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Plus de docteur Google ! Un étudiant en médecine crée un outil de recherche basé sur l’IA pour “des informations sur la santé plus fiables”



Plus de docteur Google !  Un étudiant en médecine crée un outil de recherche basé sur l’IA pour “des informations sur la santé plus fiables”
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Des millions d’entre nous font déjà confiance au Dr Google, mais il y a maintenant un nouveau médecin en ligne en ville.

Un étudiant en médecine britannique a créé un chatbot IA qui prétend fournir « des informations de santé plus fiables » que le moteur de recherche.

BTRU – prononcé Better You – parcourt les pages de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé pour donner aux utilisateurs des réponses personnalisées, tout comme ChatGPT.

Ian Soh, 22 ans, qui est dans son avant-dernière année au St George’s Medical Hospital dans le sud de Londres, insiste sur le fait que le bot qu’il a créé est “fiable”.

Il a déclaré: “Je crois en une époque où les gens peuvent prendre le contrôle de leur santé, trouver des informations fiables sur la santé et donner un sens à leur santé, quelle que soit leur origine.”

Plus de docteur Google !  Un étudiant en médecine crée un outil de recherche basé sur l’IA pour “des informations sur la santé plus fiables”

BTRU – prononcé Better You – a été créé par Ian Soh, étudiant en médecine de 22 ans

Le fondateur de BTRU a déclaré qu'il souhaitait que sa plate-forme obtienne de meilleurs conseils de santé en ligne

Le fondateur de BTRU a déclaré qu’il souhaitait que sa plate-forme obtienne de meilleurs conseils de santé en ligne

Les experts ont déclaré que les réponses étaient erronées et que cela pourrait causer une anxiété inutile

Les experts ont déclaré que les réponses étaient erronées et que cela pourrait causer une anxiété inutile

Mais les experts ont insisté aujourd’hui sur le fait que les conseils médicaux de l’IA ne pourront jamais remplacer ceux d’un médecin humain.

Le gynécologue Narendra Pisal a déclaré que connaître l’histoire personnelle de quelqu’un est «vital» pour le diagnostic.

M. Pisa, de la clinique privée de gynécologie de Londres, a déclaré: «C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles l’IA ne remplacera pas l’expertise médicale.

«La capacité à poser des questions pertinentes concernant le contexte est si importante lorsque l’on donne un avis médical.

“Souvent, cela vient de l’obtention d’un historique détaillé.”

D’autres experts se sont inquiétés de certaines des réponses données par BTRU.

MailOnline a testé le chatbot en demandant : “Je suis un homme, puis-je avoir un cancer de l’utérus ?”

Le bot a déclaré que les hommes pouvaient avoir un cancer dans leur utérus s’ils avaient “des antécédents de niveaux élevés d’œstrogènes”. Il a ajouté que les symptômes chez les hommes sont «saignements vaginaux, douleurs et pertes pelviennes».

Sur la photo, voici l'ancienne version de la page d'aperçu de la ménopause (16 mai) qui mentionnait les femmes six fois

Le NHS a discrètement omis les termes «femmes» et «femme» de sa page Web sur la ménopause

Le NHS a discrètement omis les termes «femmes» et «femme» de sa page Web sur la ménopause

L’expert en santé des femmes, le Dr Semiya Aziz, médecin généraliste du nord de Londres, a déclaré: “Jet n’a pas clarifié la terminologie des hommes, c’est donc une réponse incorrecte.

Seules les femmes biologiques peuvent avoir un cancer de l’utérus car les hommes ne naissent pas avec.

Cependant, les femmes qui deviennent des hommes et qui reçoivent un diagnostic de la maladie peuvent se considérer comme des hommes.

Le Dr Aziz a ajouté que l’IA peut créer une “anxiété inutile” pour les personnes qui ne peuvent pas consulter un médecin, et avoir un impact sur leur santé mentale.

BTRU a cependant rejeté l’idée que les hommes pouvaient tomber enceintes, décrivant la grossesse masculine comme un “sujet de science-fiction” qui n’a “aucun fondement dans la réalité”.

