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Que sait-on de ces images de Taïwanais portant des drapeaux nazis ?



Que sait-on de ces images de Taïwanais portant des drapeaux nazis ?
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Depuis le 21 avril, un compte en ligne pro-Chine partage des images prétendant prouver que les jeunes Taïwanais sont “passionnés par le logo nazi”. Cependant, ces images du drapeau du parti nazi ont en fait été prises lors d’événements marginaux dans un pays qui, selon les experts, n’a pas de présence idéologique néonazie significative.

Si vous n’avez qu’une minute

  • Les 21 et 26 avril, un compte Twitter qui diffuse régulièrement de la propagande pro-chinoise a publié des photos d’hommes taïwanais posant avec des symboles nazis.
  • Les images sont en effet authentiques. Elles ont été prises le 20 avril, lorsque des jeunes hommes ont pris une photo avec un drapeau nazi dans un restaurant de Taipei.
  • Il y a eu d’autres incidents de ce type où des Taïwanais ont exhibé des drapeaux ou des uniformes nazis. Pourtant, selon les experts, ces incidents sont marginaux et ne prouvent pas que l’idéologie néonazie ait une présence significative à Taiwan.

Le fact-checking, en détail

“Pourquoi les jeunes de Taïwan sont-ils si passionnés par le logo Nai ?” a écrit ce compte Twitter pro-Chine dans un post le 21 avril. Le post, vu plus de 750 000 fois, contenait plusieurs images de personnes, le visage flouté, devant le drapeau nazi ou même portant des uniformes SS.


Le 26 avril, le même compte a partagé une autre image, soi-disant d’un groupe de jeunes Taïwanais célébrant l’anniversaire d’Adolf Hitler.


La photo contient deux drapeaux. Sur la gauche se trouve un drapeau rouge avec une croix gammée noire, la bannière du parti nazi et de l’Allemagne nazie. Sur la droite se trouve un drapeau noir avec le symbole du “soleil noir”, qui a été associé aux mouvements néo-nazis.

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Un rassemblement pour célébrer l’anniversaire d’Hitler

Le message renvoie à un article du média taïwanais anglophone Taiwan News. Il précise que l’incident s’est produit le 20 avril, jour anniversaire de la naissance d’Adolf Hitler, dans un restaurant de Taichung, une ville de l’ouest de l’île.

Le récit de l’événement tel que rapporté dans l’article est conforme à celui donné par le compte Twitter pro-chinois. Mais Taiwan News ne cite qu’une seule source : un blogueur nommé James Curly, qui a pris la photo originale.

Nous avons utilisé une recherche d’image inversée (cliquez ici pour savoir comment) pour trouver le message original de James Curly.

Dans ce post, James Curly rapporte que les jeunes du restaurant avec lui se saluaient en levant les bras en guise de salut nazi.
Dans ce post, James Curly rapporte que les jeunes du restaurant avec lui se saluaient en levant les bras en guise de salut nazi. ©Facebook

Le message, partagé le 20 avril, raconte la même histoire en chinois. “Quand nous sommes allés dîner, il y avait un groupe d’hommes assis à la table voisine. […] À la fin du repas, ils ont hissé des drapeaux nazis et du soleil noir juste devant la boutique.”

Grâce aux détails caractéristiques visibles sur la photo, il est possible de géolocaliser la scène à un restaurant de fondue traditionnelle. C’est en effet dans la ville de Taichung.

Nous avons réussi à localiser la scène grâce à une autre photo du restaurant disponible sur Google Maps.  On reconnaît la même plaque de métal doré (en blanc), les motifs au sol, les guirlandes, le plat en bronze (en rouge et jaune) et l'aspect des murs.
Nous avons réussi à localiser la scène grâce à une autre photo du restaurant disponible sur Google Maps. On reconnaît la même plaque de métal doré (en blanc), les motifs au sol, les guirlandes, le plat en bronze (en rouge et jaune) et l’aspect des murs. © Observateurs

La date et le lieu semblent donc exacts, même si l’équipe des Observateurs de FRANCE 24 n’a pu vérifier ni l’identité des participants ni le motif de leur rassemblement.

