer du sang d’avoir à subir des épisodes exténuants de chimiothérapie.

Le médicament, appelé ruxolitinib, peut maintenir un type de cancer du sang appelé polycythémie vraie en rémission jusqu’à trois ans de plus que les méthodes traditionnelles, selon une étude britannique.

Environ un tiers des patients atteints de polycythémie vraie souffrent d’effets secondaires graves de la chimiothérapie tels que des ulcères des jambes et de la bouche, des nausées et une fatigue insupportable.

Mais le ruxolitinib déclenche moins d’effets secondaires et réduit le risque de complications liées au cancer – comme les maux de tête, les sueurs nocturnes et les problèmes de concentration – de 50 % par rapport à la chimiothérapie.

On pense maintenant que les chiens de garde du NHS lui donneront le feu vert après des résultats d’essai impressionnants.

Les patients atteints d’un cancer du sang peuvent être épargnés par la chimiothérapie avec deux comprimés par jour

SOUFFRANT: DJ David Hamilton – photographié dans un studio de Radio 1 en 1973 – a révélé l’année dernière qu’il était atteint du rare cancer du sang polycythémie vraie

“Jusqu’à présent, il n’y a pas eu grand-chose pour ces patients”, déclare le professeur Claire Harrison, spécialiste du cancer du sang au Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust à Londres et co-auteur de l’essai le plus récent.

“Maintenant, nous présentons aux responsables de la santé les données les plus positives sur le ruxolitinib à ce jour.” Nous pensons qu’il pourrait être approuvé dans un proche avenir.

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Environ 4 000 personnes au Royaume-Uni vivent avec la polycythémie vraie, lorsque les globules rouges sont fabriqués trop rapidement par la moelle osseuse. Chez certains patients, les globules blancs et les plaquettes – responsables de la coagulation du sang après une blessure – sont également produits de manière excessive. Cela signifie un risque accru d’une foule de complications, y compris des dommages à la moelle osseuse – qui peuvent causer d’autres cancers du sang comme la leucémie – et des caillots sanguins qui peuvent entraîner des accidents vasculaires cérébraux et des crises cardiaques.

Il est incurable et provoque également de graves migraines et une peau enflée, rouge et qui démange.

Un patient est le DJ vétéran de la radio BBC David Hamilton, 84 ans, qui a révélé son diagnostic de polycythémie vraie l’année dernière.

Au début, la plupart des patients se voient proposer une saignée, un traitement dans lequel une pinte de sang est prélevée régulièrement pour réduire le nombre de globules rouges dans le corps. L’aspirine est également administrée pour réduire le risque de caillots. La plupart des patients ont également besoin d’une chimiothérapie pour détruire les cellules en excès, mais cela peut encore augmenter le risque de caillots sanguins potentiellement mortels et laisser de nombreuses personnes inaptes.

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Chez un tiers des patients, la chimiothérapie échoue également à arrêter le développement du cancer.

L’espoir est que le ruxolitinib améliorera considérablement les taux de survie après qu’une étude coordonnée par l’Université de Birmingham a conclu que le médicament peut “améliorer considérablement la qualité de vie” et réduire de 50% le risque de caillots sanguins.

Le ruxolitinib agit en « mettant en pause » un gène appelé JAK2, qui aide à contrôler le nombre de globules rouges et blancs et de plaquettes qui sont fabriqués dans la moelle osseuse.

Dans un essai impliquant 180 patients atteints de polycythémie vraie dans 39 hôpitaux britanniques, les chercheurs ont comparé les résultats de deux groupes de patients – la moitié prenant du ruxolitinib et les autres des traitements standard.

Il a révélé que les patients sous ruxolitinib avaient deux fois moins de cellules sanguines en excès que les autres et étaient quatre fois moins susceptibles de se retrouver à l’hôpital en raison de nouveaux cancers ou de caillots sanguins.

Un patient qui en bénéficiera est Mark Hill, 64 ans, de Londres, qui a reçu un diagnostic de polycythémie vraie en 2004.

L’enseignant à la retraite a d’abord été traité avec des saignées tous les trois mois, ainsi que de l’aspirine. Mais en cinq ans, la condition était devenue «hors de contrôle».