Un médecin du NHS a déclaré à MailOnline qu’elle avait constaté une augmentation du nombre de personnes affirmant avoir un lien émotionnel avec les «robots de santé».

Le Dr Hana Patel, qui travaille comme médecin généraliste dans le sud-est de Londres, a déclaré: «J’ai déjà des patients qui arrivent avec des diagnostics du Dr Google et des attentes sur la façon de gérer leurs symptômes.

“Il peut être encore plus difficile de gérer des patients qui font confiance et sentent qu’ils ont un lien avec un robot de santé IA, surtout si cela leur donne une réponse concernant une question qu’ils se posent à ce moment-là.”

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L’outil de recherche a donné différentes réponses aux pages de conseils du NHS, qui ont été critiquées pour avoir effacé le langage sexiste.

Les conseils du NHS pour la ménopause ne sont que l’un des sujets au centre d’une tempête non sexiste.

Il décrivait la condition comme “lorsqu’une femme cesse d’avoir ses règles et n’est plus capable de tomber enceinte naturellement”. Mais il se lit maintenant: “La ménopause, c’est quand vos règles s’arrêtent en raison d’une baisse des niveaux d’hormones”.

La première mention du terme «femmes» dans la nouvelle version se trouve à la quatrième page, dans une section sur les médicaments pour traiter la maladie.

Aucun changement non sexiste de ce type n’a été apporté aux cancers masculins, comme le cancer des testicules.

Le fondateur de BTRU a déclaré qu’il souhaitait que sa plateforme obtienne de meilleurs conseils de santé en ligne.

Il a déclaré: “Je crois en une époque où les gens peuvent prendre le contrôle de leur santé, trouver des informations fiables sur la santé et donner un sens à leur santé, quelle que soit leur origine”, a-t-il ajouté.

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US and UK spy chiefs praise Ukraine for ‘audacious’ Russia incursion



US and UK spy chiefs praise Ukraine for ‘audacious’ Russia incursion
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US and UK spy chiefs praise Ukraine for ‘audacious’ Russia incursion
The heads of the CIA and Britain’s spy service said in an op-ed on Saturday that “staying the course” in backing Ukraine’s fight against Russia was more important than ever as they warned that the world order was “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”.

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I’m a travel insurer… here are the FIVE things you need to be wary of when going on an all-inclusive holiday



I’m a travel insurer… here are the FIVE things you need to be wary of when going on an all-inclusive holiday
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A travel insurer has given his five top tips to consider when going on an all-inclusive holiday.

Grant Winter, a compliance officer, has warned Brits to be vigilant of diseases and illnesses that can be common when eating and drinking at package resorts in popular holiday destinations.  

Illnesses including cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis A can all be picked up from eating at contaminated restaurants and bars.

But for anxious travellers scared of being struck down abroad, Mr Winter has shared what to look out for when tucking in at the hotel buffet.

I’m a travel insurer… here are the FIVE things you need to be wary of when going on an all-inclusive holiday

A travel insurer has revealed what you need to avoid eating or drinking when dining at an all-inclusive resort on holiday (File image)

Always drink bottled water 

Firstly, Mr Winter recommended that people should drink bottled water as its purity and quality can always be guaranteed. 

When buying bottled water, he advised that you should always ensure that the lid of the bottle is tightly sealed before you drink it. 

Grant said: ‘If you can’t get access to bottled water for whatever reason, only drink tap water that has been boiled, use chlorine tablets or iodine to sterilise the water. 

‘Always be sure to avoid prolonged exposure to iodine though – this method isn’t best when doing it more than once or twice,’ he told The Express.  

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Get to the buffet early 

Moving on to the importance of food safety, the travel insurer said that you should always avoid eating cooked food that has been left out for a lengthy period. 

With this in mind, he said you should always aim to get to the all-inclusive buffet earlier rather than later to avoid being left with food that has not been freshly cooked to your order. 

He added: ‘It’s also better to avoid food that has flies buzzing around it, and to only eat raw fruit and vegetables that you have peeled yourself to reduce the risk of contamination’.

