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L’unité militaire où l’élite russe peut “jouer à la guerre” en Ukraine



L’unité militaire où l’élite russe peut “jouer à la guerre” en Ukraine
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Vous voulez vous vanter d’avoir combattu pour la patrie, mais sans risquer votre vie ? Bienvenue à OBTF Cascade, l’unité militaire russe qui permet aux politiciens de carrière et à leurs fils en âge de jouer à la guerre en Ukraine – à une distance sûre et confortable du sang versé sur la ligne de front.

« Cœurs ardents. Nerfs d’acier.” Tel sont les caractéristiques des troupes appartenant à OBTF Cascade – du moins selon la chaîne Telegram de l’unité, qui est remplie de vidéos aériennes de bombardements de drones russes accompagnés par de la musique heavy metal et des portraits de ses “combattants” soignés et bien équipés.

« Des cœurs fougueux. Des nerfs d’acier. La volonté de vaincre le nazisme. OBTF Cascade. © Capture d’écran FRANCE 24/OBTF Cascade/Télégramme

“Lorsque la mère patrie a appelé, les cadets ont pris les armes sans hésitation et se sont levés pour défendre leur terre natale”, indique l’une des légendes des photos, ajoutant que les jeunes hommes courageux sur les photos avaient précédemment étudié au ministère russe de l’Intérieur et avaient un avenir prometteur en tant qu’enquêteurs.

Mais selon Jeff Hawn, membre non-résident du groupe de réflexion New Lines Institute et un expert de l’armée russe, les chasseurs Cascade pourraient ne pas être aussi audacieux et courageux comme ils se font passer pour.

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“L’unité n’a jamais, pour autant que l’on sache, été à moins de 80 kilomètres des combats”, a-t-il déclaré.

Remplir son “devoir patriotique”

Cascade est un secret groupe de reconnaissance qui partage le même nom qu’une unité des forces spéciales russes – une décision délibérée selon Hawn. Il aurait été fondé en octobre de l’année dernière par Dmitry Sablin, membre du parti au pouvoir Russie unie et ancien député à la Douma d’État.

Hawn a déclaré que l’unité avait été créée en réponse à la décision du président Vladimir Poutine de déclarer une “mobilisation partielle”, au cours de laquelle 300 000 réservistes russes seraient appelés et envoyés à la guerre en Ukraine. En créant l’unité d’élite Cascade, qui compterait une centaine de membres, le Kremlin pourrait montrer que personne – pas même les politiciens du pays – n’était trop important pour être exempté de devoir militaire.

“[Cascade] faisait partie d’un effort plus large pour montrer que les parlementaires et leurs familles combattent également activement dans la guerre ou font leur devoir patriotique », a déclaré Hawn, notant que plusieurs législateurs et Russes de haut niveau, y compris le propre fils de Sablin, ont tellement loin servi dans l’unité Cascade.

Selon le journal français Le Figaro, le groupe, qui est basé dans la région illégalement annexée de Donetsk, dans l’est de l’Ukraine, est équipé et financé par le ministère russe de la Défense.

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Même si le groupe essaie de se présenter comme un véritable groupe de combat, les critiques disent que c’est tout sauf ça.

“Il s’agit d’un ‘détachement de copains’ qui comprend des députés et leurs enfants qui veulent se marquer comme ayant été à la guerre mais qui n’ont pas envie d’aller au front”, a déclaré le Daily Telegraph citant l’influent blog russe VKCh-OGPU. comme indiqué dans un article récent sur le groupe.

“Les combattants de l’OBTF Cascade envisagent l’avenir avec confiance. Après tout, ils sont absolument confiants dans la victoire du fascisme dans le Donbass.” La chaîne Telegram de l’unité est parsemée de portraits de ses combattants. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans la série de photographies ci-dessus, elles ont toutes la même toile de fond. © Capture d’écran FRANCE 24/ Cascade OBTF/ Télégramme

Le journal a pointé des photographies montrant des combattants de Cascade préparant des drones et « étudiant des écrans d’ordinateur depuis des bunkers confortables ».

Les « dangers » auxquels s’exposent les membres de Cascade sont pratiquement inexistant, a ajouté Hawn, notant que leur contribution à l’effort de guerre équivaut à un peu plus que des séances de photos servant à des fins de propagande du Kremlin.

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“Ils participent pendant moins d’un mois, prennent des photos, les publient, puis rentrent chez eux”, a expliqué Hawn. “Les députés et leurs garçons ne font vraiment rien.”

Pendant ce temps, “les soldats russes meurent par centaines dans la boue de Bakhmut”, a-t-il déclaré.