“Chaque fois que j’entrais, ils me disaient que je devais revenir dans six semaines pour me faire prélever plus de sang car cela devenait dangereux”, explique Mark.

Les médecins lui ont donné le médicament chimiothérapeutique hydroxycarbamide qu’il a pris sous forme de comprimé quotidien pendant un an.

“La chimio m’a donné l’impression de m’effondrer”, déclare Mark. “Mes cheveux sont tombés, j’avais la tête embrumée et si fatiguée que j’avais du mal à travailler.”

En 2012, Mark a participé à un essai médical sur le ruxolitinib.

“Je me suis tout de suite senti mieux”, dit-il. «Mes cellules sanguines sont revenues dans la plage normale, mes cheveux sont revenus et j’ai senti que je pouvais à nouveau fonctionner.

Lorsque l’essai s’est terminé en 2017, la société pharmaceutique a donné à Mark l’accès aux pilules pour des raisons de compassion – et il les prend toujours aujourd’hui.

« Maintenant, je mène une vie active et saine », dit-il. «Je pensais que je serais mort dans la décennie suivant mon diagnostic. Maintenant, près de 20 ans plus tard, je suis toujours là et en forme.

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Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7: The deadliest day in Israel’s history



Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7: The deadliest day in Israel’s history
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Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7: The deadliest day in Israel’s history
On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched the largest-ever terrorist attack on Israeli soil. The Palestinian organisation, considered a terrorist group by the EU and the US, stormed through the security fence separating Gaza and Israel in the early morning, killing 1,189 people, including 815 civilians, wounding 7,500 and taking 251 hostage. One year on, FRANCE 24 looks back at an event that shook the region and the world.

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Why the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ is so captivating – and it could also explain the appeal of the Mona Lisa



Why the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ is so captivating – and it could also explain the appeal of the Mona Lisa
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Vermeer’s masterpiece ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ has inspired everything from books and plays to a film starring Scarlett Johansson.

But while it is widely regarded as one of the most fascinating works of art ever made, it has taken scientists almost 400 years to figure out why.

Now, neuroscientists have revealed that the 17th-century oil painting uses a ‘unique’ psychological trick called a ‘sustained attentional loop’ which holds the viewer in place.

The researchers believe that this unique effect could even explain the appeal of great works of art like the Mona Lisa.

Martin de Munnic, co-founder of neuroscience firm Neurensics which led the study, says: ‘You have to pay attention whether you want to or not. You have to love her whether you want to or not.’

Why the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ is so captivating – and it could also explain the appeal of the Mona Lisa

Scientists have revealed that Vermeer’s ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ due to a psychological effect called a ‘sustained attentional loop’

Researchers fitted 20 participants with caps which recorded their brain activity and gaze to see how great works of art affect the mind

Researchers fitted 20 participants with caps which recorded their brain activity and gaze to see how great works of art affect the mind 

The mystery of 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' has spawned adaptions ranging from books and plays to a film starring Scarlett Johansson (left) and Colin Firth (right)

The mystery of ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ has spawned adaptions ranging from books and plays to a film starring Scarlett Johansson (left) and Colin Firth (right)

Who is the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’?

‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ was painted by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in 1655.

The painting shows a woman wearing a headscarf that Dutch women did not wear at the time and a large earring.

There has been much speculation over the girl’s identity with some suggesting that the model may have been a girl from the Dutch town of Delft.

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In some literary and cinematic re-imaginings, it is suggested that the girl may have been a servant in Vermeer’s household.

Some also suggest that Vermeer may have painted the portrait from imagination rather than trying to show any real woman.

Painted by the Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in 1665, the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ has long been admired as one of the greatest paintings of its period.

But to understand what makes this painting so compelling, the Mauritshuis Museum where the painting is housed invited neuroscientists to study how our brains react to art.

The researchers fitted 20 participants with special EEG headsets which recorded their brain activity while eye-trackers recorded where they were looking.

This revealed that ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ has a unique attention-grabbing effect.

Mr de Munnic says: ‘It was predictable that the Girl was special. But the “why” was also a surprise to us.