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Plusieurs événements réels

Les autres photos relayées par le compte Twitter pro-chinois dans son post du 21 avril proviennent toutes d’événements similaires controversés, bien documentés par la presse locale.

En bas à gauche, deux images montrant un drapeau nazi accroché dans un magasin de Taipei, la capitale de Taïwan. Publiées en janvier 2019 par un habitant américain outré, les photos ont suscité la polémique sur Instagram. Le Chabad Taipei Jewish Center, une institution juive locale, avait également commenté l’incident, condamnant l’utilisation de ces drapeaux.

Un Américain a repéré des drapeaux nazis dans cette boutique d'un quartier historique de Taipei en 2019.
Un Américain a repéré des drapeaux nazis dans cette boutique d’un quartier historique de Taipei en 2019. © Observateurs

D’autres photos partagées dans le post remontent cependant à 2016. Elles montrent un faux défilé militaire dans un lycée de la ville de Hsinchu, au sud-ouest de Taipei. Pour l’événement, les étudiants se sont déguisés en costumes rappelant les SS du régime nazi, comme en témoigne la presse locale.

Le Bureau économique et culturel d’Israël à Taipei a critiqué l’événement et le directeur de l’école a démissionné.

Sur ces images, des lycéens taïwanais sont vêtus de tenues rappelant les SS du régime nazi lors d'un événement scolaire en 2016.
Sur ces images, des lycéens taïwanais sont vêtus de tenues rappelant les SS du régime nazi lors d’un événement scolaire en 2016. © Observateurs

Ces trois événements sont donc réels, mais sans rapport. Ils se sont également produits sur une période de plusieurs années.

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“L’extrême droite à Taïwan est quasi inexistante”

Ces incidents isolés sont aussi complètement déconnectés de la vie politique de l’île, explique Paul Jobin, chercheur à l’Institut de sociologie Academia Sinica, basé à Taïwan.

“L’extrême droite à Taïwan est quasi inexistante, du moins selon les normes européennes”, a-t-il expliqué. “Cela n’exclut pas un comportement parfois méprisant envers les travailleurs migrants d’Asie du Sud-Est, par exemple, mais il n’y a pas de parti politique qui l’encourage, ni même une agression raciste ouverte, comme c’est le cas des groupes néonazis en Europe.”

Le révisionnisme historique existe, mais il se concentre sur des questions spécifiques à la région, sans lien direct avec le nazisme. “Il ne s’agit pas de cela, mais plutôt des crimes de l’armée japonaise pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ou de la terreur blanche, la période de la dictature du Parti nationaliste chinois dans les années 1950 et 1960”, a ajouté Jobin. “A Taiwan, on peut parler du chef de ce régime, Chiang Kai-shek, comme d’un dictateur, mais c’est quand même parfois difficile.”

Alors comment expliquer l’événement du 20 avril où de jeunes Taïwanais arboraient des drapeaux nazis ? Jobin a déclaré qu’il est difficile d’en savoir plus sans parler directement à ceux qui ont participé, mais que l’éducation peut jouer un rôle.

« Savent-ils ce qu’est l’Holocauste ? Ce n’est pas acquis. Mais nous ne pouvons pas les absoudre complètement, car, dans les écoles taïwanaises, Hitler est en effet décrit comme le plus grand criminel du XXe siècle.

Pourtant, les images partagées en ligne n’offrent pas de preuve concrète d’une fascination généralisée des Taïwanais pour le symbolisme nazi. Au lieu de cela, ils montrent des incidents isolés qui ne sont pas liés au climat politique de Taiwan.