Rejoignez Cascade, augmentez vos chances d’être élu

Dans un article d’opinion publié par le groupe de réflexion américain Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, le journaliste russe Andrey Pertsev a expliqué que la guerre en Ukraine et le titre “vétéran” sont devenus un “ascenseur de carrière” pour les politiciens russes.

“Les carriéristes les plus rusés s’approprieront donc l’étiquette de” vétéran “, la gagnant grâce à des visites au front qui ne durent que le temps d’une séance photo”, a-t-il écrit, notant ce Les élections régionales russes ne sont plus qu’à quelques mois, et les voyages en Ukraine battent donc leur plein.

Oleg Golikov, membre de la Douma d’État, est l’un de ceux qui ont temporairement abandonné ses fonctions administratives pour “se battre” pour sa patrie en rejoignant Cascade. Selon Le Figaro, il a récemment servi deux contrats de trois mois avec le unitédéclarant fièrement : « Je suis en première ligne pour défendre notre patrie.

Qu’ils aient ou non participé à de véritables combats, les politiciens qui s’y sont enrôlés “ont pleinement assumé l’étiquette de combattant, un pari qui semble avoir porté ses fruits”, a déclaré Pertsev.

Il a ajouté: “Ces jours-ci, Poutine parle constamment de la valeur de ceux qui combattent la guerre.”

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Pictured: The mysterious modern-day fairytale castle in Poland that has been built on an artificial island in a lake. What’s it for? No one seems to know…



Pictured: The mysterious modern-day fairytale castle in Poland that has been built on an artificial island in a lake. What’s it for? No one seems to know…
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A gigantic modern-day fairytale castle has been built in Poland – but it caught the nation by surprise.

Construction of mysterious Stobnica Castle began in 2015, but there was no publicity around the building and the general public in Poland didn’t become aware of it until pictures of the vast structure went viral in 2018.

Today, the castle is almost finished, with pictures showing that it’s a breathtaking sight to behold.

Stobnica features stunning towers, turrets and vast stone walls. It is currently over 70 metres high (230ft) and around 200 metres (656ft) long, according to its website.

The castle is perched on an artificial island, created as part of its construction, on the outskirts of Notecka Forest in Western Poland, around an hour away from Poznan. 

Construction of Stobnica Castle began in 2015, but the general public didn't become aware of it until pictures of the vast structure went viral in 2018

Construction of Stobnica Castle began in 2015, but the general public didn’t become aware of it until pictures of the vast structure went viral in 2018

While the castle itself is still a construction site, visitors can explore the surrounding area. Tickets are available to purchase for the nearby trails on the castle’s website, starting from 30 PLN (£5.90).

On the trip, visitors can walk through the ‘Forest Educational Trail of Stobinica Castle’, and appreciate the castle’s striking architecture up close.

An Instagram account dedicated to the castle (@stobnica.zamek) shows people enjoying the picturesque surrounds.

Visitors are pictured exploring the castle’s lake on medieval-style boats, even reaching out to touch its huge walls, while others have been captured participating in medieval-themed activities, such as archery or catapulting.

Other photos show guests dressed in medieval attire, wielding shields and recreating battles from the era.

The castle is perched on an artificial island on the outskirts of Notecka Forest in Western Poland

The castle is perched on an artificial island on the outskirts of Notecka Forest in Western Poland 

The castle is currently over 70 metres high and around 200 metres long

The castle is currently over 70 metres high and around 200 metres long 

The castle’s purpose is unclear at present, and while it has been in construction for nearly a decade, there is little public information about the developers.

The castle describes itself as a ‘residential building’ on its website, with some sources claiming it is linked to doctor and entrepreneur Pawel N. However, there has been speculation that the castle could be turned into a luxury hotel.

The castle is currently embroiled in an ongoing court case, as reported by the Polish magazine ‘Architecture and Business’, to determine the castle’s use with accusations that the developers violated environmental regulations during its construction.

There is currently no confirmed date for when the castle will be completed.

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Harris and Trump face off in Philadelphia for first US presidential debate
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Harris and Trump face off in Philadelphia for first US presidential debate
Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump meet face-to-face for the first time in a highly anticipated debate on Tuesday that could prove pivotal in the pitched battle for the White House. Watch it live on FRANCE 24 TV starting at 3am Paris time (9pm EST). 

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Revealed: The bowel cancer breakthrough that could save young sufferers – and the signs doctors can miss



Revealed: The bowel cancer breakthrough that could save young sufferers – and the signs doctors can miss
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A bowel cancer treatment that gives hope to people with the same aggressive form that hit Dame Deborah James has been approved for use on the NHS.