‘Normally when you look at a face you look at the eyes, at the mouth and then you are done, because then you have determined whether this person is “safe” or not. Not with the “Girl with a Pearl Earring”.

Vermeer is well known for leaving most of his paintings soft and blurry while a few details are made especially sharp to draw the viewer’s eye.

In ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ Vermeer uses three of these focus points: the mouth, the eyes, and the earring.

So, instead of sliding off the painting after a quick look, the viewer’s gaze is drawn in a triangle from the eyes to the mouth, to the earring, and back to the eyes.

Scientists say this effect could help explain why great paintings like the Mona Lisa are so captivating 

While much of the painting is left vague and blurred, Vermeer includes extremely fine details in the areas meant to draw the eye. These microscope photos reveal how Vermeer even painted eyelashes which are only visible using X-ray imaging (right)

While much of the painting is left vague and blurred, Vermeer includes extremely fine details in the areas meant to draw the eye. These microscope photos reveal how Vermeer even painted eyelashes which are only visible using X-ray imaging (right)

This looping effect means that viewers will look at the face in the painting for significantly longer than faces in other paintings. 

The researchers believe this gaze-holding effect could explain why ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ and other great paintings like it are so compelling.

Mr de Munnic says: ‘The longer you look at somebody, the more beautiful or more attractive somebody becomes.

‘Why are you familiar with this painting and not with the other paintings? Because of this special thing she has.’

The neuroscientists behind the study, which they plan to publish as an academic paper, now say they would like to repeat the study with other paintings, including the Mona Lisa.

Referencing the joking rivalry between the two paintings, Mauritshuis Director Martine Gosselink told AFP: ‘People sometimes call “The Girl With a Pearl Earring” the Mona Lisa of the North, but I think times are changing, so maybe the Mona Lisa is the Girl of the South.’

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In addition to uncovering the sustained attentional loop, the researchers found new details which could explain why we find art so moving.

Data gathered by the EEG caps found that participants looking at works of art experienced the most activation in a region of the brain called the precuneus.

A 3D digital microphotograph shows the pearl at 140x magnification (1.1 μm/pixel). This is one of three extremely sharp focal points which draw the viewer's attention in a loop

A 3D digital microphotograph shows the pearl at 140x magnification (1.1 μm/pixel). This is one of three extremely sharp focal points which draw the viewer’s attention in a loop 

The scientists found that people's emotional responses were 10 times more powerful while looking at real art compared to looking at posters. Pictured: a study participant examines art in the Mauritshuis Museum where 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' is held

The scientists found that people’s emotional responses were 10 times more powerful while looking at real art compared to looking at posters. Pictured: a study participant examines art in the Mauritshuis Museum where ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ is held

This area is particularly associated with consciousness, personal identity, and memory retrieval.

To investigate this connection further, the team of neuroscientists compared people’s brain activity while looking at posters of great art with their activity while looking at the real thing.

They found that participants’ emotional responses were 10 times stronger while looking at the original.

This means that seeing authentic art in a museum setting has a far bigger impact on our minds at the neurological level than seeing the same images elsewhere.

Or, as Ms Gosselink puts it, ‘The brain doesn’t lie.’

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🔴 Live: Israel strikes Gaza and southern Beirut as attacks intensify



🔴 Live:  Israel strikes Gaza and southern Beirut as attacks intensify
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🔴 Live:  Israel strikes Gaza and southern Beirut as attacks intensify
A new round of airstrikes hit Beirut suburbs late Sunday as Israel intensified its bombardment of northern Gaza and southern Lebanon in a widening war with Iran-allied militant groups across the region. Palestinian officials said a strike on a mosque killed at least 19 people. Follow our liveblog for the latest developments in the Middle East.

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Will price hike herald end of post as we know it?



Will price hike herald end of post as we know it?
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  • Standard first-class postage will rise 30p to £1.65 – a 22.2% increase
  • Fifth price hike in under three years 
  • Postage rise could lead to a ‘doom spiral of decline’ for Royal Mail

Businesses have warned that Royal Mail’s inflation-busting first-class stamp price hike could ‘herald the end of an affordable postal service’. 