Des événements marginaux similaires ont également eu lieu dans d’autres pays asiatiques où l’histoire européenne de la Seconde Guerre mondiale reste relativement peu étudiée, comme le rapporte cet article de CNN.

Article rédigé en collaboration avec Lucie Barbazanges.

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England 0-0 Finland – Nations League: Live score, team news and updates as Harry Kane has goal disallowed on 100th cap
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England 0-0 Finland – Nations League: Live score, team news and updates as Harry Kane has goal disallowed on 100th cap


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Floods in Chad have killed hundreds of people and affected 1.5 million, UN says



Floods in Chad have killed hundreds of people and affected 1.5 million, UN says
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Floods in Chad have killed hundreds of people and affected 1.5 million, UN says
Every single one of Chad’s provinces have been hit by intense floods brought on by severe rainfall that have left 341 dead and affected a total of 1.5 million inhabitants since July, the UN said on Monday. 

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Moment ex-convict is greeted outside prison by a £200K Lamborghini after being freed early under Labour’s controversial scheme as hundreds of criminals celebrate release from prison



Moment ex-convict is greeted outside prison by a £200K Lamborghini after being freed early under Labour’s controversial scheme as hundreds of criminals celebrate release from prison
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This is the moment an ex-convict was greeted outside jail by a £200,000 Lamborghini after being freed under Labour’s early prison release scheme.

Around 1,700 people were let out by the controversial scheme today, with everyone eligible for release apart from violent criminals jailed for more than four years.

Photographs outside HMP Pentonville in London show a group of men gathered outside a black and red Lamborghini, including one prisoner dressed in a lakers T-shirt with his hair in dreadlocks. 

Footage then shows the luxury vehicle driving along the street, with the prisoner understood to have been picked up by either the Lamborghini or a Bentley. 

The stunning car is filmed driving slowing through a pedestrian crossing and around a bend on a busy street of cars and pedestrians. 

Footage shows the luxury Lamborghini driving off after parking up outside the prison

Footage shows the luxury Lamborghini driving off after parking up outside the prison 

A group of men gathered outside Pentonville prison in London today

A group of men gathered outside Pentonville prison in London today

The car is filmed driving slowing through a pedestrian crossing and around a bend

The car is filmed driving slowing through a pedestrian crossing and around a bend

The prisoner (pictured) is understood to have been picked up by either the Lamborghini or a Bentley

The prisoner (pictured) is understood to have been picked up by either the Lamborghini or a Bentley 

The driver of the car is interviewed by reporters outside the prison today

The driver of the car is interviewed by reporters outside the prison today 

Those set free by the scheme include hardened drug dealers, violent domestic abusers and even people who have played roles in the killing of teenagers, much to the fury of their victims’ loved ones. 

More than 5,000 are to be set loose over the next six weeks, including domestic abusers and sex offenders. 

Downing Street said the policy had to be brought in to avoid the police and courts becoming unable to lock anyone up because there were no places available.

But chief inspector of prisons Charlie Taylor warned some of those released would be homeless which could increase their chances of reoffending. 


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France reels from new sex abuse allegations against Emmaus charity founder Abbé Pierre
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France reels from new sex abuse allegations against Emmaus charity founder Abbé Pierre
Charities set up by France’s most famous Catholic priest, Abbé Pierre, are distancing themselves from their founder following a fresh wave of sexual assault allegations against a man once best known for his fight against homelessness and poverty. Emmaus International – which has more than 400 organisations worldwide – announced Monday that it was looking into “some kind of compensation for victims” the same day that an investigation by Radio France raised questions about how long both the foundation and the Catholic Church had been covering up half a century of sexual abuse.

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Apple’s new iPhone 16 button is dubbed ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’ – but some fans are worried it won’t work with a case



Apple’s new iPhone 16 button is dubbed ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’ – but some fans are worried it won’t work with a case
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Apple fans are revelling in one of their favourite occasions of the year – the announcement of a new iPhone. 