The drug combination – two medicines called trifluridine-­tipiracil hydrochloride and bevacizumab – will be introduced following a US trial which found that for patients who had run out of treatment options it bought nearly an extra year of life.

And in some rare cases, it gave patients up to seven more years.

Experts say it is a significant step in the fight against the BRAF V6004E mutation, an incurable genetic form of bowel cancer which often affects the young.

Revealed: The bowel cancer breakthrough that could save young sufferers – and the signs doctors can miss

Dame Deborah James had the aggressive BRAF mutation. Under the name Bowelbabe, the deputy headteacher went on to build up a massive social media following

A blood sample taken as part of testing for the mutation. Most sufferers do not live longer than ten months after diagnosis

A blood sample taken as part of testing for the mutation. Most sufferers do not live longer than ten months after diagnosis

Of the 42,000 Britons diagnosed with bowel cancer every year, about one in ten carry the BRAF mutation. Chemotherapy and other medicines quickly become ineffective, and most sufferers do not live longer than ten months after diagnosis.

Dame Deborah was just 35 in 2016 when she was diagnosed with BRAF bowel cancer. Under the name Bowelbabe, the deputy headteacher went on to build up a massive social media following while documenting her progress and raising awareness of the disease and its symptoms until her death in 2022.

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The drug combination has been available privately in the UK for eight years, at a cost of about £2,000 a month.

However, last month the NHS spending watchdog, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), gave it the green light for patients who have already undergone two failed treatments. It is predicted that it will benefit about 1,000 people a year.

‘Many patients have been on the regimen for years privately, stalling the cancer in its tracks,’ says Anna Bennett, from the patient group Breaking BRAF, which campaigns for new treatments.

‘Some have achieved stability in excess of a year or two and we know of one patient who lived for nearly seven years more. We are delighted by this decision.’

Professor Marco Gerlinger, head of gastrointestinal cancer medicine at Barts Cancer Institute in London, says approval of the drug combo is a ‘fantastic development’.

‘For the past ten years there have been no highly effective drugs for this type of cancer,’ he adds. ‘But now we have a really great option for patients.’

The BRAF mutation causes cancers to grow quicker than they would otherwise. For this reason, people who carry it often see symptoms arise at an early age.

The mutation is also linked with skin and brain cancer, and appears to be more common in women.

BRAF cancers rapidly become resistant to treatment, meaning patients require different interventions to keep them alive.

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During her six-year battle with bowel cancer, Dame Deborah underwent more than a dozen surgeries, 100 rounds of chemotherapy and more than ten targeted drug therapies.

Trifluridine-tipiracil hydrochloride – also known as Lonsurf – is a daily tablet that stops the growth of new cancer cells. Bevacizumab, also known as Avastin, works by blocking the formation of new blood vessels which feed tumours and allow them to grow. It is given intravenously every two weeks in hospital.

Both drugs are taken for as long as they remain effective.

The clinical trial, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine last year, concluded the combo provided an average of ten months extra survival, but many patients lived up to a year-and-a-half longer. The drugs also triggered few serious side effects, with the most common being nausea and vomiting.

While patient groups welcomed the decision by NICE to fund the treatment, they criticised the delay which meant many desperate patients ended up going private.

‘It’s unforgivable that we got into such a situation whereby so many patients died without access to a drug that could have given them months, if not years, more life,’ says Ms Bennett, whose sister Rebecca died from bowel cancer,

Mother-of-two Emily Georghiou, 47, from London, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2021

Mother-of-two Emily Georghiou, 47, from London, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2021

‘People now have hope when they previously faced the hideous decision of life versus debt.’

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One patient who stands to benefit from the combo is mother-of-two Emily Georghiou, 47, from London, who was diagnosed in 2021.

‘Ever since chemotherapy failed for me, and I discovered I have the aggressive BRAF mutation, I have felt like a ticking time bomb,’ says Emily a former healthcare policy adviser. ‘We don’t have the money or private insurance to pay for drugs, and while I started a fundraiser I knew eventually I would run out of money to stay alive.

‘When you have this condition you very much live scan to scan – at any point your condition can change.

‘This announcement gives me hope, because if that time comes I now know it is there.

‘It is incredibly important I can be around for as long as possible for my beautiful boys.’

The patient group Breaking BRAF hopes to see another promising drug combo – botensilimab and balstilimab – approved in the near future. It also argues it is crucial that GPs are reminded of the signs of bowel cancer in young people, such as blood in faeces, unexpected weight loss, fatigue or feeling that the bowel doesn’t fully empty.