Standard first-class postage will rise 30p to £1.65 from today – a 22.2 per cent increase.

The fifth price hike in under three years comes as Royal Mail’s owner International Distribution Service, led by chief executive Martin Seidenberg, is being bought by Daniel Kretinsky.

Royal Mail also intends to cut second-class deliveries to every other weekday. 

The first-class postage rise could lead to a ‘doom spiral of decline’ for Royal Mail, warned the Greeting Card Association (GCA), which fears a ‘premium, uncapped, unregulated first-class stamp beyond [consumers’] reach’.


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Cancer, cardiovascular drugs among top contenders for Nobel Prize



Cancer, cardiovascular drugs among top contenders for Nobel Prize
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Cancer, cardiovascular drugs among top contenders for Nobel Prize
Cancer research or cardiovascular drugs may claim the Nobel Prize in Medicine, set to be announced Monday. With global crises ongoing, the prize seeks to inspire optimism. Possible laureates include American biologist Kevan Shokat, known for his work on the KRAS cancer gene, offering hope for treating tough cancers like lung, colon, and pancreatic tumours.

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I’m a Canadian living in London – here’s what’s weird about life in the UK, what’s great, how Britain could improve (and the key phrases visitors MUST learn to get along with locals)



I’m a Canadian living in London – here’s what’s weird about life in the UK, what’s great, how Britain could improve (and the key phrases visitors MUST learn to get along with locals)
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‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life,’ said the writer Samuel Johnson.

And Canadian expat Christina Ford agrees.

Christina, 63, moved to London in 2016. But despite her love for her new life in the Big Smoke, there were a few things that took some getting used to.

Here, the lifestyle blogger (a-broad-in-london) and author of award-winning book In Search of Mr Darcy: Lessons Learnt in the Pursuit of Happily Ever After shares her thoughts on the good, the bad and the just plain strange in the UK.

She reveals her thoughts on the likes of door handles, unrefrigerated eggs, jaywalking, stop signs and public transport – and reveals the key British phrases visitors ‘need to know to keep out of trouble’.

I’m a Canadian living in London – here’s what’s weird about life in the UK, what’s great, how Britain could improve (and the key phrases visitors MUST learn to get along with locals)

Christina Ford (above) moved to London in 2016. But despite her love for her new life in the Big Smoke, there were a few things that took some getting used to. Here, the lifestyle blogger and author reveals her thoughts on the good, the bad and the just plain strange in the UK


No door handles

‘Instead, there’s a prominent door pull to close the door behind you. But it’s the turning of the key that opens the door, not a door handle.’

Unrefrigerated eggs

‘In the UK, eggs could be anywhere in the grocery store, except where I normally find them, in the refrigerated section. Plus, you occasionally find a feather or two stuck to them, which I have to admit, kind of grossed me out the first time.’

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No stop signs

Christina is pictured above at the Tower of London. She says the best way of getting around the capital is by public transport

Christina is pictured above at the Tower of London. She says the best way of getting around the capital is by public transport 

‘This could be lifesaving intel. When I say “no stop signs”, it’s not because they are replaced with traffic lights or roundabouts. Cars merely have to slow down, not legally stop, when approaching an intersection. Of course, there are some stop signs, but far less than you would think.’

The jaywalkers

‘Londoners will wait for a gap in traffic and then confidently dash across the street. This is important to note – just because the herd is moving, doesn’t mean all the cows are safe. Look up from your phone and pay attention when crossing the street.’

The obsession with football (soccer)

‘I thought British women over 50, that awesome demographic, would have as much interest in a Newcastle vs Manchester United football match as I do – that being none. I was wrong. Although gotta say, this girl loved Ted Lasso, but I’ve learnt that doesn’t count. And although the women are not quite the loud chanting, beer-raising, boisterous lad enthusiast, make no mistake this country is football crazy. And if one wants to fit in, you better get yourself an answer to the inevitable question, “Who’s your team?”’


Public transport

‘Complain about it all you want, but most of the time it is the fastest and safest way to get around London.’

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’Standing in line for everything, and I mean everything.’