The iPhone 16 unveiled last night features new AI capabilities, camera upgrades and a boost in battery life, and is available in a range of colours. 

But it is the arrival of a brand new button on the edge of the device that is getting people most excited. 

The capture button needs to be pressed once to bring up the camera app to take photos and even delivers haptic feedback, much like a video game controller. 

Commentators have called the nifty selfie shortcut ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’, but other fans are sharing concerns that it won’t work with a case. 

The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus were the first two smartphones unveiled at the event, with Apple claiming they ¿mark the beginning of a new era for iPhone'

The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus were the first two smartphones unveiled at the event, with Apple claiming they ‘mark the beginning of a new era for iPhone’

With the new iPhone 16, a solid push of the capture button – located on the edge of the phone to the right of the screen – immediately brings up the camera app, while a second push snaps a photo. 

But users can also scroll their finger back and forth along the length of the button to zoom in and out. 

Naturally, fans have started to wonder how that is ‘going to work with a case’ that’s covering the edges of the device.  

On its website, Apple claims the capture button works ‘seamlessly’ with a new phone case that has ‘sapphire crystal’ and a ‘conductive layer to communicate finger movements’. 

Apple is selling this official iPhone 16 case in a range of colours on its website for a hefty £49 – an extra expense on top of the price of the phone itself. 

Commentators have called it 'incredible' and the 'coolest feature ever', but other fans are sharing concerns that it won't work with a case

Commentators have called it ‘incredible’ and the ‘coolest feature ever’, but other fans are sharing concerns that it won’t work with a case

A solid push of the capture button immediately brings up the camera app, while a second push snaps a photo. But users can also scroll their finger back and forth along the length of the button to zoom in and out. Naturally fans started to wonder how that is 'going to work with a case' around the device

A solid push of the capture button immediately brings up the camera app, while a second push snaps a photo. But users can also scroll their finger back and forth along the length of the button to zoom in and out. Naturally fans started to wonder how that is ‘going to work with a case’ around the device

X user @Erick_O_Mokua said capture button 'looks incredible' in response to a video demonstrating how it works

X user @Erick_O_Mokua said capture button ‘looks incredible’ in response to a video demonstrating how it works 

This official case doesn't have a cut-out hole for the capture button, but instead uses 'sapphire crystal' and a 'conductive layer to communicate finger movements'

This official case doesn’t have a cut-out hole for the capture button, but instead uses ‘sapphire crystal’ and a ‘conductive layer to communicate finger movements’

iPhone 16 prices 

  • iPhone 16 (standard): £799/$799
  • iPhone 16 Plus: £899/$899
  • iPhone 16 Pro: £999/$999
  • iPhone 16 Pro Max: £1,199/$1,199

Ultimately, it means cases sold by third-party vendors may not allow the capture button to work; MailOnline has contacted Apple for more information. 

Capture button sits flush with the side of the phone, rather than sticking out, so it may be more difficult to press with a case than without. 

MailOnline’s Shivali Best, who is in Cupertino for the iPhone 16 unveiling event, said the new button requires a ‘solid push’ and ‘takes some getting used to’. 

iPhone 16 – which comes out on September 20 – also comes equipped with another button dubbed the ‘action button’ on the other side, above the volume controls. 

While the action button was only included in the iPhone 15 Pro smartphones last year, Apple has put it on all four iPhone 16 variants this year.

Apple's new iPhone 16 will come in much more pastel and vibrant colors than previous models

Apple’s new iPhone 16 will come in much more pastel and vibrant colors than previous models

The iPhone 16, starting at $799/£799, comes in two display sizes – 6.1 inches, and 6.7 inches for the Plus model (which costs £899/$899).

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Meanwhile the two most expensive options – the Pro and Pro Max – respectively have 6.3-inch and 6.9-inch displays and cost £999/$999 and £1,199/$1,199. 