Never have ice in your drinks 

With his previous tip about only drinking bottled water in mind, Grant says you should also be careful about having ice in your drinks. 

Elaborating, Grant said: ‘Don’t forget about the risk of ice cubes in your drinks. 

‘In many cases, these are probably made from untreated tap water (however, some large resorts do use bottled water, so it is best to check), which can cause you to get sick.’

Check that your food is hot 

Giving his penultimate tip, Grant said that, irrespective of where you are eating, you should always check to see if the food is piping hot before you take a bite. 

He adds that this is something you should be all the more watchful over when eating out abroad. 

Giving an example, he said:  ‘Eating tropical fish that haven’t been cooked properly can lead to ciguatera fish poisoning, and unpasteurised dairy such as ice cream from a street vendor, could harbour salmonella, e.coli, listeria, or campylobacter, leading to food poisoning.’

Practice good personal hygiene 

Sharing his fifth and final tip, the travel safety expert said that good hygiene is all the more important when abroad.   

Grant stated: ‘Whilst it may sound obvious, personal hygiene should be a number one priority abroad to help avoid food poisoning and contamination. 

‘Always wash your hands after the toilet and before eating or preparing food, and make sure you take an alcohol-based hand gel to use when you’re out and about before eating any food.’

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Almodovar’s ‘The Room Next Door’ wins top prize at Venice Film Festival



Almodovar’s ‘The Room Next Door’ wins top prize at Venice Film Festival
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Almodovar’s ‘The Room Next Door’ wins top prize at Venice Film Festival
“The Room Next Door”, Pedro Almodovar’s English-language debut starring Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton, won the Venice Film Festival’s Golden Lion award Saturday. The Spanish director said dying with dignity should be a “fundamental right” as he accepted the award for his end-of-life drama.

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Rise of Ozempic BBLs: Appointments ‘double’ at clinics as weight loss drugs leave patients with saggy backsides



Rise of Ozempic BBLs: Appointments ‘double’ at clinics as weight loss drugs leave patients with saggy backsides
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Plastic surgeons are reporting a surge in women going under the knife for Brazilian butt lifts after weight-loss from Ozempic left them with deflated backsides. 

One plastic surgeon in New York City said BBL appointments have ‘doubled’ over the past year, while a second doctor in Las Vegas said his office has seen a ‘massive 50 percent spike’ in bookings.

Surgeons and med spas in Florida also said they are seeing a ‘noticeable uptick’ in enquiries of Ozempic users looking to restore their behinds.

Ozempic and similar weight loss drugs like Wegovy have surged in popularity, with 15.5million Americans now having tried them as a way to shed pounds.

But the rapid weight loss people experience has left them with sagging buttocks — termed ‘Ozempic butt’ — and led them to sign up for a cosmetic procedure to restore their plump behinds.

Rise of Ozempic BBLs: Appointments ‘double’ at clinics as weight loss drugs leave patients with saggy backsides

This patient underwent a Brazilian butt lift to restore volume to her buttocks

The above from Dr Christopher Costa shows before (left) and after (right) images of a BBL performed on a woman who had used a popular weight loss drug

Dr Christopher Costa, who runs Platinum Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, told ‘Many of these individuals are dealing with “Ozempic butt,” where the quick loss of weight and muscle leads to a sagging, flattened appearance [of the buttocks].

‘They often lose significant volume in their buttocks and see less definition in their waist and hips, making the buttocks appear deflated, droopy and out of proportion with the rest of their body.’

He added: ‘I’m seeing a lot of patients who are ecstatic about their weight loss but discouraged by the impact it’s had on their buttocks, leaving them feeling less confident.’

In most cases, surgeons say their patients are range from 20 to 40 years old and have typically lost more than 20lbs using weight-loss drugs.

Mostly, their weight loss has not been proportional and the women coming in for a BBL seem to have lost most of the weight around their hips, buttocks and thighs, but are still carrying excess weight in their abdominal area.