Would Christina recommend London as a place to live? She says: '¿Yes. As the saying goes, ¿He who is bored in London is bored with life¿¿

Would Christina recommend London as a place to live? She says: ‘‘Yes. As the saying goes, “He who is bored in London is bored with life”’

Mail delivery

‘Usually next day in the UK.’

Garbage pickup

‘Twice a week. Recycling once a week. (This varies depending on where in London you live.)’

Normalise drinking

‘Pub culture is socially acceptable and pretty much expected, versus hanging out in a local U.S bar. Still undecided if this is a good or bad thing.’

Talk about the weather

‘I mean, every day, all day’.

Art and theatre

‘All galleries and museums are free!’

So much greenery

Christina rightly points out that London has so many trees that it’s technically a forest, which she thinks is ‘just awesome’.

Would she recommend London as a place to Live?

‘Yes. As the saying goes, “He who is bored in London is bored with life.”’


More affordable housing

’For a single person with a decent wage, it is still almost impossible to afford a one-bedroom flat in London.’

Londoners should make eye contact

’Brits aren’t exactly known for being the most welcoming to strangers. They could be friendlier – and not just with our dogs.’


Christina says: ‘You would think moving from one English-speaking country to another, I’d be able to understand everything that’s said. Not so.’ 

• Don’t get your knickers in a twist

Meaning: Don’t get worked up about it.

• Did you just fluff?

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Meaning: Did you fart?

• Meat and two veg

Meaning: A man’s private parts. Be careful ordering this from any British menu.

• On the pull

Meaning: Looking to have sex.

• Chat up

Meaning: Flirt.

• Up the duff

Meaning: Pregnant.

• Spend a penny / going for a slash

Meaning: To visit the bathroom.

• Stop being such a big girl’s blouse

Meaning: Stop being such a wimp.

• Chin wag

Meaning: A good, intense gossip session.

• Bob’s your uncle

Meaning: There you have it.

• I’ve got the hump

Meaning: Feeling grumpy for no real reason. 

 • Making a right pig’s ear of something

Meaning: Totally screwed up. 

• I’ll give you a bunch of fives

Meaning: You’re about to get punched.

• Plonker, pillock, tosser, twit, knob

Meaning: All words for ‘idiot’. 

• It’s brass monkeys out

Meaning: It’s freezing outside.

• To go pear-shaped

Meaning: To go drastically wrong.

• I’m knackered

Meaning: I’m exhausted.

• Her majesty’s pleasure

Meaning: In prison.

• He’s a bit dishy

Meaning: He’s hot.

• I’m p****d

Meaning: I’m drunk, not angry.

• Fortnight

Meaning: Two weeks (not the video game).

• I’m skint

Meaning: You’re picking up the check because they’re broke.

• Don’t get me wrong

Meaning: Brace yourself for passive-aggressive truth.

• I’ll put the kettle on

Meaning: Get ready for a long chat.

• Honestly, it’s fine

Meaning: A meltdown is imminent.

• Yeah, go on then

Meaning: Their night of drinking just got extended.

Source: Christina Ford

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Harris, Trump step up attacks with less than a month to US presidential election



Harris, Trump step up attacks with less than a month to US presidential election
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Kamala Harris criticised Donald Trump for spreading “lies” about reproductive rights, as both camps intensify efforts in the final month of a tightly contested US presidential race. Trump falsely accused the Biden-Harris administration of misusing hurricane relief funds on migrant programs. Both candidates are battling for swing voters in seven decisive states ahead of November 5.

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I hiked, biked and ran 300-MILES in one of America’s toughest ultra races – this is what it did to my body



I hiked, biked and ran 300-MILES in one of America’s toughest ultra races – this is what it did to my body
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The prospect of racing 300 miles across New York State over a long weekend filled me with terror, but I tried to take the approach of ‘one day at a time.’

I’d signed up to do one of the toughest ultra races on the east coast, which takes place over a four-day period spanning from the source of the Hudson River in Essex County, New York and weaving south through suburbs until reaching the bustling metropolis of Manhattan.