‘So many patients, including my sister, were dismissed by GPs until it became an emergency,’ says Ms Bennett. ‘With bowel cancer becoming more common in young people, it’s crucial doctors know the early symptoms.’

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Ex-boyfriend accused of killing Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegei dies of burns



Ex-boyfriend accused of killing Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegei dies of burns
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Ex-boyfriend accused of killing Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegei dies of burns
Less than a week after Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei succumbed to her injuries after a fatal attack, her Kenyan ex-boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema Marangach, who was accused of dousing her in petrol and setting her alight, died on Tuesday from burns sustained during the attack. The femicide put the spotlight on the high rates of domestic violence in the East African country, particularly within its running community.

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England 0-0 Finland – Nations League: Live score, team news and updates as Harry Kane has goal disallowed on 100th cap
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England 0-0 Finland – Nations League: Live score, team news and updates as Harry Kane has goal disallowed on 100th cap


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Floods in Chad have killed hundreds of people and affected 1.5 million, UN says



Floods in Chad have killed hundreds of people and affected 1.5 million, UN says
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Floods in Chad have killed hundreds of people and affected 1.5 million, UN says
Every single one of Chad’s provinces have been hit by intense floods brought on by severe rainfall that have left 341 dead and affected a total of 1.5 million inhabitants since July, the UN said on Monday. 

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Moment ex-convict is greeted outside prison by a £200K Lamborghini after being freed early under Labour’s controversial scheme as hundreds of criminals celebrate release from prison



Moment ex-convict is greeted outside prison by a £200K Lamborghini after being freed early under Labour’s controversial scheme as hundreds of criminals celebrate release from prison
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This is the moment an ex-convict was greeted outside jail by a £200,000 Lamborghini after being freed under Labour’s early prison release scheme.

Around 1,700 people were let out by the controversial scheme today, with everyone eligible for release apart from violent criminals jailed for more than four years.

Photographs outside HMP Pentonville in London show a group of men gathered outside a black and red Lamborghini, including one prisoner dressed in a lakers T-shirt with his hair in dreadlocks. 

Footage then shows the luxury vehicle driving along the street, with the prisoner understood to have been picked up by either the Lamborghini or a Bentley. 

The stunning car is filmed driving slowing through a pedestrian crossing and around a bend on a busy street of cars and pedestrians. 

Footage shows the luxury Lamborghini driving off after parking up outside the prison

Footage shows the luxury Lamborghini driving off after parking up outside the prison 

A group of men gathered outside Pentonville prison in London today

A group of men gathered outside Pentonville prison in London today

The car is filmed driving slowing through a pedestrian crossing and around a bend

The car is filmed driving slowing through a pedestrian crossing and around a bend

The prisoner (pictured) is understood to have been picked up by either the Lamborghini or a Bentley

The prisoner (pictured) is understood to have been picked up by either the Lamborghini or a Bentley 

The driver of the car is interviewed by reporters outside the prison today

The driver of the car is interviewed by reporters outside the prison today 

Those set free by the scheme include hardened drug dealers, violent domestic abusers and even people who have played roles in the killing of teenagers, much to the fury of their victims’ loved ones. 

More than 5,000 are to be set loose over the next six weeks, including domestic abusers and sex offenders. 

Downing Street said the policy had to be brought in to avoid the police and courts becoming unable to lock anyone up because there were no places available.

But chief inspector of prisons Charlie Taylor warned some of those released would be homeless which could increase their chances of reoffending. 


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France reels from new sex abuse allegations against Emmaus charity founder Abbé Pierre
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Apple’s new iPhone 16 button is dubbed ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’ – but some fans are worried it won’t work with a case



Apple’s new iPhone 16 button is dubbed ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’ – but some fans are worried it won’t work with a case
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Apple fans are revelling in one of their favourite occasions of the year – the announcement of a new iPhone. 

The iPhone 16 unveiled last night features new AI capabilities, camera upgrades and a boost in battery life, and is available in a range of colours. 

But it is the arrival of a brand new button on the edge of the device that is getting people most excited. 

The capture button needs to be pressed once to bring up the camera app to take photos and even delivers haptic feedback, much like a video game controller. 

Commentators have called the nifty selfie shortcut ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’, but other fans are sharing concerns that it won’t work with a case. 

The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus were the first two smartphones unveiled at the event, with Apple claiming they ¿mark the beginning of a new era for iPhone'

The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus were the first two smartphones unveiled at the event, with Apple claiming they ‘mark the beginning of a new era for iPhone’

With the new iPhone 16, a solid push of the capture button – located on the edge of the phone to the right of the screen – immediately brings up the camera app, while a second push snaps a photo. 