The backside is one of the main areas where subcutaneous fat — or fat directly beneath the skin — accumulates, which is quickly lost during weight loss.

It also contains a group of three large muscles, called the glutes, which may shrink if someone takes weight-loss drugs without exercising and eating a high-protein diet.

Dr Derrick Antell, a plastic surgeon in New York City, also reported the surge in appointments, saying: ‘We are seeing a lot of these patients where they were on Ozempic but then they get a saggy, hangy, butt, so to speak. A BBL is like a facelift for a butt, and it’ll help to restore its appearance.’

He said his clinic was normally only doing 50 BBLs per year, but this year the number has doubled to a hundred. 

There are two main operations that plastic surgeons use to restore volume to weight-loss drug users’ backsides.

In cases where the patient still has abdominal fat, the fat cells from this area are removed and placed into the buttocks to restore its volume.

In the second procedure, known as a butt lift, surgeons make an incision along the bottom of the buttocks, remove a ‘croissant shaped’ area of excess skin and then pull it up to lift and tighten the area.

This procedure may also involve fat transfers to the buttocks from other areas of the body to help restore its shape.

BBLs typically cost between $8,000 and $15,000, the surgeons said. 

In a number of cases, Ozempic users are also opting to have filler injected into their backsides to restore its shape.

Filler is a liquid injected under the skin to add volume. It is often used in the face to minimize wrinkles and give patients a younger look.

It costs about $6,500 for 20 syringes, with medical spas saying patients tend to be in their 40s and 50s and have already lost at least 50lbs.

However, patients who get filler into their buttocks will need to get more injections every six months to two years because the body naturally absorbs filler over time, whereas a BBL is considered a permanent fix.

Marlee Bruno, who owns the medical spa Mind Body & Soul Medical in Pensacola, Florida, told the number of patients coming in for filler have doubled over the past year and a half at her med spa.

BBLs hit a record high in 2023 while butt lift surgeries also appear to be rising

BBLs hit a record high in 2023 while butt lift surgeries also appear to be rising

Popularized by celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Iggy Azalea, BBLs rose to fame in the mid-2010s.

And surgeons are now suggesting the procedure may be receiving a new fanbase thanks to the Ozempic boom.

About 1.7 percent of Americans — or 5.6million people — were prescribed a weight loss drug in 2023, according to a data analysis by healthcare company Epic Research.

This was up 40-fold from five years before, when they estimated only a few hundred thousand Americans were on the drug.

Surveys from this year suggest that six percent of US adults — or 15.5million people — have now tried a weight loss drug.

Dr Michael Jones, from Lexington Plastic Surgeons in New York City, added: ‘The assumption was that as patients lost weight on their own through Ozempic, they might not need treatments like liposuction.

‘However, what we are actually seeing is a new trend: Patients who were previously too obese to qualify for surgery are now using Ozempic to lose enough weight to bring their BMI into a safe range for cosmetic procedures.’

Last year, a record 29,400 people got a BBL in the United States — up three percent from the year before and 20 percent from 2018, when weight loss drugs first became available.

There was a dip in 2020, with 21,000 BBLs being carried out, although surgeons said this was linked to the Covid pandemic and people being reluctant to leave their homes.

Surgeons are also reporting uplifts in other procedures related to loose skin caused by weight loss, including tummy tucks and arm lifts.

Dr Smita Ramanadham, a plastic surgeon in New Jersey, told this website: ‘BBLs have remained relatively stable for me, but I am seeing an uptick in arm lifts and tummy tucks, as well as breast lifts due to weight loss.’

In addition to losing weight in undesirable locations, Ozempic and similar weight loss drugs have been linked to a whole host of bad side-effects.

As well as nausea and vomiting while using the shots, patients have also reported the medication had caused their hair to ‘fall out in clumps’ and there have been reports of users suffering from poor mental health and suicidal ideations.  