The Source To City event, organized by the UK-based company Rat Race Adventures, consists of four disciplines – hiking, biking, kayaking and running – and it attracts a pool of thrill seekers and athletes alike.

As an avid adventurer, I had completed a Rat Race ultra event in Namibia in 2022, and I thought the Source To City event sounded like an amazing way of exploring more of New York State.

And after four days, 300 miles and 40 hours of grueling physical activity, not only had I seen mountains, forests, small towns and thriving cities, I crossed the finish line with sore muscles and achy joints. 

But the pain was worth it.  

The Source To City event, organized by the UK-based company Rat Race Adventures, consists of four disciplines - hiking, biking, kayaking and running

The Source To City event, organized by the UK-based company Rat Race Adventures, consists of four disciplines – hiking, biking, kayaking and running

The weekend I signed up for the grueling challenge, there were 10 participants in total, with the group hailing from Ireland, North Carolina, and the UK. 

Surprisingly, given the proximity, I was the only New Yorker. In terms of ages, we ranged from 30s to 50s.

Most participants had marathons, Ironmans, and triathlons under their belts, but Ian, 52, from the UK joked he had signed up to race in the hope of ‘toughening up’ for his wife and children, as he works in the female-centered world of cosmetics. 

Most people had spent a good period of time training, with cycling being the main focus.

This aspect of the race would encompass just under 260 miles, while the hike would span 18 miles, the kayak 10 miles and the final run, just shy of a half marathon at 13 miles.

Being strapped for time and with no bike of my own in New York, my training regime consisted of daily three-mile runs and trips around the city on electric CitiBikes – not the slickest of two-wheelers. 

To say I felt a little underprepared was an understatement, but like with many outdoor challenges I had faced in the past, I’ve found mental grit is one of the best skills to hone. 

While the name ‘Rat Race’ suggests a competitive edge, the challenges are actually open to people of all abilities, which fosters a feeling of camaraderie and its ‘the taking part that counts.’ 

There are no official awards for first place, but we wanted to push ourselves nonetheless for personal achievement. 

Our group met at JFK airport in Queens, New York, before taking a six-hour bus ride to Lake Placid, where we would stay for the night before the adventure really began. 

The weekend I signed up for the grueling challenge, there were 10 participants in total

The weekend I signed up for the grueling challenge, there were 10 participants in total

During the bike legs, there were pitstops every 30 miles for participants to grab snacks

During the bike legs, there were pitstops every 30 miles for participants to grab snacks 

After a briefing at the hotel around what each day would involve, we were off – all a little bleary eyed given the 4:45 am start time. 

Day one comprised of an 18-mile trek to the summit of Mount Marcy near Lake Placid, which is New York State’s highest point at 5,344 feet.

Following a bout of rain, the 11 hour hike through forested terrain was muddy and slick, and careful footwork was needed in order to stay upright.

Our group stayed together for this leg of the race and the route was led by a knowledgeable local guide.  

A couple of people from our group took a tumble on the steeper, rockier sections from the summit and Gemma – a 35-year-old baker from the UK – ended up with a nasty bruise on her backside, while Ian ripped his hiking pants.

The hike was tough going and at the end, my feet were shriveled from my waterlogged sneakers. 



Hike 18 miles and bike 33 miles


Bike 120 miles 


Bike 56 miles and kayak 10 miles


Bike 50 miles and run 13 miles 

When we reached the end, we quickly changed into our cycling gear and hopped on our bikes to pedal 33 miles from the base of Mount Marcy to North Creek, New York, where we would sleep for the night.

Biking through the Adirondack regions was exhilarating, and we rode through rolling woodlands and swathes of picture perfect farmland, though my legs and glutes took a beating from biking up hills for three hours. 

As nightfall descended, the route took on an eerie feeling as we had no road lamps and no phone reception. The group teamed up in pairs to get through it safely, making sure we stuck to the route on our mounted GPS devices.  

While day one was mentally and physically exhausting, I knew day two would be an even greater test of my stamina, as I would be cycling 120 miles from North Creek to Hudson.

To help us get through it, there were pitstops every 30 miles with snacks and water to refuel our bodies. 