The phones are powered by new A18 chips, which feature a 16-core neural engine designed for generative AI-linked tasks and Apple Intelligence. 

What is Apple Intelligence? Tech giant’s AI platform for the new iPhone 16 is coming to the US next month – but UK users will have to wait 

As Apple launched the new iPhone 16 at its ‘Glowtime’ event last night, it was the company’s latest AI features which took centre stage once again.

Now, Apple has finally revealed that its highly anticipated Apple Intelligence will begin to roll out in the US next month.

As part of the iOS 18.1 update, iPhone 16 users will get access to AI features including rewriting tools, summarised notifications, and big improvements to Siri.

However, UK tech fans will need to wait a little while longer as the California-based tech giant says that Apple Intelligence won’t arrive there until December.

So, with the rollout of Apple’s first-ever AI tools just around the corner, MailOnline breaks down what is coming and when you can expect to try it out.

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Six decades of US presidential debates that gripped voters
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Six decades of US presidential debates that gripped voters
Presidential and vice presidential debates have been the highlight of the US presidential election campaign calendar since John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon faced off in the first televised debate in history in 1960. Over the next six decades, candidates have sparred and argued, often delivering memorable quips and rips.

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Give yourself the best chance of securing pension credit worth £3,900: Applicants face call centre chaos, eight-month delays and unanswered letters – read our essential guide



Give yourself the best chance of securing pension credit worth £3,900: Applicants face call centre chaos, eight-month delays and unanswered letters – read our essential guide
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Politicians turned their backs on ten million pensioners yesterday, leaving them with just one hope of holding on to winter fuel payments.

Sir Keir Starmer won a vote in the House of Commons to scrap winter fuel allowance worth up to £300 towards energy bills for anyone who does not receive pension credit.

But those who apply for the credit now could be left waiting until spring before they receive any money, with no help during winter.

Money Mail has found that some pensioners have been waiting up to eight months this year for these vital top-ups to the state pension.

Give yourself the best chance of securing pension credit worth £3,900: Applicants face call centre chaos, eight-month delays and unanswered letters – read our essential guide

Sir Keir Starmer and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves during a walkabout in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

Experts warn that delays could escalate, as tens of thousands have rushed to apply in record numbers in recent weeks.

More than 38,500 applications for pension credit have been made in the five weeks after the Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ proposal to axe the winter fuel payment on July 29. That is an extra 20,600 applications compared to the previous five weeks. Her timing could not be worse as energy bills are due to soar 10 pc next month leaving ten million pensioners without support.

Last week, Money Mail exposed how pensioners who want to keep their winter fuel allowance face a gruelling application process to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) that involves answering hundreds of questions on baffling subjects, including if they want to claim pension credit for any children.

Dozens of readers have since written to us about their ongoing battles to receive the pension credit money they desperately need – and are entitled to after a lifetime of paying taxes.

They paint a picture reminiscent of other government departments in dissaray such as HMRC and many complain of long call wait times to get through to the DWP. In one case, a reader was told there were 200 people in a queue ahead of her to receive pension credit. They also say their letters have gone unanswered for months.

Others give a litany of complaints about DWP staff – that they give out incorrect information, are wrongly rejecting applicants, making poor excuses, are rude to callers and make false promises. In one case, a reader was told the delays ‘hadn’t been helped by the war in Ukraine’.

For years, pension credit has been one of the biggest untapped resources available to those who retire with little or no private savings. Yet an estimated 880,000 have failed to claim because they incorrectly believe they are not eligible, are unaware of it or feel too proud to accept government handouts.

You are eligible for pension credit if you (and a partner) have reached state pension age — currently 66 — and have a low income and little put away.

If you do qualify, pension credit tops up weekly income to a minimum of £218.15 for single people and £332.95 for couples.

Brenda Ronayne, 77, has never been in debt but fears she will soon be forced into the red and may even have to remortgage her home after she has been left waiting five months for her £400-a-month pension credit.

