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Voici remark X révolutionne l’écosystème crypto !



Voici remark X révolutionne l’écosystème crypto !
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Luc Jose A.

En quelques années, la plateforme Twitter, aujourd’hui X, s’est forgée une réputation dans l’écosystème crypto en se démarquant des autres réseaux sociaux. Pour de nombreux specialists, la firme devrait jouer un rôle encore plus essential dans l’industrie crypto, surtout depuis qu’Elon Musk en a pris les rênes.  

Logo de la plateforme X, anciennement Twitter, qui selon certains experts révolutionne l'écosystème crypto

X, une pressure révolutionnaire dans l’industrie ?

X, anciennement connu sous le nom de Twitter, jette un pavé dans la marre de l’écosystème crypto. Ce changement de nom n’est d’ailleurs pas juste fantaisiste. Les specialists pensent qu’il annonce une révolution dans l’industrie du Internet 3.0.

Nombre de spécialistes s’attendent à ce que ce secteur change de dimension. Notamment parce que X a récemment acquis une licence pour l’intégration des cryptos à ses opérations. Une avancée qui présage d’un changement de paradigme dans l’engagement des utilisateurs dans les médias sociaux.

Ceci n’est qu’un facet des aspirations d’Elon Musk pour cette plateforme. Le milliardaire américain envisage cette dernière comme une « software à tout faire », intégrant de manière transparente des fonctionnalités sociales, financières et commerciales. Une perspective qui devrait s’appuyer sur les quelque 450 hundreds of thousands d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels de la plateforme.

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Par ailleurs, on voit la plateforme s’engager de plus en plus en faveur de l’intégration des cryptomonnaies. Ceci, alors qu’elle se construit une solide communauté de crypto-enthousiastes. Les principales figures de proue du domaine du Internet 3.0 ont trouvé place sur X. Ce qui leur permet d’activement façonner les tendances et l’actualité du secteur.

Les raisons pour lesquelles X peut être considéré comme l’avenir de la crypto

X, futur système de paiement crypto ?

Depuis 2020, l’affect de la plateforme, déjà évidente à l’époque, n’a pas cessé de croître. Il n’y a qu’à voir l’explosion des conversations mentionnant les cryptos pour s’en rendre compte. En trois ans, les références à celles-ci ont dépassé le milliard de messages.

Cette affect devrait continuer de croître surtout quand on s’think about la perspective d’effectuer des achats, transférer des fonds et recevoir des paiements crypto through X. Cet avenir n’est pas aussi loin qu’il peut paraître.

Selon plusieurs sources concordantes, X développe un système de paiement crypto dénommé « Cash ». Un projet soutenu par Stripe, le géant du commerce électronique qui, en 2022, a traité pour environ 817 milliards de {dollars} de paiements.

Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que X, sous la path d’Elon Musk, est en passe de devenir l’épicentre de l’adoption des cryptos. Ses plans ambitieux d’intégration de ces actifs, soutenus par Stripe, devraient la rendre incontournable dans l’industrie. 

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Recevez un condensé de l’actualité dans le monde des cryptomonnaies en vous abonnant à notre nouveau service de publication quotidienne et hebdomadaire pour ne rien manquer de l’essentiel Cointribune !

Luc Jose A. avatar

Luc Jose A.

Diplômé de Sciences Po Toulouse et titulaire d’une certification marketing consultant blockchain délivrée par Alyra, j’ai rejoint l’aventure Cointribune en 2019.
Convaincu du potentiel de la blockchain pour transformer de nombreux secteurs de l’économie, j’ai pris l’engagement de sensibiliser et d’informer le grand public sur cet écosystème en constante évolution. Mon objectif est de permettre à chacun de mieux comprendre la blockchain et de saisir les opportunités qu’elle offre. Je m’efforce chaque jour de fournir une analyse goal de l’actualité, de décrypter les tendances du marché, de relayer les dernières improvements technologiques et de mettre en perspective les enjeux économiques et sociétaux de cette révolution en marche.


Les propos et opinions exprimés dans cet article n’engagent que leur auteur, et ne doivent pas être considérés comme des conseils en investissement. Effectuez vos propres recherches avant toute décision d’investissement.

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AI accelerating API development, IBM says



AI accelerating API development, IBM says
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IBM sees a confluence of generative artificial intelligence and APIs, with AI powering APIs in a way that improves the productivity of API teams.

AI is augmenting skills that API teams may just be starting to learn, said Rashmi Kaushik, director of product management for the integration portfolio at IBM, during a presentation at the API World conference in Santa Clara, California, on November 6. “It’s able to help them complete their API projects faster.” Also, APIs are powering AI, she added. APIs empowering AI and the rise of AI assistance are truly beneficial to API teams, Kaushik said.