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FT: Ireland 0-2 England – Declan Rice and Jack Grealish silence the boo boys with two first-half goals to give the Three Lions a comfortable win in Lee Carsley’s first game in charge



FT: Ireland 0-2 England – Declan Rice and Jack Grealish silence the boo boys with two first-half goals to give the Three Lions a comfortable win in Lee Carsley’s first game in charge
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FT: Ireland 0-2 England – Declan Rice and Jack Grealish silence the boo boys with two first-half goals to give the Three Lions a comfortable win in Lee Carsley’s first game in charge


Ireland FootballEngland Football

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French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM



French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
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French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
Two months after snap parliamentary elections that threw France into political turmoil, thousands of left-wing demonstrators rallied in central Paris on Saturday in protest at French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to name conservative Michel Barnier as prime minister in what they termed a “power grab” and a “stolen election”. FRANCE 24 reports.

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Billie Shepherd and husband Greg QUIT their ITV show The Family Diaries ‘to let their kids grow up away from the cameras’ – after six series



Billie Shepherd and husband Greg QUIT their ITV show The Family Diaries ‘to let their kids grow up away from the cameras’ – after six series
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Billie Shepherd and her husband Greg have quit their ITV show The Family Diaries after six series, according to new reports.

The couple, who regularly share intimate details of their family life on their hit show, have packed up the series to ‘let their children grow up away from cameras’.

Billie, 34, and Greg, 39, who share three children Nelly, 10, Arthur, seven, and Margot, 21 months, have grown up on reality TV since birth.

Their oldest daughter Nelly made her television debut on The Only Way Is Essex in 2014 when she was weeks old.

Similarly to Nelly, Arthur first appeared on screens shortly after he was born when Billie and sister Sam had their joint series The Mummy Diaries.

Billie Shepherd and husband Greg QUIT their ITV show The Family Diaries ‘to let their kids grow up away from the cameras’ – after six series

Billie Shepherd, 34, and her husband Greg, 39, have quit their ITV show The Family Diaries after six series, according to new reports

Billie and Greg, who share three children Nelly, 10, Arthur, seven, and Margot, 21 months, have grown up on reality TV since birth

Billie and Greg, who share three children Nelly, 10, Arthur, seven, and Margot, 21 months, have grown up on reality TV since birth 

Since Sam quit the series in 2021, Billie and Greg have continued to showcased their glamorous lives on their own show – where baby daughter Margot was introduced.

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A source told The Sun, ‘Billie has loved her time on the show and had loads of fun, but thinks it’s time she let her kids grow up away from the cameras for a bit.

‘She adores the memories she has made and will treasure them forever, she’s so grateful to the production company, but is excited about exploring new options with ITV.

‘There is no bad blood and the sky is the limit.’

MailOnline have contacted Billie’s representatives for a comment. 

An ITV spokesman said: ‘We are currently in production with a new series of The Family Diaries to air on ITVX and ITVBe later this year and are in conversations with Billie about projects for 2025.’

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline in May, Billie and Greg shared how they manage to keep their children ‘grounded’ after growing up in the limelight.

Billie said: ‘Obviously for us, you know, we always film and the kids have always filmed. They don’t really know much different.

‘I think unless there’s like something like a concern, like, you know, if Nelly comes to me and said anything she was worried about.

Their oldest daughter Nelly made her television debut on The Only Way Is Essex in 2014 when she was weeks old

Their oldest daughter Nelly made her television debut on The Only Way Is Essex in 2014 when she was weeks old

Similarly to Nelly, Arthur first appeared on screens shortly after he was born when Billie and sister Sam had their joint series The Mummy Diaries

Similarly to Nelly, Arthur first appeared on screens shortly after he was born when Billie and sister Sam had their joint series The Mummy Diaries

Since Sam quit the series in 2021, Billie and Greg have continued to showcased their glamorous lives on their own show - where baby daughter Margot was introduced

Since Sam quit the series in 2021, Billie and Greg have continued to showcased their glamorous lives on their own show – where baby daughter Margot was introduced

‘Obviously, the children are always our number one priority in their happiness. But I think we’re very good at keeping them grounded.’

Billie added: ‘They are kids at the end of the day, I think, you know, Nelly is such a funny, happy little character, so like, personable.