A proud business owner for the past 31 years, Brenda was heartbroken to shut up her sandwich shop Baguette Bar in Swindon, Wiltshire, in March after facing a number of struggles with the enterprise.

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She needs pension credit to get by and filled in an application at the start of April.

Within weeks, the DWP confirmed she qualified but five months and numerous phone calls later, Brenda has yet to receive a penny.

She says: ‘In June I was told I would be paid within three to five days. That never happened and when I called in July, I was told there were 200 people in the queue ahead of me waiting for pension credit.’

She warned DWP staff of her fears she will have to remortgage her house if it is not paid soon, as she is burning through her savings.

When she called again just last week, Brenda was shocked to be told her application had not yet been processed.

She says: ‘It’s getting critical – I need the money to come through. I applied in good faith. When I asked about the queue and mentioned the 200 people ahead of me, the woman more or less said I was lying about that. She said, “no one would have given you this information”.’

Following Money Mail’s involvement, the DWP has confirmed it is reviewing Brenda’s case.

Derek Bridges, from Taunton in Somerset, was delighted in March when a call handler at the DWP told him he should be receiving pension credit.

At 71 and receiving £202.25 a week from the state pension, Derek met the age and income criteria.

Sir Steve Webb, a former pension minister and now partner at consultancy LCP

Sir Steve Webb, a former pension minister and now partner at consultancy LCP

Any savings or investments above £10,000 will affect the amount of pension credit you receive. Every £500 over that sum is counted as £1-a-week income and used to work out what top-up you get, if any.

Those caring for a relative, as Derek is for his daughter Claire and his 92-year-old mother-in-law who is bedridden, can get an extra £38.85 a week, and disabled pensioners an additional £69.40.

Derek has severe arthritis and should qualify for the disability top-up.

He was advised by the DWP worker to apply and make a request for the payment to be backdated for the three previous months, which he promptly did.

But within a week he received a letter telling him that his pension credit claim was unsuccessful.

Derek is not alone. Over the past five years, the DWP has turned down a third of all applications, according to a Freedom of Information request by wealth manager Quilter.

Upon taking it to the local Citizen’s Advice Bureau, he was assured the DWP had made a mistake and he was entitled to the payment.

Derek requested a mandatory review but has not heard anything since.

He says: ‘They don’t seem to care – it’s like facing a brick wall. It shouldn’t be that I have to fight for it. At the beginning I was told there was a 13-week delay. If that is still the case, people will be waiting until mid-December for their applications to go through.’

Pension credit is a gateway to many benefits, worth a combined £3,900 on average, including free dental care, a free TV licence, council tax discounts and help with rent and mortgage costs.

Derek says: ‘Without the badge of pension credit, it curtails all the other payments too.

‘It’s not a fair process. The form is so hard to fill in in the first place – they word the questions in a way that makes it easy to trip up. We lowered the heating last year and will have to lower it even more this year.’

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‘The payment means you can have the heating on for a little bit longer when it’s really cold.’

Julie Jones, from Derby, who has helped her 92-year-old mother Constance apply for a pension credit top-up, says they have been left waiting since January.

The great-grandmother-of-four received a letter from the DWP rejecting her application on the grounds she had too much in savings – £18,277 – which Julie says is incorrect.

Julie says: ‘We have no idea where this figure has come from – she only has one account and there was £9,500 in it when I applied. There’s even less now.’

Savings under £10,000 do not count towards your income in the calculation for pension credit so Julie has sent copies of bank statements to the DWP to prove her point.

Julie’s letters have gone unanswered yet each time she calls the DWP she is asked to write yet another letter.

She says: ‘What is the point of writing when the DWP just ignores them? I’m tired of its shocking misinformation, obstinacy, lack of care and understanding, and an attitude of ‘we’ll get to you when we get to you’. The DWP seems oblivious to the stress and upset its inaction causes.’