The repetitive nature of pedaling took its toll on my left knee and a throbbing pain persisted. I also experienced severe pins and needles in my fingers, the result of compressed nerves in my wrist and hand from holding onto the handlebars.

Additionally, my back grew increasingly sore due to a combination of being hunched over the bike and carrying a backpack of spare clothing.

Dr Liam Musto, an expedition doctor who has worked with Rat Race on various events, told me the Source To City challenge is ‘definitely one of the more demanding endurance races.’

Detailing how it tests the mind and body, he said: ‘After several days of sustained exertion, participants commonly experience significant fatigue and muscle soreness. 

‘While the larger muscle groups in the legs and core are heavily taxed, less obvious areas such as the wrists, neck, and hips can also develop aches and fatigue, particularly by the latter stages of the race. 

‘Blisters and chafing are also very common as the distances increase – “saddle sores” for example can be particularly uncomfortable. 

‘Given the challenging nature of these events, preparation is essential. Including a well thought out pre-event training plan and proper nutrition and hydration during the event.’

Most people had spent a good period of time training for the event, with cycling being the main focus

Most people had spent a good period of time training for the event, with cycling being the main focus

Over the four days, my back got 'increasingly sore due to a combination of being hunched over the handlebars and carrying a backpack of spare clothing'

Over the four days, my back got ‘increasingly sore due to a combination of being hunched over the handlebars and carrying a backpack of spare clothing’

By mile 60 on day two, I certainly wasn’t sure if I could hack much more, but cheers of support from the Rat Race crew helped lift spirits, as did the snacks at each pitstop, ranging from pizza and watermelon to mini cupcakes. 

I also cycled the majority of the stretch with Gemma and chatting helped keep our minds off the backbreaking distance. 

We couldn’t wait for a shower at the end and the thought of a refreshing drink at the bar that night was equally as motivating. 

Eventually, after 12.5 hours of tracing miles of road, we made it to Hudson, New York where we would stay for the night. 

‘You’ve got the hard part out of the way, the rest should be easy,’ Rat Race founder and trip leader Jim Mee said over dinner in a bid to pep us up for the final days. 

Days three and four were around equal distances on the bike (56 miles the first and 50 the following) and each featured brutal climbs. 

At the end of the third day of cycling from Hudson to Dutchess County, we kayaked 10 miles down the Hudson River from the Chelsea Marina to the picturesque town of Cold Spring, New York.

The Hudson was exceedingly calm and glassy, making it a pleasant paddle. 

On our last day, following a final push on the bikes from Cold Spring to the George Washington Bridge, we crossed the Hudson River, finishing with a 13-mile run.

At first, after days hunched over on the bike, my body felt stiff, but after a couple of miles, things loosened up and I tried to maintain a steady pace alongside three of my teammates. 

Our pace was a very slow jog, with some stops here and there to walk.  

On their final day, the racers crossed the Hudson on foot over the George Washington Bridge to finish with a half marathon

On their final day, the racers crossed the Hudson on foot over the George Washington Bridge to finish with a half marathon

The run from the George Washington Bridge to the City Vineyard restaurant on Manhattan's west side took us  just over 2.5 hours

The run from the George Washington Bridge to the City Vineyard restaurant on Manhattan’s west side took us  just over 2.5 hours

A map showing the route Sadie and the rest of the competitors took over the long weekend

A map showing the route Sadie and the rest of the competitors took over the long weekend

The running leg from the bridge to the City Vineyard restaurant on Manhattan’s west side took us just over 2.5 hours and the feeling of relief at the finish line was unbelievable. 

We were greeted by the jingle of a cow bell, along with the rest of the Rat Race team and our fellow – and speedier – comrades.  

Luckily, no one sustained any major injuries during the challenge. Some of the main complaints included chaffing, saddle sores, sunburn, creaky knees, stiff shoulders from kayaking, and practically everything was aching come the final run. 

Having a debrief with some celebratory beverages, we all agreed what a stunning place New York State is, and outside of Manhattan, there’s a swathe of greenery to explore. 

Summing up this year’s final Source To City race, Jim Mee said: ‘This was most definitely no picnic. Everyone fronted up and took it on with gusto. 