‘She’s always been used to having like, lots of people around her. And I think that it will only be like, positive for her and her future.

‘That was always something I I’ve always thought about like, “Oh, would she be treated differently? Or would she, you know, comes to face with anything” but honestly, like we’ve had none of that.

‘We’ve had no dramas at school or nothing. We would know it straight away, because Nelly tells us everything. She’s very open with us. And we’ve luckily, like, we’ve been lucky not to experience anything like that.’

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Revealed: How Boeing’s faulty Starliner could crash into the ISS in worst case scenario



Revealed: How Boeing’s faulty Starliner could crash into the ISS in worst case scenario
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Boeing’s faulty Starliner spacecraft will finally begin its journey home today after three months spent docked to the International Space Station (ISS).

But experts have raised concerns over a small chance that Starliner could malfunction again, and potentially send it careening into the ISS. 

‘There is an extremely small probability that if all of the thrusters fail, the Starliner could impact the ISS,’ former US military Space System Commander Rudy Ridolfi told

‘This will be like NASCAR for NASA, some watch just for the crash,’ Ridolfi added. 

Starliner’s technical issues – including thruster failures – have lefts its crew stranded on the ISS for the last three months. 

Revealed: How Boeing’s faulty Starliner could crash into the ISS in worst case scenario

Starliner will attempt to autonomously undock from the ISS today. Experts say there’s a small chance that thruster issues could cause it to crash into the space station. 

NASA officials decided it was too risky to bring astronauts Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore home on the faulty spacecraft. They will remain on the ISS until next year, which is why Starliner will return to Earth unmanned today. 

Shortly after 6pm ET today, Starliner will autonomously undock from the ISS and then begin a six-hour flight back to Earth.

The spacecraft launched June 5, carrying Williams and Wilmore to the ISS.

By the time the spacecraft reached the ISS, five of its 28 reaction control system thrusters had failed. 

As a result, Starliner’s first attempt to dock to the space station was waived off. But ultimately, the spacecraft successfully docked and Williams and Wilmore safely boarded the ISS.

As for whether these propulsion issues have been resolved, ‘I would say no,’ Harvard University astronomer and astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell told 

Although NASA and Boeing have identified overheating as a likely source of the issues, ‘they still don’t really fully understand why the thrusters are behaving the way they are, and so that means that they can’t say for sure that they’re not going to act up again,’ he said.

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‘Having said that, I fully expect tonight to go fine,’ he continued. But in a highly unlikely worst-case-scenario, thruster issues during the undocking could cause Starliner to collide with the ISS. 

If one of the thrusters fails to stop firing when directed, for example, ‘it could push the Starliner into a collision with some other part of the space station,’ he said. 

A full timeline of Boeing's Starliner program, from the singing of their massive contact to the incident that left two astronauts stranded aboard the ISS.

A full timeline of Boeing’s Starliner program, from the singing of their massive contact to the incident that left two astronauts stranded aboard the ISS. 

Crashes like this have happened before. In 1997, a Russian space station was damaged when a cargo spacecraft missed its docking port and smashed into one of the station’s modules.

The collision punched a hole in the space station ‘and the astronauts had to rush to  close the hatches to that module before all the air ran out of the whole space station,’ McDowell said. 

‘That was a very, very scary thing. So that’s the thing you want to avoid,’ he added.

Additionally, if more than a certain number of the thrusters fail, there’s a chance that Starliner might be stuck drifting toward the ISS and ultimately crash, McDowell previously told Business Insider. 

‘That could happen, but it would have to be very specific ones that fail,’ Ridolfi wrote in a statement sent to 

‘There are five ‘sets’ of thrusters and if they can still rotate the spacecraft, sets of thrusters can take over for ones that are out,’ he continued.

If thruster failures do send Starliner on a collision-course with the ISS, a crash won’t happen right away, Ridolfi said.

That’s because although the two objects will be close to each other, they will be in slightly different orbits, he explained.

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‘US Space Forces (USSF) will conduct what is called ‘conjunction analysis’ to show when the two objects could collide,’ he said, adding that it could become an issue about every 90 minutes as each object completes an orbit.