There are however, clever tricks to use when filling in a 243-question pension credit application to make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible.

Derek was advised by the Citizen’s Advice Bureau to complete the application over the phone and let DWP workers fill forms on your behalf.

He says: ‘The advice bureau said you are better off letting them fill it in for you. The way they word the question, it’s very easy to trip up when you are answering.’

Sir Steve Webb, a former pension minister and now partner at consultancy LCP, echoes this, recommending you call the pension credit helpline to apply rather than filling in a paper form. This is because call centre staff can skip dozens of questions where a section doesn’t apply to you. For example if you don’t have any child dependents or if you don’t claim any disability benefits.

The one-woman warrior fighting ‘national scandal’ 

Theresa Fazzani helps struggling pensioners with their applications

Theresa Fazzani helps struggling pensioners with their applications

Theresa Fazzani is a one-woman pension-credit warrior, helping struggling pensioners with their applications.

The 58-year-old has been through the entire application process for ten pensioners aged between 65 and 84 in the past year. And after spending more than 100 hours wrangling with the forms, she says the application process is a ‘national scandal’.

She first offered to help her neighbour June just over a year ago. When news of this spread in her community on the Isle of White, she assisted a further nine people.

In recent weeks, a further 31 pensioners who are concerned about losing out on winter fuel payments this year ask for her help.

‘The whole process must be simplified,’ she says. ‘The form doesn’t need to be 243 questions and 24 pages. Pensioners don’t understand what a lot of it means.

‘It just needs to ask for their weekly income, proof of that income, if they have any savings or investments, and leave a space on the back page for any other information.’

Theresa says people often have trouble filling out the form by hand and don’t have access to the internet. But the intrusive nature of the questions and a determination not to be a burden on the state is also a big deterrent.

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‘The stigma makes them hesitant to do it in the first place.

‘I spend a lot of time convincing them they’re not doing anything wrong. It’s very sad. They’ve got a lot of pride and don’t think they should be asking for money.’

The first step in the process is to sit with the pensioners and gather all the information she needs before taking it away and filling out the form.

‘They say they have attempted it before and thrown it in the bin because they find the form too difficult to fill in or don’t understand it.

The mental health counsellor says one woman took five weeks trying to complete it all by herself.

In taking up the fight on behalf of local pensioners, Theresa has encountered shocking delays within the DWP.

The average pensioner waits for six months from the time they apply before their pension credit payments begin, she says, but the wait time can be anywhere from three to nine months.

One woman Theresa helped to apply in February – still hasn’t received a response and has been told she won’t hear an outcome until November.

In some cases, she has dealt with applications for attendance allowance first, which helps with extra costs for disabled pensioners who need someone to help look after them.

This is paid as an extra on top of the state pension.

Theresa helped one 77-year-old neighbour to apply for attendance allowance and successfully boosted her pension.

June Davies (who asked for her name to be changed) has been a neighbour of Theresa’s for about three years.

Theresa says: ‘I was happy to help because the year before we watched June shivering. We paid for extra gas for her at the time.’

June says: ‘Theresa’s marvellous. I don’t know where I’d be without her. She’s the best neighbour I’ve ever had.’

Since Theresa posted on social media last month about the complexity of the pension credit and attendance forms, she has been inundated with as many as 31 messages from pensioners asking if she could help with their applications.

While it’s a mammoth task for Theresa to complete on her own – with each application taking about 10 hours to complete – other Facebook users have offered to help and they are considering holding sessions in the local library.

She says: ‘As many as I can help I will.’

While help from charities is widely available, Theresa spoke to one lady earlier this year who couldn’t get through to charity Age UK with the pension credit form as they were ‘snowed under’ and would have to wait at least a year.

If you need to complete the form yourself, Theresa says to get all important documents and information together before you begin. Be aware you’ll also need information about your carer, such as their National Insurance number, if you have one.