But users can also scroll their finger back and forth along the length of the button to zoom in and out. 

Naturally, fans have started to wonder how that is ‘going to work with a case’ that’s covering the edges of the device.  

On its website, Apple claims the capture button works ‘seamlessly’ with a new phone case that has ‘sapphire crystal’ and a ‘conductive layer to communicate finger movements’. 

Apple is selling this official iPhone 16 case in a range of colours on its website for a hefty £49 – an extra expense on top of the price of the phone itself. 

Commentators have called it 'incredible' and the 'coolest feature ever', but other fans are sharing concerns that it won't work with a case

Commentators have called it ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’, but other fans are sharing concerns that it won’t work with a case

A solid push of the capture button immediately brings up the camera app, while a second push snaps a photo. But users can also scroll their finger back and forth along the length of the button to zoom in and out. Naturally fans started to wonder how that is 'going to work with a case' around the device

A solid push of the capture button immediately brings up the camera app, while a second push snaps a photo. But users can also scroll their finger back and forth along the length of the button to zoom in and out. Naturally fans started to wonder how that is ‘going to work with a case’ around the device

X user @Erick_O_Mokua said capture button 'looks incredible' in response to a video demonstrating how it works

X user @Erick_O_Mokua said capture button ‘looks incredible’ in response to a video demonstrating how it works 

This official case doesn't have a cut-out hole for the capture button, but instead uses 'sapphire crystal' and a 'conductive layer to communicate finger movements'

This official case doesn’t have a cut-out hole for the capture button, but instead uses ‘sapphire crystal’ and a ‘conductive layer to communicate finger movements’

iPhone 16 prices 

  • iPhone 16 (standard): £799/$799
  • iPhone 16 Plus: £899/$899
  • iPhone 16 Pro: £999/$999
  • iPhone 16 Pro Max: £1,199/$1,199

Ultimately, it means cases sold by third-party vendors may not allow the capture button to work; MailOnline has contacted Apple for more information. 

Capture button sits flush with the side of the phone, rather than sticking out, so it may be more difficult to press with a case than without. 

MailOnline’s Shivali Best, who is in Cupertino for the iPhone 16 unveiling event, said the new button requires a ‘solid push’ and ‘takes some getting used to’. 

iPhone 16 – which comes out on September 20 – also comes equipped with another button dubbed the ‘action button’ on the other side, above the volume controls. 

While the action button was only included in the iPhone 15 Pro smartphones last year, Apple has put it on all four iPhone 16 variants this year.

Apple's new iPhone 16 will come in much more pastel and vibrant colors than previous models

Apple’s new iPhone 16 will come in much more pastel and vibrant colors than previous models

The iPhone 16, starting at $799/£799, comes in two display sizes – 6.1 inches, and 6.7 inches for the Plus model (which costs £899/$899).

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Meanwhile the two most expensive options – the Pro and Pro Max – respectively have 6.3-inch and 6.9-inch displays and cost £999/$999 and £1,199/$1,199. 

The phones are powered by new A18 chips, which feature a 16-core neural engine designed for generative AI-linked tasks and Apple Intelligence. 

What is Apple Intelligence? Tech giant’s AI platform for the new iPhone 16 is coming to the US next month – but UK users will have to wait 

As Apple launched the new iPhone 16 at its ‘Glowtime’ event last night, it was the company’s latest AI features which took centre stage once again.

Now, Apple has finally revealed that its highly anticipated Apple Intelligence will begin to roll out in the US next month.

As part of the iOS 18.1 update, iPhone 16 users will get access to AI features including rewriting tools, summarised notifications, and big improvements to Siri.

However, UK tech fans will need to wait a little while longer as the California-based tech giant says that Apple Intelligence won’t arrive there until December.

So, with the rollout of Apple’s first-ever AI tools just around the corner, MailOnline breaks down what is coming and when you can expect to try it out.

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On connaît la date et le lieu de l’élection Miss France 2025 ! Tout ce qu’il faut savoir : Femme Actuelle Le MAG

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Au procès de viols de Mazan, Me De Palma estime qu’« il y a viol et viol » et choque

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Access Denied

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France2 hours ago

Stéphane Bern : ce que lui reproche souvent son compagnon, Yori Bailleres, “obligé de le partager” avec les autres : Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Spread the love Nous avons un cadeau pour vous Créez un compte et inscrivez-vous à la newsletter Femme Actuelle pour...