Companies such as IBM have released API testing capabilities on traditional AI. But AI is not magic. It has been a technology in the making for many years now and it is here to transform the way business is done, Kaushik said. Regardless of how much AI is leveraged, users want to make sure that it is safe, responsible, and ethical, she said.

IBM offers the API Assistant for IBM API Connect, powered by the integrated AI platform. It uses generative AI to help API teams accelerate API life-cycle activities for a quicker time to market, the company said. IBM API Assistant automates tasks, enabling teams to focus on higher-value work and innovation, according to IBM. API assistants are able to augment API teams, so they progress faster, Kaushik said.

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Java proposals would boost resistance to quantum computing attacks



Java proposals would boost resistance to quantum computing attacks
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Both proposals warn of the threat posed to information security by advancements in the field of quantum computing. A future large-scale quantum computer could use Shor’s algorithm to compromise the security of widely deployed public-key-based algorithms. Such algorithms are used by the Java platform for activities such as digitally signing JAR (Java archive) files and establishing secure network connections. An attack could be accomplished by a quantum computer using Shor’s algorithm in hours. Cryptographers have responded to this threat by inventing quantum-resistant algorithms that cannot be defeated by Shor’s algorithm. Switching to quantum-resistant algorithms is urgent, even if large-scale quantum computers do not yet exist.

Each of the two proposals is eyed for the Standard Edition of Java, but neither is targeted for a specific version at this point. Both proposals were created August 26 and updated November 6.

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Serverless computing’s second act | InfoWorld



Serverless computing’s second act | InfoWorld
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Despite these issues, the hype train was at full speed. For example, a large provider took issue with me pointing out some of the shortcomings of this “new” serverless technology. Instead of addressing the problems, they called for my immediate firing due to blasphemous comments. I hit a nerve. Why was that? The cloud providers promoting serverless should have had more confidence in their technology. They knew the challenges. I was right about serverless then, right when I wrote its decline. However, I’m always willing to reevaluate my position as technology evolves. I believe in redemption.

A technological comeback

Despite its early hurdles, serverless computing has bounced back, driven by a confluence of evolving developer needs and technological advancements. Major cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud have poured substantial resources into serverless technologies to provide enhancements that address earlier criticisms.

For instance, improvements in debugging tools, better handling of cold starts, and new monitoring capabilities are now part of the serverless ecosystem. Additionally, integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning promises to expand the possibilities of serverless applications, making them seem more innovative and responsive.

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Java app security would get a boost through quantum resistance



Java app security would get a boost through quantum resistance
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Java application security would be enhanced through a couple of proposals to resist quantum computing attacks, one plan involving digital signatures and the other key encapsulation.

The two proposals reside in the OpenJDK JEP (JDK Enhancement Proposal) index. One proposal, titled “Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm,” calls for enhancing the security of Java applications by providing an implementation of the quantum-resistant Module-Latticed-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA). Digital signatures are used to detect unauthorized modifications to data and to authenticate the identity of signatories. ML-DSA is designed to be secure against future quantum computing attacks. It has been standardized by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in FIPS 204.

The other proposal, “Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism,” calls for enhancing application security by providing an implementation of the quantum-resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM). KEMs are used to secure symmetric keys over insecure communication channels using public key cryptography. ML-KEM is designed to be secure against future quantum computing attacks and has been standardized by NIST in FIPS 203.

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IBM: APIs getting AI boost



IBM: APIs getting AI boost
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IBM sees a confluence of artificial intelligence and APIs, with AI powering APIs in a way that improves the productivity of API teams.

AI is augmenting skills that API teams may just be starting to learn, said Rashmi Kaushik, director of product management for the integration portfolio at IBM, during a presentation at the API World conference in Santa Clara, California, on November 6. “It’s able to help them complete their API projects faster.”  Also, APIs are powering AI, she added. AI empowering APIs and the rise of AI assistance are truly beneficial to API teams, Kaushik said.

Companies such as IBM have released API testing capabilities on traditional AI. But AI is not magic. It has been a technology in the making for many years now and it is here to transform the way business is done, Kaushik said. Regardless of how much AI is leveraged, users want to make sure that it is safe, responsible, and ethical, she said.

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GitHub Copilot learns new tricks



GitHub Copilot learns new tricks
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You start with an existing project and the details of build tools and frameworks, along with a target Java version (for example upgrading from Java 8 to Java 21). The Copilot upgrade assistant analyses your code base and generates a list of the necessary steps to run your upgrade, presenting it as a set of GitHub issues that you can check before running the update.