She advises: ‘Try and do a bit of the form every day to lessen the stress. Don’t sit there and think “I have to do it all right now”.’

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US, UK and Germany threaten new sanctions on Iran for arming Russia with ballistic missiles



US, UK and Germany threaten new sanctions on Iran for arming Russia with ballistic missiles
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US, UK and Germany threaten new sanctions on Iran for arming Russia with ballistic missiles
The United States and Britain formally accused Iran on Tuesday of supplying Russia with short-range ballistic missiles to use in its war in Ukraine and said a new raft of sanctions would follow. In a joint statement, the governments of the United States, Britain and Germany called the transfer “a direct threat to European security” and said they would be imposing new penalties on Tehran, including canceling bilateral air agreements and sanctions.   

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From what to say at reception to get a room with a balcony to the most bizarre requests and hidden perks: The VERY surprising world of hotels revealed



From what to say at reception to get a room with a balcony to the most bizarre requests and hidden perks: The VERY surprising world of hotels revealed
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  • has launched its annual Hotel Room Innsights Report 
  • It has uncovered ‘surprising services and stories from more than 400 hotels’

Astonishing items left behind by guests, wild room service orders and guitar concierges.

Plus, what to say to get a room with a balcony. has launched its annual Hotel Room Innsights Report, which has uncovered ‘surprising services and stories from more than 400 partner hotels worldwide… the secrets behind their most memorable stays’.

Here, we reveal some of the most eye-catching revelations.

Scroll down to take a tour to lost and found, the room service department and to discover perks you never knew you needed.

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Lost and found

From what to say at reception to get a room with a balcony to the most bizarre requests and hidden perks: The VERY surprising world of hotels revealed has launched its annual Hotel Room Innsights Report, which has uncovered ‘surprising services and stories from more than 400 partner hotels worldwide… the secrets behind their most memorable stays’

The report shows the most common forgotten items are dirty laundry, device chargers and make-up and toiletries, says

But guests also left behind pricey items including a Rolex, a Birkin bag and a €5.7million/£4.8million watch; pets including a chick and a lizard (these were found and returned after their owner checked out); and strange items such as two full-leg casts, dentures, a rice cooker, a car tyre, a blender and construction pipes. revealed that some hotel staff ‘went to the extreme to reunite guests with their possessions’.

It revealed: ‘One hotel hero drove 100 miles to return a passport, another ran several blocks to deliver items before a cruise ship departed, and another travelled four hours to return a forgotten suitcase.’

Room service

Bizarre room service requests in the report include burnt toast and a caviar hot dog

Bizarre room service requests in the report include burnt toast and a caviar hot dog

The most peculiar room service and services orders include an Evian-filled bathtub ‘so a child can bathe in the purest water’; a customised allergen menu for a pet, including gluten and dairy-free options and so forth; burnt toast; a caviar hot dog; fresh goat milk; 2kg of bananas and ‘a high five from a team member to ensure their room service request was read’.

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Hidden hotel perks – the perks you never knew you needed

The Four Seasons Hotel Austin provides an in-room guitar concierge for guests who want to strum on a premium guitar and the Sentinel Hotel in Portland offers Very Important Pets services, including access to top groomers and a pet acupuncturist for stressed pets.

The report also reveals some insider tips, such as requesting a smoking room to secure a balcony and a higher floor ‘for more space and quiet’.

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‘This place is excellent’: Russians fleeing war make new home in Serbia



‘This place is excellent’: Russians fleeing war make new home in Serbia
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‘This place is excellent’: Russians fleeing war make new home in Serbia
Tens of thousands of Russians have settled in Serbia’s Belgrade since fleeing their homeland following Moscow’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, many of them to avoid conscription, conflict or the politics of President Vladimir Putin. Russian restaurants, clubs and kindergartens have since sprung up across the Serbian capital. But while some have adapted well to their new life, others have struggled to integrate.

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