But the ISS also has its own thrusters that it can use to avoid a collision, which it does several times a year, Ridolfi said. 

Although, ‘it’s a pain to move the ISS mainly because it’s a pig and moves very slowly,’ he added. 

The ISS is equipped with its own thrusters that it can use to maneuver away from a collision, and does so several times a year.

The ISS is equipped with its own thrusters that it can use to maneuver away from a collision, and does so several times a year. 

Plus, mission control will be ‘watching like a hawk, so the minute that any one of the thrusters starts to misbehave, they’re going to shut it down and take over with a backup thruster,’ McDowell said. 

But even if Starliner manages to successfully undock from the ISS, it won’t be out of the woods quite yet. After the undocking, the spacecraft will have to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere. 

‘At that point, you’ve really got to have the thrusters working right, because they’re steering the ship as it’s firing its main engines, and it’s important that the main engines fire in the right direction,’ McDowell said.

‘The worst case scenario there is that you lose the thruster system completely, for example, and you can’t steer the spacecraft while it’s making the de-orbit burn,’ he added.

In that case, the Starliner capsule would re-enter at the wrong angle and speed, either causing it to burn up or remain temporarily stranded in orbit before re-entering uncontrolledly some time later, he explained. 

The issue with an uncontrolled de-orbit burn is that Starliner has heat shielding to help it survive re-entry. Therefore, ‘you could imagine chunks of this thing surviving to the surface,’ McDowell said.

‘And if you were very unlucky, that could happen over somewhere populated. And you could have a repeat of the incident we had earlier this year when some poor guy had pieces of spacecraft go through the roof of his house,’ he continued. 

But this scenario is highly unlikely. McDowell thinks it’s more probable that thruster issues could cause Starliner to burn up over the Pacific Ocean instead of landing in White Sands Space Harbor, New Mexico as intended.

In the event that Starliner’s thrusters misfire during re-entry, there’s little that mission control can do to resolve the issue, McDowell said.

If problems arise right from the start, mission control could shut everything down, keep Starliner in orbit for another day and try again tomorrow, he explained.

‘But once you’re well into the burn, if things go start going wrong there, you’re already on a trajectory where you’re going to hit the atmosphere in some form anyway. So you’ve just got to hope that everything stays right,’ he said. 

The risks associated with possible thruster mishaps both during Starliner’s undocking and its re-entry likely played into NASA’s decision not to bring Williams and Wilmore home on the spacecraft.

The space agency announced their decision at an August 24 press conference. 

Instead, Williams and Wilmore will remain on the ISS until at least February 2025, when SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft will shepherd them back to Earth. 

At another press conference on Wednesday, NASA officials stated that they have been working to mitigate any risk to the ISS during Starliner’s undocking, and that tests of the spacecraft’s thrusters showed that they were working well. 

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Industry woe for ‘the sick man of Europe’ Germany
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Germany underlined its status as ‘the sick man of Europe’ as its once-mighty industrial sector suffered another slump.

In a report that stoked fears that Europe’s biggest economy is on course for another quarter of decline, official figures showed production fell 2.4 per cent in August.

Industry woe for ‘the sick man of Europe’ Germany

Sinking feeling: Official figures showed production fell 2.4 per cent in August

That was far worse than the 0.3 per cent expected by economists and cast a further shadow over the eurozone as a whole.

Carsten Brzeski at Dutch banking group ING said the data was ‘a cold shower for everyone hoping for a speedy recovery’.


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Super Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam after leaving deadly trail in China, Philippines



Super Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam after leaving deadly trail in China, Philippines
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Super Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam after leaving deadly trail in China, Philippines
The death toll in Vietnam rose to at least four after Super Typhoon Yagi made landfall on Saturday with winds exceeding 149 kilometres (92 miles) an hour. More than a dozen others have so far been reported missing. Yagi earlier pummelled southern China and Philippines, killing at least 24, with Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reporting that Yagi had prompted the evacuation of around 460,000 people there.

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