‘What a road trip it was. What a country the US is. Truly an adventure.’

Surprisingly, my body didn’t feel as worn down as I thought it would. 

In 2010 I ran the New York marathon with no training after my name got drawn out of a hat for a placement, and I could barely walk for a week or so. 

But this time around, it appeared my daily three miles runs had helped build my strength and the next day, I was in the office feeling remarkably perky. 

For me, I’m already looking into the next Rat Race adventure – it really makes for an unreal way of pushing your mind and body to their limits.  

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Concussion experts blasts ‘insane’ Josh Allen return in Bills loss after he stayed down when his head bounced sickeningly up off the turf



Concussion experts blasts ‘insane’ Josh Allen return in Bills loss after he stayed down when his head bounced sickeningly up off the turf
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Concussion campaigners have slammed the decision to allow Josh Allen to return to the field minutes after the Bills quarterback suffered a sickening blow to the head against the Texans.

Allen’s head bounced off the turf after a tackle during Buffalo’s 23-20 defeat by Houston on Sunday. The quarterback was left face down, his left wrist bent into the turf, following the brutal hit to his head.

Concerned teammates stood over Allen before he headed to the medical tent for evaluation, only to return to the game shortly.

It comes only weeks after Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa suffered another concussion and Chris Nowinski – a neuroscientist and founding CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation – slammed the ‘insane’ and ‘risky’ decision.

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‘It’s insane that Josh Allen was put back in after this hit. Even if he says he’s fine, why bet the franchise QB that concussion symptoms aren’t delayed?’ he wrote on social media. 

Concussion experts blasts ‘insane’ Josh Allen return in Bills loss after he stayed down when his head bounced sickeningly up off the turf

The quarterback was left face down

Josh Allen controversially returned to the field after suffering a sickening blow to the head 

Concerned teammates stood over the quarterback after his head bounced off the turf

Concerned teammates stood over the quarterback after his head bounced off the turf

‘Protocol aside, how are we taking risks like this just a few weeks after another Tua concussion?’

Nowinski added: ‘Fact: All #concussion protocols are imperfect. If I saw a player’s head bounce 18 inches off the turn and his left wrist fold like Allen’s did here, I’d call it “no protective action when falling”, a concussion sign. I’d at least sit him for the game. Why are we not cautious?’

Earlier on Sunday, Tommy Tremble of the Panthers appeared to be knocked unconscious after taking a blow to the head. 

Another clip from the Bills-Texas game, meanwhile, appeared to show Allen being handed something by a member of the bench before he returned to the field. Sports doctor Jesse Morse claimed it was smelling salts and he called for a ‘huge penalty’ over the decision to let Allen play on.

'It's insane that Josh Allen was put back in,' concussion campaigner Chris Nowinski said

‘It’s insane that Josh Allen was put back in,’ concussion campaigner Chris Nowinski said

‘Josh Allen appears to have SUFFERED A CONCUSSION, they gave him SMELLING SALTS then allowed him to return to the game,’ he said. 

‘This should be a HUGE PENALTY and VERY risky for Josh Allen’s health. He could have suffered another concussion which could have caused second impact syndrome, which can be deadly.’

After trainers rushed on to the field, Allen reportedly stayed down for around 20 seconds before he sat up and made his way off.

Following CJ Stroud’s dramatic fumble, however, Allen reportedly attempted to run out of the tent, only to be pulled back in.

Mitch Trubisky briefly replaced him under center but soon Allen put his helmet on and ran back on. He was unable to prevent the Bills from suffering an 23-20 loss.

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Thousands gather in Tel Aviv to mark anniversary of October 7 attack



Thousands gather in Tel Aviv to mark anniversary of October 7 attack
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Thousands gather in Tel Aviv to mark anniversary of October 7 attack
Thousands gathered over the weekend for emotional commemorations marking the first anniversary of Hamas’s October 7, 2023, attack on Israel. Candlelight vigils, memorials, and marches took place in cities including Tel Aviv, London, Paris, and Berlin. In Tel Aviv, a vigil was held for victims of the Nova dance festival massacre, with more events planned globally on Monday.

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