Once you’re happy with the tasks, the tool takes you to a dashboard where you can watch the update process, including how Copilot rewrites code for you. You can stop and start the process at any time, drilling down into tasks for more information on just how the AI-based code is working. It’s good to have this level of transparency, as you need to be able to trust the AI, especially when it’s working on business-critical software.

As this is an agentic AI process, the service can detect errors and fix them, launching sub-agents that make changes, rebuild, and retest code. Interestingly if a fix doesn’t work, it’ll take another approach, using the shared knowledge of the Java developers whose work has been used to train the Copilot Java model. Like other GitHub Copilots, changes that work are used to fine-tune the model, reducing the risk of errors in future runs. That goes for manual updates and changes too.

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‘Package confusion’ attack against NPM used to trick developers into downloading malware



‘Package confusion’ attack against NPM used to trick developers into downloading malware
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In other words, there is no single address, IP, or server to block. That said, there are downsides to the technique that are not mentioned by Checkmarx, including the fact that blockchain communication is slow, as well as public. The blockchains can’t be edited, or blocked easily, but they can be tracked once their use as part of malware C2 has been uncovered. 

Despite past predictions that the technique would take off, this is probably why using blockchains for C2 remains the experimental preserve of specialist malware.

Package confusion

Perhaps the more significant part of the story is that the technique is being used to target testing tools distributed via NPM, the largest open source JavaScript registry. Targeting testing tools is another way to get inside the privileged developer testing environments, and any deeper access to the CI/CD pipelines that they reveal.

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.NET vector data abstractions library now available in preview



.NET vector data abstractions library now available in preview
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Microsoft has introduced its Microsoft.Extensions.VectorData.Abstractions library, now in preview. The library provides abstractions to help integrate vector stores into .NET applications and libraries.

The vector data abstractions library, introduced October 29, provides library authors and developers with the ability to perform create-read-update-delete (CRUD) operations and use vector and text search on vector stores.

Vector databases are important for search tasks and grounding AI responses, Microsoft said. These databases are built to store, index, and manage data represented as embedding factors. As a result, the indexing algorithms used by vector databases are optimized to retrieve data that can be used downstream in applications.

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Dataframes explained: The modern in-memory data science format



Dataframes explained: The modern in-memory data science format
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import pandas as pd
data = {
    "Title": ["Blade Runner", "2001: a space odyssey", "Alien"],
    "Year": [1982, 1968, 1979],
    "MPA Rating": ["R","G","R"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Applications that use dataframes

As I previously mentioned, most every data science library or framework supports a dataframe-like structure of some kind. The R language is generally credited with popularizing the dataframe concept (although it existed in other forms before then). Spark, one of the first broadly popular platforms for processing data at scale, has its own dataframe system. The Pandas data library for Python, and its speed-optimized cousin Polars, both offer dataframes. And the analytics database DuckDB combines the conveniences of dataframes with the power of a full-blown database system.

It’s worth noting the application in question may support dataframe data formats specific to that application. For instance, Pandas provides data types for sparse data structures in a dataframe. By contrast, Spark does not have an explicit sparse data type, so any sparse-format data needs an additional conversion step to be used in a Spark dataframe.

To that end, while some libraries with dataframes are more popular, there’s no one definitive version of a dataframe. They’re a concept implemented by many different applications. Each implementation of a dataframe is free to do things differently under the hood, and some dataframe implementations vary in the end-user details, too.

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12 Java Enhancement Proposals changing Java



12 Java Enhancement Proposals changing Java
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Java’s internal systems and syntax are constantly evolving, and these changes happen primarily through the Java Community Process (JCP) and Java Enhancement Proposals (JEPs). Together, the JCP and JEPs define the path by which new features can be described, designed, and—hopefully—introduced into the JVM. They keep the Java language and platform dynamic and the community engaged. With JDK 24 so close to its planned release date, now is a good time to take a look at the upcoming JEPs making their way through the process.

Stages of the JEP process

You can check the JEP Index on the OpenJDK homepage for a catalog of all the JEPs, past and present, submitted for Java. The sheer size and scope of the index can be overwhelming at first. It’s not immediately clear what each JEP is about and which ones are more significant. You might expect major projects like virtual threads would be distinguished from proposals of smaller scope, but there is no such distinction. All the JEPs are listed, past and present, showing the complete history of Java’s evolution.

Instead of scope, the JEPs are organized according to their stage of development:

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